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Do I see head spots on all of the colored ones?

Also can you do the bigger pics next time, if its photobucket the large it normally just right...if not don't worry about it, I just really wanted to see the babies up close and personal!! LOL

I am loving the color of these babies, I am soo happy to be far far away from temptation...not that I could have one if I wanted...
lilratsy43 said:
Do I see head spots on all of the colored ones?

Also can you do the bigger pics next time, if its photobucket the large it normally just right...if not don't worry about it, I just really wanted to see the babies up close and personal!! LOL

I am loving the color of these babies, I am soo happy to be far far away from temptation...not that I could have one if I wanted...

lol dont worry I will make em large :) I was just trying to make them smaller as to not upset anyone - Large pics today :thumbup:

Im not sure if they have head spots or not... or just a weird skin-filling-in weirdness lol - we shall see! :D

Also - Brian and I are keeping two boys! I told Brian that he could pick which ones he wanted, seeing as he was so down with Maverick's passing....and he picked the little hoodie "Cotter Pin" and in his words "One of the other darker ones" lol and he will be "Cantus" - im pretty excited :heart: I've had a good friend of mine ask about the other boys, so here's hoping that goes well!
Some Day 7 Pics :)


here you can really see the variation in colours:

lj's Red :heart:

her namesake: http://www.brightestyoungthings.com/wp- ... ggle12.jpg
The Tiny baby girl "Doc" whose told me she'd REALLY like to meet 'mame??? :giggle:
just kidding!...or am i???? And im not showing Doc because Doc is the awesome old man inventor that lives in the workshop just outside of fraggle rock....but i think it makes an awesome girl name...one of her sister's will be named Sprocket http://www.liftingfaces.com/uploads/fragglerock_04.jpg
Some of the boys:

http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/muppe ... raggle.jpg

http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/muppe ... ason_1.JPG


http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/muppe ... doozer.jpg
Gobo and Cantus:

Doc and Wembley:
So cute, so nice, so lovely!!! They're looking so healthy!
Now to start regretting getting rid of all my baby cages...off to Value Village with me

Isn't day seven tomorrow??
:joy: :joy: :joy:
I just got back from the gym, and while I was there Brian came home from work - I walk through the door and he hands me a piece of paper....Its a receipt he's printed from an online purchase!!! He heard me talking about how hard it would be to give up all the babies that I've come to love so much so he went out and bought a cage that would be big enough to hold Cotterpin, Cantus, Juno AND all the other boys!

I know this means that I have to turn down TWO loving homes (My close friend, and also Dee ) but....but...they're my babies......and the option to keep them all, well lets just say it made me cry, and STILL makes me cry thinking about it. And thats not to say that there aren't a zillion other babies needing homes? Like Sprite's litters? and the new kids that HH just took in..... Ok, im trying to rationalize because I do feel poorly for getting hopes up, but Dee you're always welcome to be honorary auntie? To all the boys if you like.... (ok.... i know its not the same).... but if you'd like to talk to adopting from one of the other litters I could totally help you out transport wise??

I feel bad.....but also SO excited..... I GET TO KEEP MY SMOOSHY BOYS :bunnydance:

**edit for misuse of words *sigh* lol i am so smart, smrt....
Woohoo!!!! I'm so happy Bri is on board and loving them as much too. It certainly helps to have your hubby support you all the way.
This is really good news. :joy:
OH I love the big pics today.

The bubs are looking very blue lately, but perhaps thats how mink works? I have no idea.

Congrats on being able to keep them all!!!!--PS. this does not give you permission to not post pics everyday LOL :laugh4:
I'm really happy for you guys!! I know how much I regretted adopting out all the Frenchies so I wouldn't hold this against you for a second!! I'm happy all the boys have homes, now hurry up people and adopt some of these girlses :stickpoke: