Adventures of the Incredible 8 NEW Pics pg13

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So I decided to go ahead and start intros with the babies. They are 7.5 weeks old now, they aren't too tiny anymore and they are pooping fair size poops now so I figured, I need to get these babies in a bigger cage stat. lol

I created an enclosure using corrugated plastic boards inside the rat room. Normally, I do intros on neutral ground but I wasn't too worried with my oldies. It went fairly well. But after about 30 to 40 minutes, they were convinced they were all going to perish in that enclosure and they needed to get out of there pronto by any means necessary... jumping, chewing, digging, climbing... it was a sad sight. So I decided to just let them all go in the rat room, on familiar ground. They all scrambled to their favourite places. It was a challenge keeping an eye on all of them. In fact, down right impossible. I was getting quite nervous and at ever squeak, i'd jump up and yell. lol At one point, I looked under the cage and I could see shanti being a bully so I started to blow on her. lol But hey, it worked. Bastien was pretty good, but he didn't take any crap from the babies. He let them know that they can't walk all over him...literally, walk on him. lol Tachee was good, surprisingly. She just went off on her way, looking for treats. Seraphim was amazing with them. She would even flip herself over when they started climbing her. Meena was good too. She mainly ignored all of them. I hope it's equally as good tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Here are a few pics.




And Shanti... the girl with attitude, taking down one baby boy at a time. lol
I hope your nerves have recovered - that's one pile of ratties!
I'm glad things went well. I find introing babies of any species easier than adults.
Yes, but just barely, lol
Babies are definitely so easy to intro. They don't have a care of newbies. Tomorrow might be a big day for the oldies, they will feel more confident and will want to let the babies know where they stand.
Yikes! lol
Haha intros can be stressful and I have never had to introduce more than two, to a group. Sounds like there may be some madness haha but I'm sure it will all be worth it.
My biggest obstacle during intros in "rat daddy" he is such a PITA he will not let the ratties be! He's constantly butting in, moving them around, if they even get close to each other he's ready to whip (yes, I mean whip) and towel down on them. I spend more time telling him to leave them alone!!

Glad your intros are going better. I may never get a group introduced into another. :cry5:
Oh yes, that's not good to always intervene. You need to know when to hang back and when to gently redirect.

Day 2 of intros and I decided to just put them all on the futon in the rat room. And the rats were still quite scared and worried. Silly rats.
Finally after about 30 minutes, I let them all come down into the regular play area. Everything went very well. But nearer the end, Tachee had enough and was going after the babies to tell them what's what. Shanti didn't do a thing today. I had to stop Tachee about 4 times before she listened to me and went off somewhere away from the babies. So all in all, it was good.




So scary...



Meena says please mom can we come down from here.

Slowly they emerged from the futon.

And then off into the play area.


Awwww, sweet little loves! Were your oldies just as worried?

My oldies are quite worried when they don't have cage access. Which is why I really want this intro to happen fast so I can open up the cage for all of them and out time will include cage access.

Today intros went well. And as expected, Tachee is being a bully. But I suppose she needs to let these boys know that she wears the pants around here.
Are they safe enough to try putting a small cage down for the oldies to feel safer with or do you think they are to early on for a cage?
Right now, I'd say it's too early. The babies need a getaway and in a cage, that won't happen. But maybe in the next couple of days, that will be a good addition.
Today is move in day!
I've been doing intros for over a week and today is the day I am moving them in. I scrubbed down this huge cage and gave them an out time and then closed them in. There were a few "put up your dukes" moments which I quickly defused. But there are still some bullying going on from Tachee, a bit from Shanti and also Bastien, but I think Bastien just wants a quiet place to nap.
So far, almost all the babies are hiding at the bottom. There are a few brave boys trying to go upstairs. But the gatekeepers are on alert. The brave boys are Zak and Clive.
Oddly enough, Bastien is hanging out in the bottom part with the rest of the babies. I think his annoyance at them is all a show. lol

The main cage:

And same photo but with a Find Rico... lol
Things are going pretty good. In the beginning, the boys were staying hidden in the bottom and that worried me but not anymore. There's a couple here and a couple there...they are every where. Zak is the one getting "beaten" up the most. And by beaten up I mean told off. He's not careful and deliberate like the others, he just does what he wants, goes through anywhere even if he's not welcomed. Silly boy.

Here's Zak, he just stole a block from old man Bastien.

Here's Zak, squeezed himself into the hammock with three girls.