Secret Santa 2009!!!!

The Rat Shack Forum

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2008
Join us again this year for the 2nd annual Rat Shack Secret Santa.
Last year, it was a hit! It was a great way to interact with others and have fun. We will be buying presents for each other's rats again this year.

Please PM me if you are interested and I will send you a sign up sheet. I'll need your basic information, name, address, etc. I then compile a list of those that are interested and match you up with someone that has a close number of rats to you (so if you only have 2 rats, you most likely won't have to buy for someone that has 20).

I will keep the secret santas within the same country for customs purposes. We will be spending approximately $20-$25 (not including shipping) on the presents.

Everyone that is interested will need to have their sign up sheets back to me by December 1st so I can email everyone with the name and address of the person they are buying for.

This worked out amazingly well last year and we all had so much fun!

So, everyone sign up!

P.S. If someone wants to buy for me, please let me know. It was a little strange last year asking someone to buy for me..... :giggle:
Second thought.....How about we just send me this info?

The sign up sheet will include:
Your name, address, and email address.
Number of rats.
Sexes & age range.
Names (if wanted).

Also please include a ratty wishlist:
For example, my ratty wishlist is hammocks and liners. Or Yoggies and jingle toys. Etc.
ryelle said:
OMG i want to play but i dont know if i can afford it!!! :shock:
Yeah me too but last year I ended up spending $55 on Secret Santa... I guess I'll have to talk to the husband!
jorats said:
I'm so lucky... mine says: whatever you want dear. :cheeky:

Zooy, wow, $55? Is that because of shipping?
Yes ma'am!
It might be hard to do it this year... but I've never missed a secret santa!
I suggest everyone updates their "Who's your Rattie" posts. I usally like to check those out to get inspired for ideas. Also .... since stuff for the cage is most likely to be very popular can we try to specifiy cage size or type when signing up?
I would like to play. I watched it happening last year and wished I had joined in. But it would have to be someone who can afford postage to New Zealand, I don't mind paying postage to Canada/US. If no one can do it that will be alright too, I will enjoy watching it happening again :)
I would like to play! buttt i'm new, so not really sure how it all works! if i bought materials to make hammocks, cubes, ect... would that still count? i would of course get other things, but i personally like the ones i make... the store bought ones cost around 15-20$ for one hammock that my little ratties chew up in a couple days! would fleece ones that i make still count? :heart: ps do i need to send my information in a message to someone?

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