Rowan's Sweet squirming eeping bubs!(PICTURES!PEEPERS! )

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twitch said:
they are opening now. we just haven't been able to see the pictures.

Hehehe...I get the hint,lol. I am having trouble uploading pictures. Those three were all that would upload from a set of thirty I tried the other day :/

Blurry but my baby girl Seanan ("shay") with open peepers eating her first solids off my finger and grooming her little face. She also gives me some kisses too, she is such a cuddlebug sweetheart already! Hopefully I have better luck with pictures soon. They are SO active now. Running ALL around everywhere and they cling to your hands like little monkeys when you put your hand in the tank to pet them <3

(BTW..she is cuddling in my hoodie pocket sleep nursing on my finger as I type)
Peeper pictures!(FINALLY)

SEANAN aka "Shay":


Seanan LOVES her hooman mommy!



Still looking for her forever home, preferably with her sister Cadhla! Cuddlebug and explorer!

>>(Would you have the heart to seperate these two?)<<

CADHLA(pronouced Kyla :thumbup: ):


Also still looking for a forever home with sister Kara! She is the cutest little bit! They love eachother(and want a human mommy or daddy to love too!)


We found our forever home with eachother and a nice new mommy! Arn't we the sweetest pair?


We are waiting to find out if we are going to be adopted by a new hooman mum and dad when we get big enough! How lucky are we that we would be able to go together since we are best buds?!
Argent said:
That tongue!!! :D So cute!!!! How do you people manage to get tongue shots!? XD

It's pretty easy with Seanan, lol. That was the best of three tongue shots from one shoot. NOT getting a tongue shot from her is harder, she is always very kissy/licky. (Sorry I can't give you the magical answer on good tongue shots!Maybe put something yummy on whatever and just keep clicking?)
Oh they are all just darling!

I'm totally living vicariously through you. I've only raised one litter (and ended up keeping mom and all but two of the babies - who were adopted by my vet/friend), and my babies were all agouti, agouti hoodie and berks....very similar to your bunch. Reminds me so much of my little ones (who are just about to turn a year old).

Keep those adorable pics coming! :heart:
Where is this littler kara and cahdla are sooo cute. I live in moncton nb. Any way to get them to me?! I am in love <3 agouti hoodie:) and a mask black?! :):) send me an application. Maybe I can get my second level of my FN sooner.