Meet Dudley Do Bite or Dudders - Neuter Day :D

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mamarat said:
Not too long now then, Shelagh.

I guess its a small blessing in disguise? I'll be getting him at 5:30 and he will likely be still very quiet when I try to get him back into his cage. He's not going to like that I have decided he has to go into a different one. One easier for me to deal with him or get out of his way. :cheeky:
Poor you. Give him a few quiet days, have something that smells like him in the new cage. With luck you can throw those gloves away in a few days.
He's done, he's fine. :)

The gloves make him 10 times worse, so its been a bit of a balancing act. :(

I will put in all the items from his cage especially his little sleep shelf (stacking plastic thingie from the dollar store).

I leave in an hour to get him :D
He's eating, drinking, grooming and I saw him pop a bit too :p
He's very bright and awake for a rat that came out of surgery 5 hours ago

Theo's fine. I think i will let him meet the kind and gentle Bronny (spayed) for a bit of companionship :)

Dudders is a very active boy, he's always doing something, always moving, he was more curious in that picture than vengeful...when he gets that look on his face I remove all body parts if I am fast enough :lol:

Right now he is hopping up to the shelf, bouncing around, jumping off, chewing the bars then doing it all over again, with interludes of coming to the corner and watching me :)
mamarat said:
Could he be moving around so much because he's in pain? He sure is cute. :heart:

Nope, no pain, he's just being himself...he keeps bouncing up to watch me or see whats going on outside his cage. He is acting just like Dilbert did when he got neutered. I was sleeping and not moving for hours, must make up the playtime :p

he bounces when I use a "whee" voice. I have high hopes for him. :thumbup:
Dr. Munn isn't so sure though. I would love to show her why I think he's purely hormonal.
Glad to hear that Dudley made it through the surgery okay and is home safe and sound. :D So you should be seeing some improvement in his temperament in about three weeks' time?
You often will see an improvement in a week, some take 2-3 weeks and others can take months :)

Lets have our fingers crossed he's only a week one. :lol:

He has improved a lot in his cage. He would automatically huff at me when I was close to his cage, now he listens to me when I talk or sing to him, and seems more interested than homicidal :D
Well ... that's a good start! :nod: Improvement in as little as one week, hunh? As she ponders how long it'll take her to save up for seven neuters so maybe, just maybe we could finally have one great big TEA party once and for all.
you might not need to have all 7 done. just the instigators.

good to hear that duddly and morris are home safe and sound. now to wait to see the results of the neuter. its already looking promising with dudds.