mass intro- Phase 2 and phase 3- partial move in

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eagle said:

I see cheese balls, pine nuts and fresh peas. Very good Peggy. :laugh4:

You see right. Intro's with 18 boys 4 of which are the only neutered ones I will use whatever i can LOL the cheese balls were a hit with them all. And not one fight.

They love those tunnels! It was perfect for intros i can tip it up if they fight and see clearly with that many rats in there.
Who wants to place bets on how many nuts i have to remove before this happens? :dance:
For the most part they are not horrible but they will be a challenge.

I fixed the cage so they can start living with their smell. The top two sections will be for the group that isnt out at the moment, and the music men will live in there mainly. The bottom one is for out time and the smeeze dumbo boys to live in. I can switch from the top part to the bottom so they will probably rotate. Just to ensure they don't get to comfy in one part of the cage.

John and dark nose looks like dark nose may have started it. he bites them or grips them hard when he humps so i am unsure if he was doing that or just being a little jerk
[BBvideo 450,375:37bniupk][/BBvideo:37bniupk]

I am not concerned yet just because neither drew blood it was just an angry boy fight. They didnt even have teeth marks.

John was a bit puffy

The majority are doing well.

Dark nose, Boss, paul ringo and george...Their neuters have worked wonders :)

Dark nose is being a bugger in the cage right now. So I have 4 spays and a neuter set up for the 19th. It was for sendai to be neutered but I am going to take him instead of sendai. So he can settle down while i do intros LOL
[BBvideo 450,375:2agskj2p][/BBvideo:2agskj2p]

I had the dumbo boys on the top two parts of the cage while the music men had out time. I put the music men in the top two parts and let the dumbos on the floor and the bottom part of the cage.

I have a few boys that are rubbing which right now i am not concerned. Because they were perfect during intros. I think the mostly it is to be expected with new rat smell in their cage. It has been a long time since i switched cages with rats so any refresh will be good.

They are not fighting a lot. some humping but mostly excited boys running a muck. It is a new thing to all of them and sadly new for me to intro all of these guys since these are our first intros with both groups.
I know when one gets hurt that can be the end for intros. I am thinking about maybe doing nthis on the table next time.. I am hoping the cage switching helps. It has been a long time since I used that trick. I know all the b oys are stressed. If john and dar nose goes at it again they be taken outside or to the tub.
This thread is really interesting since I'm in the middle of doing intro's too, and any tip's on mass intro's is appreciated since i'm doing a group of 8.

But hope kudos's to you for taking a hard job like that, keep up the good work!!
Silly rough little boys hehe, still, sounds like its going well despite :D
Day 3- we went to the table which worked out very well. John is a bit on guard but not out right attacking.



Dark nose boy

how cute are they??









Ear injuries from Paul, Ringo or George



Scars from Templeton and Toby, but finley was a brat and wouldnt mind Toby :)

Sometimes you have to over power sir humps a lot.

We ended with rat piles and john being relaxed.






Ringo was trying to look dumbo




John and dark nose




line of bruxing boys
[BBvideo 450,375:3mfjj1zz][/BBvideo:3mfjj1zz]
Rat pile
[BBvideo 450,375:3mfjj1zz][/BBvideo:3mfjj1zz]
John and his stressed body language.
[BBvideo 450,375:3mfjj1zz][/BBvideo:3mfjj1zz]

So many cute pictures LOL i had to share. To see all those boys in a rat pile was a great thing after the little fight yesterday. They did really well today. I think they may require a lot of table time before we try neutral but I think in all after the few neuters they will be ok.
*Rebel_Angel* said:
This thread is really interesting since I'm in the middle of doing intro's too, and any tip's on mass intro's is appreciated since i'm doing a group of 8.

But hope kudos's to you for taking a hard job like that, keep up the good work!!

I am so much better with large groups than i am with smaller groups. It is so funny but I seriously dont see a difference with the groups once they are over 7 or 8.

Intros can be so funny. One thing may work one day and totally fail the next. One thing may not work at all then you move to another area and they work. You have to be open to trying new things with the intros. I shake tables, I open and close a noisy tunnel anything to take the boys from tense to scared because oddly enough they bond when they are scared. These will be slow intros because they are all older males so I have to figure out who the problem boys will be. But i am excited over it.
I have figured out who will go in for a neuter..............Lucky John. During intros not one of the boys are puffy except him. He chomped down on Dark nose (cant wait to figure names out!) and left a sore on his back. So when i take the girls in next week he will go with them.

Today was "Test the waters day" I will put them on the table blank for a while till I see everyone is calm, then I will give a box to see how they react. If they can be happy in the box then we move onto the next part of the intro. If they fight we keep going with no boxes.


At first the box was good. It still was with all but Little johnny boy.


They all piled in, well most of them, no issues no puffy boys.

John and Dark nose stayed on the table. I thought it was good since they fought on day 2.

You can see how the life comes to the boys when a box is put up. This is probably one of my most watched moments. If the crap will hit the fan, this is the moment it will. Balls come out when they have a bunker LOL
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up][/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]

John woke up, and went to the box. I just knew the second I saw him, he was full of attitude. ALways makes me sad when my sweet boys turn out to be the jerks LOL


You can see when he comes out of the box near the beginning, he was ready to start the chase. He had that look and that feel to him. You have to be in total tune with your males when you intro them.
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up][/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]

I tried a positive reinforcement when he didnt bite dark nose. This is not something I normally try, but I figured it was worth a shot.
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up][/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]

This is probably the best one It shows John in the act. He started out grooming him, but it was a bit harder than typical. His whole body language was not happy.
[BBvideo 450,375:3oxfj4up][/BBvideo:3oxfj4up]

I took the box away after John had his time out. I put them back on the table and smacked the dog food bowl with a little hand shovel. Once they piled up, I waited till john was calm and less stressed and I ended the intros.


I am still switching boys out of the cage sections. The funny thing is in the cage John isnt a brat hardly. He does sit in wait for the boys at the back of the cage sniffing the other boys below. Bowie and Simon have became cage rubbers after the other boys are in the part but they are nice during intros.

I will have to keep to empty table intros for now. I may brave the floor monday with all the boys minus John and see how that goes.
I don't know whether to say poor John or naughty John, ya he don't know how to behave, and yet he's new to the group I guess he can't help being nervous. Still, Dark Nose wasn't doing anything, he was all cool then suddenly pounce bite groom? Ouch! I feel more sorry for Dark Nose, but ah well this happends I guess (wouldn't know I've not done an intro like that lol if not only one intro that wasn't that big). I hope he settles down after he joins the 'free nuts' zone :cheeky:
I am still shocked it was john. I would of picked a number of boys but he wasn't one of them. He may stop even his biting isn't horrible but since I have an appt already I will get him done just to save the fights. The other boys seem to have adjusted well so we will see even if I have to work on intros for a while I will get them in there. I had 19 boys before I will do it again.
So Dark Nose is the only one he has issues with? I noticed boss in the corner just chillin, does he interact with John at all?
John is out of the intros due to a through the bar chomp on Dark nose boys. Poor guy got it to the testicle so he is done. The vet day is 4 days away I will continue intros minus him since it just isnt worth the damage. While I do finish he intros with the other boys, I will introduce john to the girls and once I attempt the move in with the boys, I will move him in with the girls. This could change though LOL but for now I am not going to deal with his biting when I know a neuter will stop it.

Unless someone has some better ideas because I have the 4 girls who will hopefully help this group out I just have to get them spayed.

All the other boys on the table were fine. No fights no puffy boys nothing but peace.

I wont be doing intros tomorrow because I have a long day at work and then I have a graduation party to go to.

So if you have any ideas please let me know.
I'm clueless actually, was hoping you could just come on down and teach my boys some manners too lol! Well naughty john then, maybe the girls will sort him out lol

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