Lumpy Baby - Meet Junebug and May :) Necro Pic

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How in the world is everything she has possible to come up in just 6 WEEKS! That's so upsetting. No babykin should need to have all of this. :(

She's such a lovely Junebug and seems to be having a blast and that we can ask for.
Aww poor little baby :( I too agree she's too young to have to be dealing with all this.

If worse comes to worse at least she'll be with you until the end :heart: :heart:
If nothing can be done, we are all forced to accept the situation as it is. I am glad at least that a) she's with you!!! and b) you have a vet who can deal with the out of the ordinary things. If there's a chance she will make it thru, this is as good as it gets.

Sending my best thoughts and wishes.. and staying tuned.. *fingers crossed* for Monday's report..
Jorats was here today picking up her 4 Montreal rats plus 2 wee boys LOL...and she examined little June...they cannot be anything but tumours.Sigh.

But she's a happy little I tried her with Mom and the 2 baby girls Kalea and Lupa. I think it went really well :D

Lupa, May and little June in the background


Piling into the Fish (June had already taken residence in there and the other 2 piled in then out :giggle: )


May exploring...she's a very sweet little girl. 6 weeks maybe?


Kalea and her mom who came visiting



Absolutely beautiful and striking May


Baby Junebug..I a downgrading her age to 5 almost 5 weekers are the same size.







May and Junebug :heart:

oh no, that poor little girl rat :( she's so young to have so many tumors! I am so glad she's somewhere that she'll get to enjoy what time she does have left. she looks like a happy little girl at the moment :)

lilspaz68 said:

ok, not only is this the cutest little rat girl, but I see what looks like a pink and white octoplay. I am jealous (I think I like the octoplays even more than my rats) :lol:
Sigh. What a bittersweet thread, indeed. I am so very, very happy that you got your hands on these wee ones Shelagh. Already their lives are so much more positive, and even if Junebug can't stick around as long as we'd like, I can't help but be overjoyed that she is having the time she has now. She looks so much happier and is now in the best of hands.
lilspaz68 said:
Well she's happily sleeping in the Fish right now...

May watching over her




Out cold again. :heart:


LOL!!!!! :thud: :thud: :thud:

Is there a rule against nominating ALL of those for RPOM?!?!?!

Maybe someone will second one and narrow it down??? >.<
jorats said:
Awwww... What a precious little one. How was mama rat with May and June?

Absolutely fine, she realized they weren't her own offspring to haul around. I am going to move them all into the R-695 tomorrow when I get home. :D and funnily enough she only yanks on them inside the cage...weird eh?