Introductions / All moved in together

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Not much has changed, just more bum sniffing and grooming. Im planing on cleaning the cage so when i put them on my bed they can walk in and out. Well here are videos and images:

(some videos would load, but im sure these are enough?)









Day 7, i cleaned the cage and let them out of the carrier when i was done, this is what happened =)

(the videos are still loading, but my sister needs the comp, you will be able to see all of them in about an hour and a half) Thanks for all your patience.

I'd leave them all moved in now. They look good. Some forceful grooming but that's ok. The others are good at submitting to the groomer. If at anytime you feel the grooming is becoming to hard, bang on the cage, it seems to interrupt the session.
They are such good looking and very lucky rats!
Thank you so much, i guess im lucky my first intros where good =) i guess i will go open the stairs to become one large cage, hopefully ill be able to sleep tonight XD and if i have any problems i will ask. Thanks again
That big beige one is going to be alpha. He looks like he is making sure they understand that from the get go.

I always give my new move in extra out time with the cage so they can run in and out during. It helps them adjust to the rats being there.
Thank you, i think he will be alpha too XD they didnt even come out of the cage yesterday, as soon as they where out of the carrier and noticed their cage they went in and did come out for play time on my bed, silly rats
i didnt see it, just found it. I just check him over, it pretty small, but Teddy also has scratches (bites?) on his tail. Should i take a step back in intros or let them work it out? Thanks
I would give it a few days of intros.. They may need more time. One of my boys got bit and he had to have a neuter because it causes issues on his testicle. Just to be safe I would give them a few more days of out time only if they are biting.

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