Do you have any weird fears?

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I don't know if I believe to the concept of the end to the world. I believe that if there is a big earth quake somewhere, then it is the end of the world for these people. People trapped in the World Trade Centre on Sept 11 probably thought it was the End of the world.

I try to imagine what the end of the world would be like and I have trouble imagining a big catastrophe that would suddenly happen.

When the dinosaurs became extinct, it didn't happen all of a sudden. It happened gradually and it took a long time before they disappear. And the Earth was still there.

I think that the "end of the world" would be the end of life on Earth and it would happen gradually. However, the Earth, Sun and etc would still be there.

The Universe is so big that we don't know if there is another planet like Earth somewhere with humans, rats, animals and plants just like we have here. Would the end of the world mean that these people will also be distroyed? Would it be the whole universe that will be distroyed? No one know for sure.
I'll contribute to this now morbid discussion by saying that I believe the end of the world is not only possible, it may be inevitable. Of course, it really depends on what you mean by "end of the world."

Even if the human race doesn't obliterate everything in an act of war or terrorism, we're still faced with the very real possibility that the Earth will be hit by a huge meteorite.

We have no way of knowing if a massive rock is set on a collision course with us and we have no way of stopping it once it gets here. While it may not mean the Earth itself will be completely destroyed, the impact of a large meteorite may very well mean the end of life on this planet as we know it - including us. To me, that qualifies as the end of the "world".

A long time from now, our sun will burn itself out. We won't be around to see it, but it will happen. If humans still exist at that time, they will be faced with the end of their world. Of course, by that point, humans may live all over the Universe, so the "death" of Earth might be viewed as the passing of an era. :wink:
The world will end, that's a definite :D but we'll probably all be dead when it does. It is said that the sun will turn into explode and engulf the earth. For awhile, the sun will contract, then expand rapidly into a red supergiant as it blasts off about a third of its mass through "thermal pulses."
That exploded material will become super hot as it expands, probably engulfing the Earth, and the sun's inner core "will settle down as a hot, nuclearly inert, dense object, a white dwarf star,"
The sun will be about the size of the Earth at that point, and at the end of its evolution. It will slowly cool and darken to forever disappear from the view of our galactic neighbors.
This dark cinder and the even darker outer planets that have not been swallowed up by the sun during its expanding stage, are all that will remain of our solar system but by then most life on the planet will have died off due to a lack of carbon dioxide because carbon dioxide is what gives us nutrients and helps plants to grow, animals feed on plants etc. so while we need to keep our carbon footprints in check. We'll all be dead by then because the earth really only has a lifecycle of 4.5 billion years then it's a big ice ball until the sun explodes :lol:
But keep your head up :D just think, we might get blown up by then :p

For fun, here's a cute flash about the end of the world (viewer discretion is advised)
Washing spiders down the drain! Does anyone remember an episode of the Twilight Zone (yes, I'm old OK?) where some guy in a motel room washed a spider down the sink and a few minutes later a bigger one was there? He washed that one down the sink and yup, you guessed it, a few minutes later an even bigger spider was in the bathroom. This went on and on until the end of the episode when you see a spider the size of a human pushing down the bathroom door. For the rest of my life since then I have never, ever washed a spider down the drain.

X-Ray Medium. About 10 years ago I had to drink some noxious stuff prior to having a colonoscopy. It made me so sick I was puking for 2 days straight. By the second day I was vomitting blood since the constant strain of heaving on an empty stomach caused some damage. I was in so much pain and so exhausted I wanted to die. (The doctor called me "uncooperative".) Since then I have not been able to make myself drink anything like it. I'm supposed have regular colonoscopies because I'm at high risk for colon cancer but I can't do it because I can't drink their poison.
jorats said:
On that note, had to share my husband's extreme fear of ... the Polkaroo!!

I met the Polkaroo when I was four, but I will admit I was very disappointed cause he had FINGERS coming out of his paw and a HOLE at the back of his neck with the back of a human head in it. Now that was traumatizing!!

I fear stairs, if its a high stair case I end up hunched over trying to climb them and look like a freak cause I am afraid I will fall backwards :oops:

I fear dolls and masks... human soulless faces are just.. wrong! I played with stuffed animals, not dolls as a child and locked all my dolls in storage when I got older.

Mirrors... again the whole human but not human image, maybe a fear of what is in the mirror? Evil spirits and such? Thank you so much Poltergeist movie, remember the scene with the statues mirror reflected head turning around to watch the little girl? I think it was the second movie when they were in that hotel or tall apartment building.

Bugs, mainly earwigs and centipedes. I have this weird girly high pitched shriek that seems to come out of no where! Lol, and yet I have geckos I feed crickets and maggots to.
Ok, my part on the whole end of the world? Well we are lucky that our moon, unlike others in our solar system, is slowly leaving our planet rather than being pulled into it. So our moon wont kill us, but if we survive the ice caps melting, the meteorites, and life actually lives to see the exploding of our sun, whatever exists then wont be remotely similar to us anyways but hopefully have the ability to leave our solar systems for "greener pastures". *pictures super advanced dolphin creatures taking to the sky* Though probably all large life forms will of died out and what will be left is bacteria and micropes who may have to start this whole evolution thing all over again. Poor bacteria, they work so hard!
Its sad to think we might be the only life and have messed it up so horribly.
Ashley said:
I fear dolls and masks... human soulless faces are just.. wrong! I played with stuffed animals, not dolls as a child and locked all my dolls in storage when I got older.

I don't have a problem with masks, for the most part, but I hate dolls. I find the older dolls - especially those made with human hair - to be especially creepy.

I suppose the reason I feel that way is that many of those dolls look particularly life-like - but not in a good way - and, with my vivid imagination, I could torture myself and imagine those things coming to life.

Of course, they never come to life to do nice things for you - like going down to the kitchen to make you a sandwich. The ones that come to life would always be the ones that are pure evil - the ones that want to steal your soul! Isn't that always the way these things happen! :roll:

As if that weren't bad enough, I also hate puppets, but I guess that's just an offshoot of the creepy doll phobia. I don't have a problem with all puppets, but there's one in particular that really bothered me as a child - Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Mr. Rogers must've been on whatever those advertising executives from MacDonalds were taking when they came up with the Hamburglar!

Yikes, that puppet is ugly. I am not afraid of puppet or dolls but I can see the creepy side of them. Same with clowns.

Talking of creepy clowns, I found this on youtube, yikes!!!

I find the music has a lot to do with scary stuff and I must admit that the music of this video is creepy.

Same thing about that ghost on Sylvester the cat cartoon. (Sylvester and Porky Pig going to a hotel haunted my mice.) The music was creepy.

I don't remember if I mentionned this on this forum, on the other forum or on Johnny's forum but I used to be terrified of Santa Claus as a kid.

I was okay with cartoons and pictures but I was terrified by those Santa Claus in the stores. I could not go see Santa Claus as other children do and I used to scream or yell when my parents were trying to take me there.

Once at home, I was fine and at Christmas time I had no problem about Santa Claus except I would never go visit him in the stores.
I'm scared of big wasps and the such in the house. If I see one, I run into a closed room and yell at Jordan to kill it.

I'm also afraid to talk to my dad. I can't (because of childhood trauma) talk to him without crying.
jorats said:
Jack Sparrow said:
Is that you Kevin? If yes, welcome here. I am Ozzyremus from the other forum.

Yep, we keep recruiting banned members. :lol:

LOL!!!! Soon this forum is going to have more members than the other one as more members are being banned, or at least blocked every day over there. Hope to see some more people here soon.