Do you have any weird fears?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2007
Even regular fears?

I am scared of Moths, Butterflies, and spiders.

I don't totally freak out, but I do the *ew ew get away from me" dance..LOL

I'm afraid of small places and heights :shock: Last year my BF and I went on a helicopter ride and I freaked out as soon as we left the ground :timeout: I'm sure that I left fingernail puncture holes in the helicopters seats :pale:
So I think that I would be terrible on a flight somewhere :cry4:
My fears are very stressful , lol. I am extremly afraid of diseases or life threatening illness. I've been this way since I was a little girl. I am one of the people who actually does believe it can happen to them. I have to try not to let it control me or I become depressed.
Another fear I have to try really hard to control is the fear that my fiance is going to die and leave me.
I am also very afraid of car accidents.
Okay, have I depressed anyone yet? :lol:
I am so afraid of giant black wasps. There was one in the apartment a few weeks ago and I refused to go in the living room. My bf was sleeping so I woke him up to kill it, lol.
Maple syrup. :shock: But only the real stuff.

My more rational fears are death and being alone (physically, not like in relationships).
Small dark places (i was locked in a truck when I was younger)
and Snakes. I puke literally when I see a snake. I'm getting better though, pictures I'm not throwing up with but when I'm on the farm and theres a snake, up comes my lunch.
Green food, anything green, I fear it and always has, it makes me stop eating (OH keeps buying veggies and I keep giving it to the rats)
I forgot about some:

Heights...If I am not secured into something: IE; a cage, plane, or a rollercoaster harness...I love to fly, I love the rides that fling you up high in the air...but I have something around me...If I am on top of a building/cliff/ something high, with nothing securing me...I freak out...

Water if I can NOT see the bottom

and confrontation...I hate to confront people if there is a chance of violence...I do not like to be involved in somethuing violent....don't get me wrong, I can fight, just do not like too...I get all gets far away and fuzzy...and I kinda space's weird...
I really don't like earwigs EW.... we put up brochure boxes on our forsale signs and they get in there and when I take the boxes off I have to get them out EEEKKKKK!!!

Also I have a fear of drowning. Don't know why.
YES. Earwigs. That's the best way to torture me if you ever need to. Dump a bucket on me. Drowning as well though it's fading over the years.

Ferrets make me really, really nervous, thanks to some children's book that told the story of a weasel/mink thing that babysat some baby pigs and she put them in the oven. Scarred for life.

But I'm agoraphobic now so really, all my fears are rather irrational!
Bronwyn said:
Ferrets make me really, really nervous, thanks to some children's book that told the story of a weasel/mink thing that babysat some baby pigs and she put them in the oven. Scarred for life.
wow, that is one crazy kids book... lol.
The dark!! I actually need a night light or some light coming through the window. My mom said ever since I was a little girl I was mortified of darkness and she can't figure out why. But what really gets me screaming is enclosed or confined spaces and then add darkness and I'd probably die of fear.
chicky82 said:
Oh, 1 more. I fear men with beards :evil: "shudders"
LOL! That reminds me of a story.

When my mom met my dad he had a beard. One late night after he had finished a gig (he used to play drums in a band(s)) he crawled into bed when my mom was sleeping. She leaned over to kiss him... and there was a shaven face! My mom flipped! She thought it was an intruder... but my dad, out of nowhere, decided to shave, LOL!
I have one more to this came up the other day...

I have a fear of falling off a bridge and drowning...I am always worried the bridge will collapse, and fall the 500 ft or however tall it is, and we crash into the puget sound!

(I am refering to the Tacoma narrows bridge BTW :p)
Asides from hating earwigs, I'm scared of touching anything but sand on the bottom of a lake. Sand is fine, but weeds or sticks... I'll scream and cry :lol: But once I have a good pair of water shoes, I could care less what I step on. A lot of fears have some sort of solution, at least I'd like to think that! ;)
chicky82 said:
Oh, 1 more. I fear men with beards :evil: "shudders"

My fear came from a stupid thing I did as a small child. I guess I liked the smell of oranges that I stuck the orange stem up my nose :p As soon as my mom found out she started to freak out which in turn made me freak out and I guess I started to cry and they thought something was wrong and rushed me to the doctor. :cry5:
The doctor couldn't get it out manually and he had a full beard and decided to blow into my mouth to force out the stem which it did. Boy, did I not like that! so much so that when he asked me if I wanted a lollipop? I yelled "NO!! I want my Poppa" (grandpa) and I stomped out of the doctor's office :redhot: :lol5: