Do you have any weird fears?

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I just discovered that McDonald's stopped using the Hamburglar in their advertisements several years ago. Apparently, a father sued them because the Hamburglar traumatized his kids. See - sometimes frivolous lawsuits do serve a purpose! :lol:

Thankfully, the Polkaroo never bothered me. I guess it's because I always thought the Polkaroo was brain damaged or something - about as useful as a June bug. :D
Is that you Kevin? If yes, welcome here. I am Ozzyremus from the other forum.

Johnny Depp has a phobia of clown too and apparently, coulrophobia is really common.

I was afraid of a ghost in one of Sylvester's cartoon as a kid. Today, I am the one who insists to see all horror movies that are released. I love horror movies.
LOL, there's this giant wall mural of a McDonald's characters doing the rodeo in Cloverdale. It has the double pattie hamburger head man fishing for filet O fish out of a tub, and the Filet's looks like a square sandwich with eyes and wings, and the hamburgler is on a bucking bronco, and the big purple monster has on a cowboy hat, and the single pattie hamburger head man and Ronald McDonald are wearing cowboy outfits on horses., and the pom-pom creatures are also wearing cowboy hats. All in all, I think the mural looks pretty darn creepy.
Jack Sparrow, yes, it's me! You couldn't get rid of me that easily! :lol:

You know what's really sad, I actually remember most of the names of the McDonaldland characters. Instead of using that space in my brain to remember important things, I've allowed myself to become a pawn of corporate advertising! :(

If you want to know anything completely trivial and unimportant, ask me! :D

The big purple thing was Grimace. I don't think anyone knows what he is, but someone once said he probably looks like a kidney after a lifetime of eating McDonalds food.

There was also Mayor McCheese, Big Mac, the chief of police, Captain Crook (I had to look that one up) - he steals Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, Hamburglar - he settles for stealing plain hamburgers, the Fry Kids - those pom-pom things, and Early Bird.

I seem to recall a whole bunch of chicken McNuggets running around too.

That concludes my lecture for today on McDonalds advertising! :D
Even though I grew up by/in the ocean (in both North Carolina and Hawaii), for some reason now I have a huge fear of deep water. Deep, dark water.

I also fear the end of the world, thanks to a weird dream I had a few years ago. I rarely tell people that, because then they start in on their theories of when/how the world will end :roll:

I'm deathly afraid of becoming pregnant. I never want children, ever.
I can completely understand why you'd be afraid of deep water - you never know what's really down there.

When we went camping, I would never go to the end of the dock at night because images of things grabbing me and pulling me into the water kept running through my head.

I won't tell you how I think the world is going to end! :wink:
I'm afraid of spiders too but especially the webs that they spin. It was worse when I was a child and today, I am able to control myself.

The weird thing about that is I love spiders but I am afraid at the same time. As a child, I would watch a spider spinning a beautiful web and I used to draw pictures of spiders in the web and post them in my room.

I would watch those spiders spinning their web because I thought it was so fascinating to see such artists at work. I would stay at around 3 feet of the spider and I was fine.

I found there was really beautiful spiders and I would appreciate to see all the variety that we could have. But to touch them or to approach them, no way!!!

My father took a beautiful picture of a huge spider web with the spider in the middle. There was the sun behind so the web looked shiny. He took that picture because I asked him to do it.

Today, I am able to pick up a spider in about 4982749874 kleenex and to send it back outside.
When I was younger my mom told me if you step on a spider, it will rain, if you pet (very light touch and fassssst) it's luck. I still do that to this day. lol