Betcha Didn't Know...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I love trivia! In fact, I have a mind for trivial, insignificant facts. So, I thought it would be fun to create a thread where people could post short, random facts about pretty much anything...

Betcha didn't know: Polar bear hair isn't white. It's transparent.
Betcha you didn't know: Every three to seven years, a warm current of water known as El Niño appears in the eastern Pacific Ocean, causing unusual weather conditions all over the world as jet streams, storm tracks, and monsoons are shifted from their normal patterns.

(Good thing my oldest son is not aware of this thread. He is a trivia junkie.)
I am aware NOW!!!


Betcha didn't know: That Lysozyme is an enzyme found in your saliva that initiates the digestion process as soon as you put food in your mouth, it is also used in protein purification to destroy unwanted cell walls of bacterial cultures, allowing us to get at the juicy insides.
Yeah I'm going to love it here...

Betcha didn't know: That all living organisms have some form of functional DNA or RNA, even the simplest viroid is composed of single stranded RNA.
Betcha didn't know that listerine mouth wash was orginally made for dandruff. It works, mix equal parts water to Listerine and spray it on your dog or yourself for that matter, wipe with a damp cloth, and NO DANDER ha ha ha

How they started using it for mouth wash, I'll never know
Betcha didn't know:

That as you age your bone marrow increases its fat composition markedly, but when you are born it is almost entirely heamatopoietic cell lines. Also - the liver is a primary heamatopoietic organ in rodents (but only becomes a secondary blood producing organ during times of crisis in other species)
Betcha didn't know that research into trichotillomania has revealed that mice with a mutation on the HOXB8 gene have shown abnormal behaviors including pulling out their own fur, indicating a possible genetic component to the disorder.
(I learned this from wiki-ing trichotillomania after hearing about it in my bf's psychopathology class that I sat through because I had to take him to school because of his car, betcha didn't know that either!)
Betcha didn't know: That your body uses a set of chemical reactions in the liver to convert ethanol (drinking alcohol) to a ketone known as ethaldehyde. It is for this reason that methanol is poisonous to humans, it is converted to methaldehyde, aka. formaldehyde - a chemical used to embalm corpses.

-Edit: Also, I don't think that Kevin and Jo are playing this right (so weird to refer to my own mother by here name...).
Betcha thought you knew: That the amino acid tryptophan causes people to become tired upon consumption (large amounts in turkey) however tryptophan really has no effect on how tired you feel, people just eat too much during turkey holiday time.
Betcha didn't know that....
i feel like a super-saturated solution of anatomy and histology knowledge. one more molecule of knowledge and everything may precipiatate out.... :thud: