Your rats name , meaning?

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I'm so happy to see other anime fans naming their animals after characters, things from japanese culture, etc, and from video games and books! XD

Rosencrantz was quite a surprise, since when I bought Rose I thought he was a she. A week later, after his little goolies descended, I was rather surprised, and faced with needing to change his name. My best friend told me about the name Rosencrantz (since I'm not cultured at all and didn't know of it XD ) so I could keep the name "Rose" and have it work! Guildenstern was Rosencrantz's companion, so his name was intentional so that he would match Rose.

I am a dork for odd, unique, or completely messed up names. When I adopted two boys from SQ I wanted to name them something really good! Since, again, I'm uncultured, I didn't know any other names that would go with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, I had to find another theme! So I picked Norse Gods. Loki was the more mischievous of the brothers so he was named after the god of mischief, and Freyr was the more 'sensible' boy, and his dark color reminded me of a thunderstorm, thus the name Freyr, which is for the god that had authority over rain.
Only one of my bubs has a name that has a meaning, Lambert.
I named him after Lambert the sheepish lion, its a cartoon I loved as a kid. The stork is delivering all the lambs to the mama sheep but he forgets one lamb for one of the sheep, so he comes back and delivers her a lion cub. All the other lambs tease him because he is different and he is a cowardly lion because his mama babied him. One day a wolf comes and steals Lambert's mom, Lambert immediately goes into lion mode and rescues his mom and all the sheep see how brave he really is and stop teasing him.

Here's the link to the cartoon:

When I saw Lambert I was incredibly depressed after losing my heart rat, Lola. I was in the pet store (bad I know!) just browsing toys and there he was, he was no older than 3 weeks and was very sickly, he was smaller than the adult mice. I knew I had to have him and we made a trip to the vet, he had a respiratory infection, skin infection and mites. We got him all cleaned up and quickly became a mama's boy. He was picked on a lot by the others but he always knew I would come to his rescue and put him someplace safe. Only now that he is a year and a half he is starting to stand up for himself and show his "lion". Nobody picks on him anymore :wink:

Here is my baby Lamb:
Emmy, blue berk, was named after Emmy Rossum (played Christine Daae in The Phantom of the Opera)
Tilly, blue self, was named after Tilly a novella by Frank E. Peretti.

The names really fit them both. I pretty much just came up with who they were named after after I named them. :cheeky:

My other pets where kind of random.
I got Coal when I was six, and he's a black kitty.
My brother actually named Callie. I always liked the name Calia, but no one else did.

The only fish that have some meaning in their names are Jinhai (Siamese fighting fish, name means "golden sea" in Chinese), Betty (fully it's Itty Bitty Betty, she's TINY), and Sir Edwin (he's a Chinese algae eater and quite proper. Fully, his name is Sir Edwin IV of Birmingshire).
I named Stitches after the store :p And Juicy is a shortened name for Juicy Couture, and then my Bella, she's after Bella from The Twilight Sage :)
Two of my rescue boys were named Starsky and Hutch, but I didn't like the names so I named them after my favorite CSI character Gil and Grissom. Gil has been renamed Sid.
Paddington was named after the carton Paddington Bear.
My agouti girls were given Christmas theme names, Eve, Star, Holly and Ivy.
It takes me forever to name my rats and I have asked others to help out, ie Jorats, mamarats, Cait, Eveliens. :thumbup:
Hmm, meanings...

I'll go by groups of rats (since I've always had them in pairs):

Boys 1:
Fitz (Fitzwilliam Darcy): black berkshire, with markings on his belly that looked EXACTLY like a white tie (stripes from the shoulders, meeting at the middle in a 'knot' and then a thicker squiggly marking going down his belly) and white paws. Figured he was very much a tuxedo rat, and very proper - plus I've had a crush on Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice since Grade 10 (about 8 years ago-ish).

Tiddley (Tiddleyompompom): name of a German store - I suppose it could also apply to 'tiddleywinks'. He was a mix of colors, really - beige, grey on one rump, cream belly, etc. He was more of an imp than Fitz!

Princess Violetta Puffball Petunia: that's the name of just ONE tiny PEW dumbo girl! I had intended to name her Violetta, after the heroine in my favorite opera 'La Traviata', and my mother contributed "she looks just like a princess, and such a puffball - or maybe a petunia!" :roll: Petunia was a pet name for me when I was much younger, but my mother came up with it last, and a few days after the other three, so it definitely couldn't become her first name. I called her 'Princess Violetta' after a few days, but finally Princess stuck because despite her being TINY, she was born to rule!

Plumeria: got her a few months after a trip to Hawai'i - I fell in love with Kona, a town on the Big Island. We rented a place, and in the front yard was this GORGEOUS tree with beautiful fragrant cream-white five-petaled blossoms with yellow centers. When I got her, I wasn't sure what to name her, so I whipped out my English-Hawai'ian Hawai'ian-English dictionary and started reading words out to her. When I got to 'plumeria' she licked my hand, so that was it.

Boys 2:

Mr. Honeycomb: first closeup picture I saw of him was of him munching on honeycomb cereal. I think I was calling him that just as an identifier, but when I suggested to my boyfriend that we should decide on a name, he thought Mr. Honeycomb was perfect! He's a siamese/himalayan dumbo, and he's gonna be HUGE (his dad's 2 lbs!).

Chance (Chancey-Pants, Chancey-Chauncers): black hooded, standard-eared. He got his name because of the circumstances of his rescue - he's very lucky!
My grandson named Sally, though I'm not sure why he chose that name. And hubby named his girl Lucy, because it ends with the 'eee' sound so the girls names ended the same.

Josie was originally named Amanda Lee by the girl who had her before, but since we had 2 others which names that ended in the 'eee' sound, why not keep it up? So then came Molly and Amy.

Poor Josie, the only one who's name ends with IE instead of Y. At least it ends with the proper sound!

Most of our boys are named after TV or movie characters. 2 groups had/have Roman emperor names. When we have girls they usually have Celtic names. When we have PEWs they have Hindu names (except my 1st PEW boy who was my heart rat - Legolas). We had Mooshika, Karni Mata & Kismet (RIP)

We have all boys now:
Dr. Who/Torchwood/ Sarah Jane Chronicals
Face of Boe
Jack (RIP)


Man in the Iron Mask
Porthos, Aremis, D'Artagnan have all passed to the bridge


The Romans (all brothers)
Trajan, Attollicus, Maximus & Theodosius have all passed to the bridge

The odd boys --- Theodore came with his name & it stuck and Oliver because the moment I saw him he was instantly just an "Oliver".

We also had a huge group of LOTR boys over a few years, most of them main characters and a few obscure names from the books. Also had boys from Ratattouille, Babylon 5, Quantum Leap and Supernatural. Unfortunately they have all gone to the bridge.
Ewa said:
Mine is Sophee , named after the lead girl in the movie "Howls Moving Castle"

I have a Calcifur over here :wink2:

Zero- from Vampire Kinght
Flower -had a Sugar and Spice
Oscar and Felix -from The Odd Couple
Okay....I will start from my very first rat.

Jasper, she was a PEW, and the rat that made me fall in love with ratties. Her eyes were so pretty and red, and the name Ruby just didn't fit her, so I named her Jaspers because their are rare jaspers that are as red and clear as rubies...and Jasper fit.

Magnolia, she was a cinnamon hoodie. Very sweet and shy, but never really liked me. I called her Maggie, their wasn't much meaning behind her name, I just liked it.

Then their was Saturn, a blue berkie boy and my first boy rat. He didn't live more than a few weeks. He was very sick when I took him in-and never got better. But I was attached to him and loved him very much. The color of his coat reminded me a pictures of saturn I had seen in a book. So, I named him Saturn.

Next came Osiris. He was a big boy-he deserved a godly and kingly name-and I love mythology especially of the egyptian nature, so I chose Osiris. He was a very light silver boy-I guess you would say platinum. He was such a big squish!

Then their was Bonnie the PEW, my teeny blind girl. I bought her from Petco out from under a guy who intended to buy her for snake lunch-he talked too loud and left the store to get his wallet-so I chimed in and bought her before he could. I named her Bonnie, because she was small and fiesty just like a short little lady I worked with and was close friends with. Bonnie was a fireball!

Our first rat as a couple, Matt and I, was Jackie Boy. Oh boy was Jackie Boy a hormonel attitude loaded boy, and aguoit berk. I named him Jackie Boy after Benicio Del Toro's character in the movie Sin City...I love him and I love the movie. It so fitted my Jackie Boy....I am just sorry I never got to really get to know Jack. He was only a few months old when a massive tumor formed on his was everywhere in his insides. Poor baby. :(

Then came the Lily Bear! She was the color of an off white calla lily, and as soft. She got the name bear because she was also round like a polar bear! She is the oldest of my colony thus far at 21 months old!

Then came little blue berkie girlie. She was just so pretty, a glamerous girl and so dark blue...Cordelia to me means dark beauty, so, it was her name.

Next came Lucy Loo-my aguoti hoodie. Just a cute name-no meaning.

Then their was Noelle Belle. My hubby got her for me for xmas, she is a blue hooded dumbo and my first and only dumbo. Her name is Noelle because she was a xmas rat!

Then their was Stella, a chocolate hoodie. The rat that hates me with a disco queen name.

Next came Sam....a himi girl. Her full name is Samurai because I wanted an asian name and because LJ is so darn clever!

Then Harry-a boy agouti hoodie. My husband liked the name Harry, so he is a Harry, LoL.

And Harry's brother, Owen. Owen is a siamese, and reminds me of Owen Wilson because he is kinda goofy, hehe.

Lastly, Kaluah. Kaluah is the rat I have always wanted-a nakie! My sister in law and I like to make different alcoholic beverages...and Kaluah is one of our mutual favorite mixers...and since she is the one who actually got her for me even though I didn't want to buy her from the petstore...I named her Kaluah.

And thems be muh ratties and their names and meanings!
My RIP babies:

McTavish:Absolutely no meaning. My mom named him on our way home with him. She figured he just fit the part

Lochlan:Fighter. He was so sick and neglected when I got him, but he fought so hard to get better. It was really a miracle he became well enough that I got to spend even a breif time with him :)

Keiran: Means little dark one. He was a beautiful black berk, but he was very gentle and reserved in his demenor. It fit him perfectly.

Kenadie: Means misshapen head. She was a sweet little one, but she did have an odd little head, unfortunately a sign that all was not well.

My current babies:

Eros: LOVE. Eros has a heart shaped tummy spot and when he was a baby he was such a little love, and still is to humans. He is kind of a bully to other rats though,lol.

Gallagher: Means brave. When he and Keiran came to live with me, Keiran was the reserved, gentle one, and Gallagher was the brave explorer.

Gaelan: Calm. This totally encompasses everything that is Gaelan. He is a gentle, calm, loving soul. A wonderful individual.

Rowan: Means little red one. And Rowan is the most gorgeous shade of agouti, that really rich red colouring.

Seanan: Means wise. She is a bit of a silly baby now, but I thought it was a nice meaning and something to grow into. She is already a thoughtful, gentle and beautiful baby so I know it will suit her perfectly.

And the babies in my care(until they are adopted and given new ones):

Tallie:princess. What more can I say? She is a little princess :). My sister thinks she will be keeping this name.

Bri:Noble, strong, virtuous. Another nice name for Bri to grow out of her baby boots into. My sister thinks she will be keeping thsi name.

Cadhla(KY-lah):Beautiful. She is such a big, beautiful bub that the name hardly needs to be explained.

Kara:Friend. She is a friendly, social, cuddly little thing, and she will make someone a very true and wonderful friend I know.

Rory:Red king. He is a beautiful agouti hooded boy, and I know he will grow up to be a wonderful squish.

Bryant:Noble, strong, virtuous. Bryant is a good boy, very friendly and bold, a bit of a goof still, but he will certainly be a strong boy, and a dignified squish too.
dogsnbears said:
Ewa said:
Mine is Sophee , named after the lead girl in the movie "Howls Moving Castle"

I have a Calcifur over here :wink2:

Zero- from Vampire Kinght
Flower -had a Sugar and Spice
Oscar and Felix -from The Odd Couple

Really?! Yes! That is awesome!