Why can't people tie their dogs?

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Jax is doing much better. I talked to my vet and she prefers that Jax not be on any pain med right now. She asked me what I thought about his pain level and I think he's actually quite alright now. By the end of today, he's back to running down the stairs. I'm to call her them minute I think he's in pain.
He really is resilient like a rat. We've brought him in so many times thinking this is it for him and he just keeps coming back to us.
He's such a good boy. :heart:
Poor pup. Its sad that some people just dont learn. Our dobe has never been aggressive but I would never take her out of our house without a leash on her. You just dont know.

Although I dont subscribe to the domesticated dogs having wild dog instincts. I just think dogs all have different triggers. Some will chase a cat others couldnt care less. I think it has to do with breeding as well.

Hope Jax feels 100% soon!!!!
Healing vibes being sent for Jax. I hope the other dogs owner will be responsible next time and that Jax feels better soon.
My husband started his bowling last night and guess who happens to be in the league... That guy Mike was there. Mmm, so much for a bad back and no money. He must have realized it cause he gave Scott $40 towards the bill. Maybe we will see the money after all.
jorats said:
My husband started his bowling last night and guess who happens to be in the league... That guy Mike was there. Mmm, so much for a bad back and no money. He must have realized it cause he gave Scott $40 towards the bill. Maybe we will see the money after all.

That would really make me mad to see him bowling! :gaah: Well maybe Scott can collect everytime he sees him at bowling and you will have the money back in no time.
jorats said:
My husband started his bowling last night and guess who happens to be in the league... That guy Mike was there. Mmm, so much for a bad back and no money. He must have realized it cause he gave Scott $40 towards the bill. Maybe we will see the money after all.
I DO have a bad back and right knee from a work injury Nov 2003. There's no way I could lift a bowling ball let alone heave it down the ally without putting myself in agony for days!
whtnyte said:
I DO have a bad back and right knee from a work injury Nov 2003. There's no way I could lift a bowling ball let alone heave it down the ally without putting myself in agony for days!
You know, I was thinking the same thing. My back is a mess from a serious car accident, and I wouldn't try to bowl to save my life. I tried bowling about three years after the accident, which I had nearly a decade ago, and was in agony for more than a week. Bad back my butt.
I hope Jax is feeling better today.
Jax is doing 100% better. Yesterday he was ready to fetch again, he was so happy to be back outside with his ball and his girlfriend Roxy.
Oh my nerves!!!!! So he not only thought to himself "that last dog was not a good pet.. Oh well I'll get another one form the same guy" AND lied to you about his bad back, only to be caught bowling??
Meanwhile poor Jax has to deal with this on top of his other injuries...
I still believe there should be a stupidity test before you are allowed pets.

Glad to hear Jax is doing better though :)
Never done this before? Pfft. I'll bet Jax isn't the only victim, no dog just does that out of the blue with absolutely no signs of aggression. One of our family friends bought a Rottweiler pup which they had my dad examine for his opinion, the pup was only seven weeks old, and my dad told them they were going to have big problems with his attitude and to send him back. They didn't, and a year later the dog attacked his owner and had to be put down. People can be so dense.

I'm so sorry Jax went through this, how is he doing now?
I'm so sorry about your dog. It would kill me if that happened to any of ours. My dad has a big german shepard who he's convinced is so good that he should be able to go on walks at parks or even down the street without his leash on... almost like he's showing it off or something. It's incredibly stupid and I hate it, and whenever he's with me and my sister we insist he be kept on his leash. People need to realize that there are reasons for this EVEN IF YOUR DOG IS WELL-BEHAVED AND WOULD NEVER HURT A FLY.

1. There is still the risk of OTHER dogs initiating a fight. Phoenix runs up to people and dances around wants to play and other dogs are going to either get ticked off or even feel the need to protect themselves/their owner.

2. I don't care how well-trained a dog is, I would never trust one enough not to throw their training out the window if they see something they want to chase across the street.

People need to keep their dogs on leashes not only out of RESPECT for other people, or to protect others from their dog, but for their OWN dog's safety... GAH RANT :gaah:
jorats said:
KMG365 said:
I find it hard to believe that the owner of the other dog had no knowledge that his dog was capable of something like this.
I know... and what's worse, this is the second dog he buys from the same breeder. The first dog, he had to have put down because it was attacking his grandkids. WTH? Who buys another dog from the same breeder with that kind of history?

Dogs aren't really meant to be tough. Why breed them that way? Poor Jax.
Jax is doing 100% better. He's completely back to normal and we are enjoying our walks again. But I do admit, I become tense when we pass by the road where that dog lives. Fortunately, I have not see him since.
Oh wow, Jo... I'm so sorry Jax went through that! I'm glad he's all better though.

I hate to say it guys, but there is always a teenie, TINY chance that the guy honestly has seen no issues with this dog so far. At 17 months old he is at primo age to develop a chemical imbalance or something. But, chances are much more likely that the guy would prefer to turn a blind eye on his dog's issues.

And, that said, what a complete idiot for buying a dog from the same breeder as the previous one. Sheesh.
I'm happy to hear JAX is doing sweel. However off-leash and not under control are two very different things every dog (except hounds and pitties) should be able to walk off-leash and be nice. It's basic training, if your dog can't walk safely off leash you should be doing more training. When dogs do competition obedience they need to be able to listen off-leash and you need to know off-leash commands for your Canine Good Citizen. I hate cities (KItchener *cough*) that only have dog parks for dogs to run in. That's not fair to dogs who don't like other dogs but like to be off-leash. My dog in paticular is afraid of other dogs but is excellent off-leash so I drag her away from mean old Kitchener and bring to Guelph so she can run. I hope more people can learn the joys of off-leash and that there were les idiots in the world that ruins dogs for all of us.
Thanks Moon, I think the guy might be sincere about the dog or perhaps he just never saw the signs? So far, he's given me $90.

Sausage4ever... I could never walk Jax off leash, he would run like the wind and never come back. :( I've tried all kinds of training, he runs like a bat out of hell, totally enjoying it I might add.