Weight Loss Support Thread Take 2

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I'm working on the dairy thing. I've now completely removed cow's milk and replaced it with almond milk. I thought it would be disgusting but wow! It's actually really nice! I can even drink it on its own, I could never do that with cow's milk. Big convert here. :D

Now to work on the cheese... something makes me think this won't be so easy.
Gradually getting back into more exercise and less food! When I went to the gym after work, I saw several of my colleagues. Lots of support for getting back on track. Gotta lose the muffin top!

I even turned down a chance to go for Indian food (my fave) because I'd already made the committee to go racewalking at the track. How's that for virtuous???! :giggle:
Good job Godmother!

I'm back on track. I'm going hiking daily again, the weather is allowing it. lol But I'm also surrounding myself with lots more fruits and vegetable.
Whenever I can I pre-prepare a few days worth of breakfasts with protein and fruits/veg. This week I'm having veg frittatas, other times I have smoothies with berries and spinach. It really gets me off to a good start.

So glad that the Christmas candies are disappearing. Once they are taken in to work they vanish quickly!
I should get into smoothies too. Can you prepare those in advance as well? I'm so darn lazy in the mornings, I wait for my husband to serve me my coffee. lol
Well, I've been running often, at LEAST 3x a week. However, I am still eating junk mostly. :c

I've been trying however, and turning vegetarian near the end of November has made me eat more veggies and fruits. My biggest problem is the portions of the food I eat. Because of my schedule, I eat extremely little- if at all- through the morning and early afternoon, and then I get home and GORGE. It is a horrible, horrible habit I know- I will eat past the point of feeling full, just because I was hungry most of the day. Afterwards I will feel fatigued, naturally, and usually just finish my homework and quickly go to sleep, or go to sleep soon after eating, and then waking up around 6 or 7pm, and thus staying up at least till or past midnight, which makes me tired the next day when I wake up before 6. The cycle then repeats.

I KNOW I need to get more sleep, and I KNOW that I need to control of portions, or any activity I perform won't do much. Today was a better day, for dinner I ate much less and I ate a small lunch during the day. I just ate a small, pretty healthy supper and I am about to go running in a moment. I hope and plan to change all these crap habits, because I know they SUCK in multiple aspects.

I usually FEEL a bit self-concious or bigger than "average" in the wonderful, dramatic teenage world, but when I look at some nicer pictures of me, I find myself looking all right, I think. Mostly my goals are to 1. Get healthier by kicking bad habits and eating better, with less cruelty 2. To not GAIN weight, as if I stay like this then I can "live with it''. :)

Sometimes the #2 viewpoint is a bit hard to remember, mostly because I have some family members that can be pretty rude and hurtful about my weight, which is unfair. The biggest perpetrator in this is my sister, who was EXTREMELY overweight for a large portion of her life, and then jumped to bouts of crazy unhealthy, fad dieting(there were days where for 4-7 days she would eat nothing but drink large amounts of water, and eat 2 slices of white bread a day). Now she is thin, she eats healthy and is thin, but despite this she still feels rather self-conscious, I think, and constantly bashes on friends, strangers, and her family to make herself feel good, which is just frustrating so I ignore it. I try not to let it get to me, but I am mad at her for being such a hypocrite- she bashes often on our close family friends, they are my best friends and sisters, yet 5 years ago she was waaaaay bigger than all of them. She KNOWS how it feels, so she should shut up!!!!!!!!!! >:0 *rant over*
I've given up on getting "skinny" for anyone a long time ago, except for myself or my health, mostly because I know that when people say stuff, it is because they themselves feel badly about themselves. My boyfriend is very supportive and nice of all of my choices(turning vegetarian, doing soccer despite it leaving us with just about no time at all for each other for those few months, exercising), and reminds me that I AM beautiful and he likes me loves my appearance the way it is, so I just tell everyone else to s u c k i t ! :)
You're so right, don't listen to anyone who tries to make you feel bad. They're just trying to make themselves look cool and it so doesn't work. The only opinion that matters is yours. :)

I know what you mean with the sleep thing. My sleeping pattern is horrible and I'm always waking up to stuff my face and then go back to sleep. It's a tough habit to break.

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Doing it to be healthy is the best reason. With that in mind, I haven't eaten any junk except the occasional chips. I don't order out or eat at a fast food unless it's really a special occasion. I guess it's a little easier for me since being vegan, I'm limited to what junk I can eat or where to eat.
It's been so cold here, I haven't been able to go out hiking like I normally do...so I'm feeling the stress of lacking exercise.
jorats, the chips are what gets me too... I love chips.

Lately I've been feeling more and more grateful about living in Florida. I used to seriously despise it, but now that I see how hard it is to even exercise during the winter elsewhere, I'm starting to like it. Also, becoming a more serious gardener makes you appreciate the all-year growing season. ;)
Gardening is awesome exercise too.

Today is milder but not for long, by noon the temps are dropping fast so I'm heading out this morning for my much needed hike.
But surprisingly, I've still been losing weight even though I've stopped my daily hikes. But sadly, I believe it's because of the stress I'm under currently... even though it's weight loss, it's not healthy. I need to find inner peace.
Yoga is a great way to feel more at peace. Doing it requires so much concentration and deep breathing that the troubling thoughts stop spinning around in your head.

I've started monitoring my activity, sleep, and food intake to help me get back on track. I'm doing regular exercise but, on the rest days, I am WAY too sedentary because of my job. I saw a video by a guy who incorporates bits of activity into his office day. He'll do a few tricep dips on a chair, makes a point of doing some stairs, throws in some intermittent arm exercises, etc. Every little bit helps!
jorats said:
I should get into smoothies too. Can you prepare those in advance as well? I'm so darn lazy in the mornings, I wait for my husband to serve me my coffee. lol

Some people turn up their noses at pre-prepared smoothies, but I love having them. I do a big batch (which means not having to clean the blender daily), put it in the fridge, and then stir it every morning and pour out a glass.

I am too rushed in the morning to prepare it daily, although I could prep one after work. Laziness wins, though!

I also got myself a gizmo to track activity and sleep. I need hard data to motivate me. It's a Fitbit brand, the Flex. I bought it at an Apple store. It synchronizes with some smartphones, but mine is too old so I synch it on the computer. See Fitbit.com if you are interested.

I also got another gizmo to track my distance and time accurately on the track. I get absorbed in the music on my headphones and lose track of how many laps I've done, and sometimes I forget to keep track of the time. The gizmo fits on your index finger, you click a button with your thumb at the beginning of each lap, and it does the rest. Tried it for the first time yesterday, and it's great. It is good for swimmers, too.
http://www.triboutique.ca/SportCount-Ch ... _90000.htm