Weight Loss Support Thread Take 2

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So soccer season has ended, but I cannot find a scale to weigh myself.... and I keep forgetting at the grocery store. >:0

I'm really interested to see if I lost anything. I don't think so, though...
Oh, forgot to mention some of my favorite snacks! :)

- Salsa and chips;
The salsa is only 35calories per serving, and it's full of yummy veggies. Get some wholegrain, salt-free chips and it's a really healthy snack.
- Hummus and chips;
Same as above, except it's only 10calories per serving and lots of protein. Loveit on wraps on sandwiches instead of mayo
Yeah, I thought about that, Jorats!
The problem is where are these new muscles?!
My endurance and leg strength has definitely improved- I can run and walk for much longer and faster without feeling tired, and my recovery time when I do get tired is much shorter. However, appearance-wise, I see no difference.

I am now at my lowest wt in over 10 yrs? I really don't know. Between 2001 and 2008 I weighed between 180 and 200lbs. I went off of lithium around 2009 and that helped me lose a little wt, but I still mostly stayed in the 175 to 180 range

As of my last drs appt on the 26th, I weigh 164.4!! :dance: :joy: :dance:

yay me!!

My long term goal has been to get down to what I weighed when I was 40 yrs old (155lbs) That's still technically overwt for my height but I felt good and didn't look bad at 155lb

It looks like now I might have a shot at it!
and all because of my whole food, almost vegan, lower fat and lower sugar diet

I'm not eating less, I am actually eating MORE. just better food, is all.
Now if I can manage to control my portion size.... :cheeky: and get more exercise.... :nod:
I also need to lose weight. Since moving here to london I have gained 40 lbs. But within the last month I have lost about 10 lbs. So I have about 30lbs to go. The problem with me is that I hate exercise, the only thing I have ever loved was horse back riding, which works out the muscle, not really a cardio work out though. I would love to hear some advice on how to become motivated to exercise. I am a vegetarian, but within this month I have started to eat more junk than healthy food. I have to get back to eating tofu stir fry, more veggies, rice, beans etc, and cut back on pizza, pasta, veggie burgers, home made fries etc.

Anyways, here I am at a healthy weight of 130lbs:


This is me at my heaviest, at about 173 lbs


And these are my newest pic (oct 4th), about 165lbs there:


I sooooo need to lose weight! I'm at my heaviest ever right now. it's amazing how a person can adapt to having so much weight. half of the time I don't feel like its an issue, but there are plenty of times when I can definitely feel how detrimental it is to my health and well-being. you all have a very slight weight issues in comparison to my own.

In some ways I eat quite healthy, but in other ways I don't. I often have a healthy cold cereal with almond milk or oatmeal for breakfast, and I'll add stuff to it like chopped pecans or walnuts, dried cranberries, raisins or other dried berries, dried chopped dates, etc. then there are days when I'll have an everything bagel grilled with butter, and I'll fry up a few eggs in bacon grease and make a sandwich out of it, sometimes adding bacon to it as well. that might be once or twice a week that I'll do that.

I used to do a lot of fast food, but since I lost my job there hasn't been much of that going on. I just need to learn to do smaller portions and cut back on carbs and fats. there's no way I'm going vegetarian or vegan. everything in moderation, and stay away from processed junk. oh, and I need to get out and walk my dogs more!

I think most of you people on this forum are living in either Canada or the UK. how many people here live in the US? I also feel like I'm one of the oldest members on this forum. I just turned 50 this year. not that I mind, but I'm just wondering if there are any other senior members here.

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Amanda you are so pretty! I don't know what to tell you as far as exercise goes, I don't like it either. I hate to sweat lol
but I try to just do more walking and less sitting. Build in extra steps into your daily routine, like (for example) taking the stairs instead of the elevator if you're only going up a flight or two, parking your car further away from the store etc or getting off the bus one or two stops early, things like that.

and even though I'm sure it annoys people in line behind me, I have gone back to "fidgeting" while waiting in line for anything. I read one reason younger ppl stay thinner is that they are impatient and fidget more when they have to wait LOL so now if I"m in line, I rock back and forth from one foot to the other, and if the store is playing music, I'll do a little bit of bopping to the music, not too obvious cuz I can't dance, but just to keep me moving.

patchesboo I live in the US and I'm going to be 57 on my next birthday. I think there are at least a handful of us in the 50 plus range, and many more in their 40s

as far as diet, it helps to choose one that you can stick with all the time. I could never have stayed on this diet if I'd insisted that I never ever have something sweet.
it helps to first find out what is *in* the foods we're eating. I started paying attention to the amnt of sugar and fat in my former favorite foods and knew I had to find different favorite foods!

a lot of times we are in denial about what we are actually eating. it can help to write down, for at least a week, every single thing you eat. as a friend of mine says, if you bite it, you write it LOL

that way you can see just where you are straying from a healthy diet. I would eat mostly vegetables, no meat, but what "rounded out" that old diet was a lot of cake, ice cream and candy. I'd think to myself, how can my diet be bad, when I don't eat meat? but cake candy and ice cream were not healthy substitutes LOL
You can easily fool yourself into thinking your diet is not that bad, til you take a really good hard honest look at it.

the good news is, you can find many truly tasty alternatives to the bad stuff in your diet. If I crave sweets now, I have a stuffed date or 2 or 3 LOL it's just a pitted dried date, cut open and stuffed with a bit of all natural peanut butter and a pc of walnut

I used to eat a lot of eggs and butter, too as well as mayonnaise (not bacon though- my daughter has always been very fond of pigs so I could not eat bacon and upset her)
you'll find once you cut back on those, you will lose the craving for it. It helps to cut it out of your diet completely at first to re- set your taste buds.
The more you eat of certain foods, the more your taste buds crave it. if you cut it out completely for a short while and then add a bit back, you'll likely find that fatty foods now taste too greasy and are not as satisfying as you once thought.

you should also notice a huge difference in your digestion! give it a try and see how you feel!
can't hurt, right?
After a few months on CSST, and a year on unemployment I went from 135 to 178!!! IN A YEAR!!! :( I slowly started to lose the weight. In 2013 I got fed up of being fat and I wanted to be my best at 30 years old! I went all the way down to 140 :). I'm so happy with myself. But with the holidays I gained 5 pounds back!!! I have another christmas lunch today and then I have to go back to losing weight. I'm starting yoga again and eating healthy. Also what helped me to lose weigh was a bad kidney infection 2 years ago. Since then if I eat too many processed food (hot dogs, breaded chicken, pizza, chips, chocolate...). My kidneys remind me. I can have some in moderation but I can't eat a big bag of chips anymore :)

I hate excecise too but I found 2 things I love Yoga and Kayaking. I can't wait till all this snow melts!!!!
Amanda, I think you look lovely at all your different weights.

Petunia, you're so right about taking an honest look at what we're eating. It's easy to turn a blind eye.

Rats en folie, that's awesome that you got back to 140. It's so discouraging to gain weight back and then have to lose it all over again, so kudos to you for losing again.

I've fallen off the wagon once more, bleh. I'm back up close to 150 again. Ive been switching meds a lot since the summer and just now we found one that works and carries less weight gain side effects, so hopefully I'll be able to start losing again.

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I've ballooned over the last year. I was always skin and bones but since becoming a full time carer I never really get out for much excersise. That and I have a real weakness for cheese. And pasta. And cheesey pasta. Not to mention the endless cups of milky, sugary tea and bottles of fizzy juice. And alcohol... argh, the list goes on. :gaah:

I really must make an effort to get in shape in 2014. I'm not hugely overweight but I am a bit. Enough to get me down. I just don't know where to begin! In my earlry teens I was obsessed with dieting and I put myself at risk. I don't want to go too far back in that direction either. :panic:
Amanda, you must be tall! You look good!
Since changing my eating habits, I'm no longer concerned with losing weight. All my efforts now go into eating healthy and that feels much better. I too hate exercise and I will not go out of my way to exercise but what I do love is hiking and that's what I do.
So pretty much eating whole foods (plant based) and hiking, that's what made me lose 20 lbs and I'm still losing without really trying.
Petunia said:
patchesboo I live in the US and I'm going to be 57 on my next birthday. I think there are at least a handful of us in the 50 plus range, and many more in their 40s

as far as diet, it helps to choose one that you can stick with all the time.

the good news is, you can find many truly tasty alternatives to the bad stuff in your diet. If I crave sweets now, I have a stuffed date or 2 or 3 LOL it's just a pitted dried date, cut open and stuffed with a bit of all natural peanut butter and a pc of walnut

Yay! I'm glad to know there are other people my age here, and also living in the US. now I don't feel quite so alone.

Petunia, I also love stuffed dates. another thing I love is pita chips with sea salt and hummus. I get those Stacy's simply naked pita chips. they have other varieties in those Stacy's chips as well, and they're baked. Yuuuummmm!

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jorats said:
Amanda, you must be tall! You look good!
Since changing my eating habits, I'm no longer concerned with losing weight. All my efforts now go into eating healthy and that feels much better. I too hate exercise and I will not go out of my way to exercise but what I do love is hiking and that's what I do.
So pretty much eating whole foods (plant based) and hiking, that's what made me lose 20 lbs and I'm still losing without really trying.

XD I'm only 5' 3.5''. I think my biggest thing is getting back into eating healthier.
Oh man I definitely fell off the wagon. Since I made the trip home and knew I was only going to be in civilization for 2 weeks I went overboard and felt like crap by the end of it. So now that I'm back in isolation I will be eating better but at this time of year the fruits and veggies are few and far between so that will be a struggle. On the upside I am getting a treadmill from someone else in the community so that will be nice and once it warms up I will be walking my dog every night. I have big hopes for 2014, I'm so close to my goal I just need to stay focused.
LOL, kayaking, horseback riding, yoga and hiking are exercise! The best kind of exercise is something you like to do, because you will actually do it.

Hiking is my fave, but I don't have a lot of opportunity to do it. I love walking and dancing and snowshoeing. I don't much like exercise that requires weights and machines. When I have to do those, I crank up some dance music.
I too had to get back on the wagon.
I need to lay off the soda pop and if this weather could get better, I need to get back to my daily hiking with my dog.
I need to get out and walk my dogs on a daily basis. I love hiking, but there aren't really any great places to hike nearby. I miss all the hiking I used to do when I lived in Arizona. once the weather warms up, I can get out and walk more, and I'll get back to doing my yard work and gardening, which I love to do.

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