This Vegan Thing......?

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Bundyrats said:
Petunia said:
Rice milk is thinner, but doesn't have the saltiness of cow's milk. I've yet to find any milk substitute that I can drink straight the way I drank skim milk, but if I do, I'll let you know!

That really makes me gag. Thinking about the 'saltiness' of cow's milk.

oh me, too, NOW, but I used to be on lithium and I needed to have a certain amount of liquid and sodium in my diet or I'd get a toxic lithium level (this happened several times and boy was it unpleasant, not to mention potentially deadly) I was told water alone was not enough, it had to be something like milk or soda. I hate soda, so I drank milk.

Now the idea of drinking cow's milk makes me ill.
I seem to crave salt a lot and so I make sure that I use grey sea salt, that seems to help plus I take Nat Mur which stabalises the fluid levels. I often have a salty chip craving and find that I need to monitor my salt intake (and type of salt) versus the amount of water that I drink and then balance it out with Nat Mur.
Moon said:
jorats said:
I am in LOVE with the dark chocolate almond milk. It satisfies my craving for chocolate.
I'm now trying to cut out sweets. (heaven help me) so I've decided to buy dates for my desert. Dates are a naturally sweet and quite rich and delicious too. It's also a powerful food, really good for you.
I just saw a video about the goodness of dried apples. I need to find out how to make these.

I think you can just core, slice, and slow bake at low temp. Wait! I have an actual recipe!

It calls for organic powdered sugar but you can skip that!
20-25 minutes at 250. Line cookie tray in foil and bake away!
Oh that's much better timing. The one I looked at said 20 hours in the oven. :shock:
I guess these would have a different consistency, as they are "baked" and not "dehydrated". But would still make for a healthy snackem.
The problem with rice and almond "milk" is that there is so little protein. I used to buy rice milk to mix into ratty meds, because it was sweet and had no nutrients (e.g., calcium, protein, fat) that would interfere with absorption of the abs.

Soy milk, if you buy the unsweetened stuff, is nutritious but the calcium is added. That's usually calcium carbonate, which is less well absorbed than calcium citrate, for example.
oh yes recipes, please!!

I'm going thru a phase, all I want is stir fry but I'd like a different sauce other than the store bought ones

I need to watch sodium intake, too so a lot of the ones in the store are out due to sodium content

I make up a big pot of rice and add some instant barley and some couscous towards the end of cooking (along with a bit of extra water) just to make it more interesting.

I don't really stir fry the veggies, since I don't have a wok and I am afraid of hot oil :lol: I more or less saute them til they are done to my liking.

Oh here's a recipe to share:

Summer veggie stir fry

chopped onions
diced summer squash and zucchini
broccoli florets

your choice of spices: garlic, oregano, basil.... I generally just use garlic and not a whole lot, I don't like a lot of spices.

stir fry the veggies, onions first, when they are starting to soften add the squash, then the broccoli.
when the veggies are almost done, toss in some chopped fresh tomatoes, OR a can of diced tomatoes, if you don't have fresh toms on hand.
Reduced temp, cover and let the toms cook down a bit til they are soupy (or if using canned toms just let them cook til hot)

You can vary the amounts of veggies depending on what you like best, I love the broccoli so I use a lot of that. You don't have to use the squash if you dont' have any (or just use one kind or the other- also I think you could add diced eggplant to this if you like eggplant) but the onions, broccoli and toms seem to me to be the mandatory ingredients. This combo is soooooooo good I have eaten this day after day during the summer when fresh broccoli, toms and squash are plentiful.

I used to put the dry grated parm cheese (that comes in a canister) on top but won't be buying that any more.
I wonder if nutritional yeast would taste good on this? I've never had it, but I've read that it's a common vegan cheese substitute.

this is great with couscous or rice or by itself. It freezes very well too. If you plan to freeze some, take it out of the pan before it's finished cooking so that when you reheat it later it doesn't turn to mush (although I've never minded it mushy either, the flavors of those veggies are just so good together)

anyone else got a favorite veggie combo they'd like to share? esp some that can be stir fried?
Godmother said:
The problem with rice and almond "milk" is that there is so little protein. I used to buy rice milk to mix into ratty meds, because it was sweet and had no nutrients (e.g., calcium, protein, fat) that would interfere with absorption of the abs.

Soy milk, if you buy the unsweetened stuff, is nutritious but the calcium is added. That's usually calcium carbonate, which is less well absorbed than calcium citrate, for example.

Actually, that is not a problem and people can buy fortified types of many nondairy types of milk.
People need much less protien then found in the standard North American diet, the levels of protein people are eating is actually suposed to be very harmful, and people get sufficient protein from a vegan diet.
Dr. T. Colin Campbell states that "casein, which makes up 87% of cow's milk protein", is a significant carcinogen.
"Dr. T. Colin Campbell is an American biochemist who specializes in the effects of nutrition on long-term health."

Calcium needs are more then met by eating a healthy vegan diet. Drinking milk has been found to actually create calcium deficiency.
Info. re plant vs cow calcium ... ntolerance

Also many of the fats in milk have been found to be unhealthy.
Milk has been found to contain things such as pus, blood, hormones & other chemicals, as well as carcinogens.
Dairy products increase the risk of developing many diseases including Alzheimer’s disease.
I was brought up a vegan, my mother and grandmother ran an animal sanctuary when we lived in Wales. They also ran a vegan Bed & Breakfast to help raise fund so feed all the animals. It was a wonderful way to be brought up. I remember my first Rats were Roger, Pinky and Perky they were Albino and could well have been rescued Lab Rats as my mother was part of the Animal Liberation at the time. They weren't very friendly Ratties and I cant remember every bonding with them as I must have only been 5 or 6 but least they were saved and weren't used for scary experiments.
I remember in primary school my school meal got mixed up and I was given fish fingers in stead of veggie fingers I was distort knowing I'd eaten a bite of a fish finger and cried my heart out.
I never had Rats after that until march last year and I can never see my life with any now.
Back to the Vegan thing, unfortunately when I was a teen I rebelled and stopped being vegan and started trying meat, dairy etc.
Nowadays I'm trying my best to eat less meat I occasionally eat chicken I dislike eating it and avoid it, unfortunately my partner and his son eat meat so I often have to cook it. One day I at least hope to be veterinarian again.
Humans do not need that much protein. 30 grams is enough for the average human being. A study was made where swedish athletes did far better in a marathon on just 35 grams of protein than the 85 grams.

The calcium added to the fortified soy milk is equally as good as the milk. You just need to make sure you shake your soymilk first before pouring.
New studies show that the calcium in milk is actually depleting your bones of your own good calcium and is causing brittle bone disease.
I don't go to milk replacements for protein. I mostly use them for cooking/baking and the very occasional small glass to wash down a peanut butter sandwich. I never even remotely considered the lack of protein in them a "problem".
It's interesting how the five top countries that consume dairy are also the five countries with the highest incidence of osteoporosis. I read that somewhere a while ago, so I probably need to check my facts again first....

I think we should have a dedicated Vegan Receipes thread too.
Moon said:
I don't go to milk replacements for protein. I mostly use them for cooking/baking and the very occasional small glass to wash down a peanut butter sandwich. I never even remotely considered the lack of protein in them a "problem".

I use it as a milk replacement in my coffe :thumbup:
(Although occassionally I have a glass because I have grown to like the taste.)
I look to plant sources for protein and calcium, not to a dairy replacement.

When you cut dairy out of your diet, you do not need to use another drink to replace the dairy.
Joanne said:
But you do for cereal! LOL

I am trying rice milk right now. The flavour is OK, and the consistency is OK, but I find it really sweet.

Then I guess you won't need to add sugar LOL
... hmmm ... bet it would be good on oatmeal ...
I just started eating hot cereals with no milk But I stopped eating dry cereals pretty much except the occasional Cheerio, and I always ate those dry anyway lol