This Vegan Thing......?

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after not eating meat for awhile I had some chicken a couple of days ago, while visiting my sister, and I've been sooo sick ever since! My stomach is a mess.
I have GERD too, and have had to take high doses of Prevacid in the past but since cutting out eggs and milk and most dairy (still trying to wean myself off butter *blush*) I don't have any heart burn unless I have something with peppermint in it, and even then I only get heartburn if I'm bending at the waist a lot (apparently peppemint relaxes the muscle at the base of the esophagus so that if you bend, stomach acid can go up and cause that burning sensation)
I have had IBS since I was a kid, and I've very little problems with that since eating better.
Eating meat (and other unhealthy foods) has been a habit for me, it's in my head that certain foods are "rewards" that will make me feel better emotionally, even when they clearly do NOT make me feel better physically. I need to re train myself emotionally to get to where I can resist the temptation to have a meatball sub because in my mind it's comfort food, or to where I can not have butter on my toast, because in my mind that's a reward, as well anything chocolate, those are all considered rewards to me.
I also need to find some vegan foods that are easy to prepare and have on hand for sudden cravings, any one got any suggestions? things that do not require washing, peeling or cutting preferred LOL
something that can be cooked ahead of time would be ok though
One quick snack that I really enjoy is refried beans with salsa in a soft tortilla shell burrito that you can quickly cook in the toaster over. Yum! Or you can open any type of canned beans, add salt and pepper and a wee bit of olive oil. You can either eat it warmed up or cold. Surprisingly good.
I love refried beans. That's a really good idea but are there a lot of preservatives in the canned variety? I would prefer to avoid those too!

Petunia, I also think that eating meat is a habit, we've always based our meals AROUND the meat. I always remember my mother complaining that my father always HAD to have meat for supper and I think a lot of men are like this? I could be over-generalising though. I am slowly realising that I can still have an enjoyable meal without having to have meat.
I am lucky in that I don't have any significant health issues but these last few days, I am feeling lighter and better within myself sticking to a lighter vegetarian diet, oh, and a little bit of fish I will admit.

I'll check out that website Aida as soon as I can. Our house was flooded last month and now we have to use wireless internet, so it's a bit slow and I get frustrated easily! I am at work now, so I might check it out quickly....
My milk is pus and blood.... :shock: how is this so ??? I drink like a gallon of milk every two weeks just by myself if not more.... I thought it was breast milk from a cow :(
I may be wrong. but it has to do with the way they collect milk and how they treat the animals. They milk thme so often it cuts them and their teets often become infected and such. plus all the hormones and bad food and stuff they feed them has negative effects on their milk and udders. So yes it is breast milk but often things like blood and pus and tons of excess hormones get mixed in.
The scary part is that the millions and millions of blood and pus cells in the milk is actually approved by the FDA because it's unavoidable. YUCK!
:cry: ..... You guys just ruined my milk I tried a glass and now I can't even get it down .... I hate the way silk and lactose taste is almond any good? -_-
Ace8670 said:
:cry: ..... You guys just ruined my milk I tried a glass and now I can't even get it down .... I hate the way silk and lactose taste is almond any good? -_-

I have always loved the taste of dairy milk, but it's never loved me

as a former milk lover, I haven't found any non dairy substitutes that I would want to drink plain, but I do like almond milk and coconut milk creamer in my coffee

I think maybe over time, the milk "substitutes" will start to grow on me, at least I hope so.

I don't like soy milk either, seems to have a bitter aftertaste and lactaid milk is gross lol it's also real dairy milk I believe so you're still getting the bad stuff from milk

rice milk is ok but it's kind thin
Bleh who needs milk anyways guess I will try the almond *sigh* I really need to stop reading these vegan threads its starting to effect my diet lol
It's nice to see that some of the other members here are vegan as well. This year will be my 15th year of being vegan. My family was vegan (except for me) as I grew up, but I stopped eating meat at 18 and went vegan at 21. My dad called me after delivering empty egg cartons at a chicken farm (70,000 battery hens under one roof). He was in tears, and he told me about the way the chickens were housed and treated. That was the day I went vegan, and I've never looked back.

As other posters have mentioned, there are a lot of "fake animal products" on the market now. One could eat "fake" "regular" food without causing suffering, if one so desired. The only thing you lose is convenience, and somewhat pricing, since the animal industries are heavily subsidized. (A can of beans costs more than a can of pork and beans, for instance.) I have found that I eat a lot of 'ethnic' styles of food, such as Asian or South Asian style foods, which offer many delicious 'no-need-to-fudge-the-recipe' options.

The vegan diet is not complete nutrition unless one is careful. Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Omega 3s are important nutrients that are hard to get unless one seeks them out. Supplementing Vitamin B12, D, and adding Flax (oil) to the vegan diet can add years to a vegan's life.

In polite company, I tell people I don't eat animals or animal products for "health reasons". With people who I care about, I tell them that I am vegan because I don't believe in slavery, murder, torture, or rape.
Ace8670 said:
Bleh who needs milk anyways guess I will try the almond *sigh* I really need to stop reading these vegan threads its starting to effect my diet lol

it can really only be a change for the better, though :wink:

it helps if there were already non- meals that you enjoyed.or eat the veggie and starch portion of a meal you're used to, like say, rice, broccoli and some sort of chicken
just leave out the chicken and add one new vegan or veggie thing you've never had, or have two veggies, or make a flavored rice, etc.

this is what my daughter did growing up, she hated meat and would not eat it, except for hot dogs LOL and so she just ate the other parts of the meal. I would add more fresh veggies for her cuz she didn't like her veggies cooked that much.
Now she eats all sorts of things, esp ethnic foods, and has a very varied diet

only thing she hasn't been able to give up is cheese, sadly. Her, with her cheese, me with my butter, we both have a ways to go :?
Ace8670 said:
:cry: ..... You guys just ruined my milk I tried a glass and now I can't even get it down ....

I did that too. I usually have herbal tea but I made a cup of black tea at work and wanted a bit of milk in it. I put the tiniest bit in but I still couldn't stomach drinking it, so I tipped it out.

I love the organic soy milk that I buy, it is so creamy and thick and a little bit sweet.
Yeah I'm getting some almond milk I heard its kinda sweet if I can't stand that I'll try the soy I guess it works for the better since my girlfriend is lactose now we don't have to buy two separate milk products lol tho giving up cheese is gonna be a hard one lol
I just saw an ad on tv for a range of products made by Quorn. They use a meat subsitute in meals but personally, I don't really NEED the meat, do you guys?
It's not like I need to replace the slab of meat on my plate with fake meat, I just don't want to eat it.
I laugh at all those fake meats. I don't want any!
I didn't really like red meat but I LOVED chicken. Now, I love the chickens because they are a beautiful animal. And not because they taste good.
ratkin412 said:
In polite company, I tell people I don't eat animals or animal products for "health reasons". With people who I care about, I tell them that I am vegan because I don't believe in slavery, murder, torture, or rape.
Oh.. I'm so happy to see this thread.. I have been vegetarian for over 4 years, and just this past September made the leap to vegan. What I'm learning is that it's a process, and that there's no such thing as 100% vegan, really, because animal products are so much in everything these days. But I continue doing my best to root them out of my life as things arise... i.e. I've had a leather sofa for 10 years now.. when it's time to replace it I will get a vegan sofa.. but I'm not dumping it now because I've become vegan since I first purchased it.

Dairy was the thing that held me back from going vegan for some time. And as it turns out, there is an addicting quality to milk and milk products. That's part of why it's hard to do without. Also, I find going to restaurants, there are lots more choices on menus if you eat cheese, butter, milk, etc. BUT once I let it go, I couldn't go back! I found my head much clearer and my energy much greater.. I wonder if I had some kind of low grade allergy to milk and didn't know it.

A few things I want to share...

I was a great lover of the heavy cream type ice creams, and have not found any of the soy ice creams satisfying. But I came across something finally that does the trick for me. It's a "one ingredient" recipe for vegan ice cream. It goes like this:

Take a banana, peel it, slice it, and put it in the freezer on a tray so that the slices don't freeze together into a clump. After a day or two, take the banana out of the freezer and run it thru a food processor until it's smooth and creamy. Frozen banana has that creamy texture that I wasn't finding in the other vegan ice creams, and I find it very satisfying.

And finally... I found myself rethinking a few things about the humane society after my experience there last week. I have been a volunteer there for some time, as I believe in the advocacy work they do to help animals, and enforce the laws on animal abusers. BUT I worked 9 hours at their gala fundraiser event, and, in spite of my advance discussion with them about food, there wasn't a single vegan item I could eat. Even the vegetables were drenched in butter. Thankfully I had brought a PB&J sandwich and some nuts, but it wasn't enough to sustain me for 9 hours. And worse yet, I found their menu for the people attending had NO vegetarian options at all... So here we are.. and organization fighting for animal rights... eating nothing but animals and animal products at an event to raise money to help animals... uggghhh! Geech! At least have ONE vegetarian item available, folks!
That is surprising that they did not have one vegetarian option available. Any time I go to a meeting or a restaurant around here, there is always at least one vegetarian option. However, I don't think there are too many places that would have a vegan option. If you are not used to eating vegan, it can be hard to come up with a menu.
My Dad and step mother are a member of a gourmet club. The members basically take turns making meals for the group every few months. One of the members is vegan so they made a main meal, and make a special dish for the vegan member. Last time, the vegan dish was such a hit that everyone else ate it and the vegan didn't have enough to eat so they had to make him something else!
Joanne said:
Last time, the vegan dish was such a hit that everyone else ate it and the vegan didn't have enough to eat so they had to make him something else!

:laugh4: love it!

That's great! To have a recipe that non-veg*ns love as much as veg*ns is indeed a triumph!
LOL that's too funny Joanne.

It's true that we can never be fully vegan, unless you are rich. lol But I'm as vegan as I can possibly be with my eyes wide open. If I know there is animal product in something, I will not buy it.
I'm heading to Ottawa for Easter, visiting my son and his gf. I'm bringing my own food because I'm the only one vegan in the group.
If anyone has any info on vegan restaurants in Ottawa/Nepean, I'd love to go to one.