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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Peterborough, ON
We had to rush Ella to the vet today after she stopped moving around and wouldn't come for food.

I was holding her in my arms and she just wouldn't move. If I put her down, in the beginning she would take two steps and fall over to her right. I thought inner ear infection.

We got to the vet and she appeared to be worse. No movement at all and her breathing was laboured.

The vet said it was pneumonia. I started bawling when she was explaining the complications with rats and pneumonia.
We had two choices. One being to take her home and give her straight oxygen (which was can get thanks to my husband being a paramedic) and the vet will give her anti-biotics, and we'll see how shes doing by the morning.
Or we put her to sleep.

Both my husband and I couldn't give her up without giving her a fighting chance.
Shes one of two of my special heart rats. Shes my beautiful little Ella.

Shes laying on my lap on a piece of fleece with oxygen running straight to her. Shes not moving. Shes breaking my heart. I just want her to be ok.

Please please please please. If you pray, pray for her. If not, please keep her in your most positive and protective thoughts.
Since you caught this so soon, she may be able to pull through yet. Just keep her hydrated and try to be as aggressive as you can with her treatment. I'll definitely keep her in my thoughts.
She just had what I think is a mini seizure. She had one at the vet too.
She spits out some fluid from her mouth which the vet thought was fluid from her lungs.
Rats can't vomit, so it may very well be something she's coughing up. If it won't stress her out too much, you may want to try a steamy room to help break up any congestion. You only need to spend 10-15min in a steamy bathroom, make sure she doesn't get overheated or chilled after she comes out..

Did the vet give her a bronchiodilator? Something like Dexamethasone or albuterol?
I'm sure it's entirely too late now, but if in the morning she's still doing this, I'd call the vet and ask about one.

Here is the article from RatGuide on treating pneumonia, which includes what medications and treatments tend to work the best. You can print it out and take it in to your vet, or go through the medications and see if she can add or substitute anything.
You mention that she was tilting and falling over to one side. Is she still doing that? Did the vet give her any anti inflammatory meds in case there was an inner ear infection? If she is still tilting/falling and the vet didn't give her anything, do you have any metacam or infant ibuprofen on hand?

I'm so sorry to just toss all of these questions at you. Can you tell us what meds your vet did give her and what all your vet did to determine it was pneumonia? I'd hate for us all to spend time looking up information for things your vet's already done.
Aww Meghan. :(

OK do you have any infant ibuprofen? Its an inflammatory that can be used in a pinch, also good for relieving discomfort. That antibiotic is a weaker one that is usually used for staph infections, so might not do much for your girl :(

Do you know anyone who would drive down here? I have things I can give you if you can. PM me for details.
I don't have any infant ibuprofin. Would that be for her pneumonia or ear infection?

And what kind of stuff do you have that could help her? My husband is at work with the car, but my mom is here with her car. I don't know if I could leave tonight. I'm very weak, pregnant and feeling sick.
It would be for any possible ear infection, to reduce any pressure form inflammation in her ear, but it may help [very slightly] any inflammation she may have in her lungs, too.