Oscar and Tommy - Fantastic Update!!! :D 12/18/12

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
Wow I make them sound like a feature attraction...hahaha.

I got an email from Chelle of CCH regarding these older boys. The rescue was unable to take them in at this time, but their plight was weighing on her mind, so she asked me if I could help either find them a home or take them in. The 4 boys are 20 months old, have never lived apart and get along well from what I hear. Their owner Amanda is on a fixed income with an elderly dog that now needs special food. She cannot afford her boys anymore, and was barely affording them before.

Oscar and Tommy are both beige berks with only a belly marking to tell them apart. Both healthy and Oscar is supposedly Alpha.

Loki is the black hooded boy who "snores" when he sleeps.

Cecil is the one who needs the most help, beyond the "snoring", hair loss on his back, etc, he has lost a ton of weight and condition due to a massive tumour hanging off his chest (from what Amanda was able to tell me). Its so big that there's not a lot of options for Cecil. This monster grew in a few months giving me hope that it is a loosely attached mammary tumour. I think it needs to be removed or his life really cannot go on too much longer.

Its arranged that Jenny will pick them up on Tuesday and deliver them on Friday. Once Jenny picks them up, we'll have a better idea (and hopefully more pics) of all of them but especially of sweet Cecil.

I do have one other small issue. I already have a Loki, and a Tommy....although my Tommy is Thomas, and Loki doesn't respond to her name anyways so I could call her Loca after one of my original rats? These boys have to keep their names. Sound reasonable?

Ahh well meet the boys from Amanda's pics. The shelves of the RR were removed because she was worried that Cecil would fall off of them. Supposedly the other boys are very kind to Cecil which is always good to hear and Oscar the alpha who loves to steal the other boys food, never does it with Cecil.

Loki, Cecil, and the other 2 beige boys, Tommy and Oscar.


I asked her to take a pic of Cecil's belly...




I have a request though. If there's anyone who is planning on sending my rats hammocks for Christmas and you haven't bought them yet, I would prefer a small monetary donation for the rat's care at this point, due to Cecil's possible upcoming tumour surgery, Frida's euth on Monday etc. Sorry to ask this but if you don't ask, you don't get do you? :oops:
Very cute boys! Good luck with Cecil & I hope that horrible tumor can be removed!
It's really nice to hear how sweet all of the boys are with one another.
& you're a saint for taking them all in! :heart:

I think changing your Loki's name to Loca is fine, especially if she doesn't even know her name yet! These boys might very well know their names since they're so old. :lol2:
They're gorgeous boys. Kudos for taking them in.

I never change their names if they come when called. That's why I've had 4 Charlie's here. It seems a popular name in Sudbury. lol
You are all incredible people! :grouphug:

I did discover a few more things. I was told they were born in April 2010, but going back (the owner posted on here a long time ago) there was a post on March 6th, saying they were 2 months old! So these boys are 23 months old, not 20 months.

Pic of Loki as a baby

Also, Oscar is the black hoodie (I thought this was Loki).

Only 1 more sleep til Jenny gets them, and 4 more sleeps for me. :joy:
This email I got this morning makes me worry. :(

I have kept a spreadsheet on who has donated towards Cecil's surgery so I can return the money if he's unable to have it. :sad3:

I took all the boys out tonight so I could clean out their cage and replace the bedding, and I am scared by how frail Cecil has gotten. It seems like he's gotten a lot worse in the last couple of weeks. He is all skin and bone at this point. :( I don't think he's strong enough for surgery. I just wanted to give you a heads up. He was exceptionally snuggly during the cleaning time as well. All he wanted to do was curl up on my hand or on my legs while I was sitting down with him and his brothers.

The 'wheezy' sound is more of a really super congested noise, and they are more sneezy than wheezy I think. Cecil is still eating and drinking, but he wouldn't have much dinner with his brothers tonight. I had him out for a long while with me while I read on the couch. I wrapped him up in some old clothes so he would be warm and kept some nibbles at hand for him in case he got hungry. He had a very long snooze, but I put him back with his brothers so he wouldn't be missing them. He is having trouble using his back left foot. I'm not sure if it's soley because of the size of the tumor, or if something else is wrong.

I hope you have the chance to at least meet him before his time is up. He is such a darling, I know you'll love his snuggles.
I'm sorry to hear this, lilspaz. It does sound like Cecil's time may be coming. :( I'm sending healing thoughts and hoping for the best. Please keep us posted.
Poor old man...we're thinking about him...
Don't worry about Santa's donation. Surely somebody else needs surgery if Cecil can't have it.
Don't worry about my donation either - I know you'll put it to good use. But I sure do hope Cecil ends up getting better... :sad3: