My New "Strong" Girls - Adira's Next Issue :/

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It probably won't take them too long to learn 'the hands' are bringers of yummy things.
Imagine how good a hammock feels on the old bones and joints. :cloud9:
They are such lucky girls to be in your care!
I hope little Adira will be able to have the lump removed and be free from that horrid tumor.
I'm sure these girls will be settled in in no time.
They really liked Out time on the desk, except 2 of them also liked the floor as well, but weren't too difficult to catch :) When I picked them up to put them back, they were a lot more comfortable with my hands and touch, and kisses then before, which was a great first start! :thumbsup:

Valene got the stripe down her tail with Sharpie :D



Triese got 2 bars on hers. She also has a mucky left eye.










and Adira




Caught mid-brux :D
So much smeeze in one place! :heart:

Hahaha, actually I think they are all himilayan's except Balera of course :) They now approach the cage door on their own, watching me with biiiiig bright eyes, but still skitter a bit when touched LOL

I want to thank Joanne for donating gas funds for this rescue..much appreciated my friend!! It was a huge effort on both Jenny and Victoria's part to get this little gal to me and to her appointment on Tuesday. :love7:
I was looking at this thread last night, and my boyfriend comes over and asks of those are are boys. I'm like no those are the girls from Kingston. He's like whoa they look like Mokey and Nai. And in fact, Valene and Triese do look like my boys! But they have cuter ears (don't tell my boys I said that!)
I was looking at this thread last night, and my boyfriend comes over and asks of those are are boys. I'm like no those are the girls from Kingston. He's like whoa they look like Mokey and Nai. And in fact, Valene and Triese do look like my boys! But they have cuter ears (don't tell my boys I said that!)

Hahaha meetup was IN Kingston, but they are from Montreal originally ;)

Cover their ears when you say that!!! ;)
Ah yes, I knew they were coming from Montreal. Good thing I am at school, and they won't hear me.

Can't wait to hear about Adiras surgery tomorrow. Me and Gobo are going to see Dr Munn on Wednesday. (Side note: have you met the newer vet there? Dr Thompson? I saw her in December and wasn't really a fan).
All the best healing vibes and virtual smooches to Adria for tomorrow's surgery!!!
Good luck little lady; we hope to see you walking around with your new bikini body really soon. :heart:
Dr. Munn has examined both girls, bit concerned about Adira, her possible age, and her thin-ness but he thinks he can remove it well enough, so I said to go ahead.

Balera has 2 tumours which may mean she's prone to having more. She's healthier though and has offered to remove them on Thursday when I am there with Bo for his both lumpy girls are getting done!!! :bliss:

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