Momma - Play Hard Beautiful, R.I.P <3

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You could probably do the Baytril once a day as well because you aren't treating an active infection. It's more preventive due to the pred.
I would give 0.2 of pred. The 0.1 is too low end. Your girl needs a big boost right now.
Renee, give her lots of love and find closure now...
Thank you Jo. I have made the big cage into to sections. The top is now the boys, the bottom is the girls. There are no high ramps or anything's PT proofed.


momma is my second ever ratty :heart: :(
I would go with what the vet told you as it seems to be in the range that I have always given to my girls around the same weight (I have everything written down from any medication that I have ever given my girls :)).

I was always told that the antibiotic wasn't always necessary when you are using pred. I actually leave that out (unless there are a lot of other rats around that are sneezing) and just keep watch for any signs of infection. As long as the cage is kept super clean, then there should be no issues. But thats just me, in this case, it is totally your call.

Unless there is a reason why you wouldn't trust your vet (or if your just checking up on them here :) which is perfectly acceptable), then I would just go with their instructions. Then again, I trust my vet, so I might be biased a bit.

Good luck! Best wishes to your little sweetie. Hope she responds well!
Thanks everyone. She is still currently eating blocks and ensure as well as pedialyte.
I will be spending every moment with her :heart:

She's my lil girl heart rat :heart:

This is heart breaking :sad3:
So sorry to hear about Momma. Treasure the time you have left with her. Sometimes they respond quite well to meds, and stick around longer that you expect.
Just seeing this now, my heart breaks for you. Even Joe is heartbroken to hear about Momma :( I have no advice, PT took our Cas so quickly. Send my love to you and your ratties, especially some extra cuddles to Momma. Its never easy, especially when its your heartrat :(
Ratty Momma said:
1 mg/ml by ml - pred
Baytril 50mg/ml inj. Diluted to 25mg/ml

Did the vet say it was diluted to 25 mg/ml? Are you adding the tutti fruiti after the amount of baytril is measured out?
Because the info given in your other post does not work out to this concentration.
SQ: The baytril is already diluted with tutti fruity. This is the same bottle that Eve's meds are coming out of.

Eve is 315 grams and getting 0.13 ml and Mom is 285 grams and getting 0.11 ml (but doubled up it's 0.22)

Thanks everyone. I am uploading pics right now, posting soon.
Pictures from tonight.

My beautiful girl :heart:












Excuse my ignorance on the topic of PT, but I have a question about it if you don't mind (hope it's not too sensitive a topic RM)

When you first found her today she was pretty limp and unresponsive, correct? I saw the pictures and she looked pretty poorly, but now (apart from being off balance and her bulging eye) she's more alert and even eating. Do PT rats have attacks? Does the tumor shift causing it? Was she in the same state going to the vet, getting the shot, etc. and then feel better or did she start coming around beforehand?

Sorry, I just haven't had a lot of experience with PT and would like to learn more
dosages we use from the rat health care book are:
10mg/454.5 g of baytril twice a day
and usually start at max dose of pred and then lower it to an effective level if it is helping. So 1 mg/454.4 g twice a day.

So ... your girls are being under dosed.
But is you are dosing at the lower dose of 5 mg/454.4g, then you likely aren't under dosing by enough to matter.
Kimber: She was fine, then she had ensure ..had the painful bowel movement and then just lied there ..dragged herself and then lid on her side ( as in the pic's on the first page) ..I took her to the vet, while waiting for him to get there (he was off they calle dhim at home to come in) ..she perked up ..but when we examined her ..she was circling to the right, her eye was buldged out and she was a bit off balance, she still has all of that ..but looks wonderful now ..he thinks she had a mini seziure or stroke.

Sorry, I don't know much about PT, this is only my second time ..and right now Im not thinking straight

SQ: He told me to start off lower, and go higher if needed ..which alot of people have told me on here.

Edit: Eve is only on baytril, not pred.
So tonight Momma has had: 0.15 pred and 0.22 baytril ..should I go any higher than that for either one Spaz??

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