MMak's Crew - Update 06/27/2012 :(

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MMak said:
A few more jumping shots, as promised ;)




I totally missed this! Great pics. Adorable ratties!!
This weeks set-up... decided to give the boys the full cage again since Marco's been doing so well on the gluco/chondro..
Polo's already pulled up some of the liners, of course.
I added some more of the usual toys in after this shot... jingle balls and cut up tp rolls. :)

Marco's in the tent and Polo is the one standing.

Thought I would give another little quick little update along with a few photo's I took the other day...
Marco had a sty a few days ago but it pretty much went away on it's own (and quickly). They have both been doing very well lately!
Although Polo still zooms around and leaps all over the place during free-ranging time, I've noticed he does take more rests now - however
he's back at it fairly quickly!!!


Taking a snooze

Marco doing his usual yawn & stretch! Not a great shot since I had to sneak it while opening the cage doors.
I was trying my best not to wake them up... but we all know that never works! haha


I recently started putting this water dish in the top portion of their cage. Partly because my 2nd water bottle broke, but
I thought it'd probably be easier for Marco as well. They still have the glass bottle in the bottom section and I change the dish water 2-3 times a day. :)
Sad update... I have decided to euthanize Marco. His appointment is set for the upcoming Tuesday, Sept.6th.
Age just keeps making thing go more and more downhill. I am no longer able to keep him at a healthy weight, he flops over more the point where he struggles to back up at some points, and he hides and sleeps 24/7. I also noticed him moving his right hind in a strange way last night.. doesn't look like he can fully use it anymore as he doesn't really extend it anymore, just slowly lifts it up and holds with each step. Appetite has occasionally gone as well.. I just no longer see that "light" in him.
I've also permanently seperated him and Polo because Polo can tell he is super weak and just constantly beats him up for it now. Which especially isn't fair since Marco generally can't get away at all. He's got many scrapes..

I have talked to my vet office to see which method they are planning on using. It's slightly different from what I was hoping, however please read the post here and let me know if you think it is fair enough!
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their heartfelt comments and messages...

I have good news though! Marco apparently knew what was up and for the past 4 days has made a drastic change in energy AND weight.
Mobility still isn't perfect, but it isn't looking too bad. He's not falling over quite so much and just generally seems to have more strength in him.
Therefore, the appointment was cancelled yesterday and it looks like he'll be staying around for atleast a little bit longer. Just keeping a close eye on him.
Just a quick update for the Marco fans still out there...

The old man turned about 3 years old in Feburary and is still going pretty strong!
A friend of mine came over to hangout with him and I the other day and took some awesome pictures, however
I don't have all the files from her yet....
I was able to sneak this pic of him just before she came though.. will probably post the ones she took once they are here, as I know there were some really nice ones!


(And I thought I had posted it on this thread but don't seem to see it anywhere... Polo was euthanized just before Christmas, for those who don't know.. so it's just me and Marco now)
Well, I have come to the decision to put Marco down. I will be making the phone call tomorrow morning..
Thanks to everyone on the Rat Shack Chat for putting up with my breakdown, as usual, over the scenario. Appreciated, as always!

As sad as I am, I am trying my best to keep a positive look on this. Marco has lived WELL past what was initially expected out of him...
(he is over 3 years old now, where I thought I was going to lose him about 1.5 years ago)
He has been a true fighter, thats for sure.

Unfortunately, old age has gotten to him enough now where I think it's no longer fair to keep him hanging around.
He rarely ever appears enthusiastic, his mobility has been shot, his weight is starting to fade once again, and to top it off, I discovered a testicular tumor on him this evening. I know surgery is going to be too tough on his body at this age (and condition), so I have decided to let him sleep and join his brother up there.