Mini's Rescued Feeder Breeder pair, may need advice

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2007
bridgewater, nova scotia
So I log on to the shack on Saturday, to find a PM from SQ linking me to the post viewtopic.php?f=56&t=30555 and I decided to e-mail them. While waiting to hear from them, a lot of things went through my mind, the fact that I already have 4 females, my 3 year old love playing with them, worried because the ad said they bite, what I would do with the male etc etc. When I got the reply that the rats were still available, then came the hard part, telling hubby. I had no idea what they looked like, or what condition they were in, the rats I have had were never "biters" they were all from loving oopsie litters, or (yes I admit) a pet store, but were treated very well at said pet store. I did not tell buddy that I wanted them as pets since he said "Not Pets" because they bite.....but nor did I lie and say I wanted them as feeders, I just simply said I wanted them. I got an e-mail Monday night as I was about to go to bed he asked me what kind of snake I have. I did not want to tell him I was taking them as pets, because I did not want him to tell me never mind for whatever reason (and I hate lying) but I did. I told him they were for my brother in law who has a big assed snake, and lives further away from him than I do. We set up a time to meet today at 5pm, we got there 15 minutes early, and that 15 minutes was agony, I had a few anxiety attack, I am a horrible liar, so what if he asked me questions, which he did, but my words just came out naturally. I told him my brother in law has a snake and lived in New Germany when he asked, and that I had no idea what kind of snake it was because I am not a snake person, and that he was mostly interested in all the stuff it came with. I watched in horror as he picked the rats up by the tails to quickly get them in my small temp cage, and cram the large tote bin in my trunk with great difficulty. His girlfriend was in the car saying things like "nasty little creatures!!" and "they stunk, ew!" He even told me that I should have just left them in the bin in the trunk!! And the tanks were filthy, they left like a rat urine coating on your hands. On the drive home, I was petting their heads, they seemed ok with it, the little girl nipped at me, but it was ok, the boy started to boggle (after I closed the door again) we went through the BK drive through and the girls were all like "awww look at the cute rats!!" and got the other females from behind the wall, the boy said "I don't know what the big deal is!" As we were driving home, the little girl lunged and bit my finger through the bars where I was holding the cage on my lap, and they started acting really timid, so I left the door closed. I took food with me, the first thing they did (besides poop) in the cage was chow down like they were starving. He even had the nerve to say "Always great to help out a fellow snake lover!" Anyways, here are the pictures of them (it all cost me $10):

The large tote bin cage:

The smaller "nursery":

The nursery was full of a partial bag of aspen shavings and lab blocks (you can see how big it is next to my hand):


This was all that was inside the "tank" and the food dish is mine that I put in (the water bottle was in the other storage thing):

The little boy (he was more interested in eating):


The little girl was running around freaked out so it was hard to get a picture of her:


And the 2 of them together:



She hid in the only safe place....under her mates jewels :giggle: if you look closely you can see her nose:


So here is my thing, I have no idea what to do with them now.....I have him in the large tank and her in the nursery, with food and water for the night, but any tips on how to bring them around to welcome me would be great. I am new to this rescue thing as I have said before, which is why I thought it was strange SQ chose me for the job lol, but I will keep at it and work with them with the guidance of more experienced people. I have explained to Hayden not to touch the white rats because they are very scared and might bite, but that he can still "play" with the others.

I also need help in naming them LOL, I know, not the most important thing, but I was thinking Kimmy for her (I wanted a "blond" girl to name after one of my good friends who I rarely get to see anymore) and Hayden was watching Stuart Little on the way in so I thought Stuart, or rather Stewie (hehe) for him, but I am not sure it suits him.

She is very small, and he is very dirty. I want to get him fixed ASAP but I am not sure how long before I am able to get him in. I worry that she is pregnant, she looked like she had a bit of a belly when she stood up (which could also explain her aggression: "no! you will NOT take my babies this time!!" kind of thing). And lastly, the other unimportant thing, is he Siamese and she a Himalayan? Because she is a lot lighter than him, but has the dark spot on her nose :undecided:

I almost hated separating them, as she took comfort in his presence, but I knew I had to just in case she was not pregnant :sad3:
I know that yummy treats always helps them get used to your hands. It's such a shame about the condition that they're in :( So depressing. I don't know why but I when I saw them I thought of Fievel and Saharah :p I'm weird.

But anyway...goodluck w/ them! I can't wait to see updates.

I love the photo w/ her little nose under his goolies, so precious!
:heart: :heart:

Wonderful news!!!!
They look adorable!!
They are either Siamese or Himalayan, depending on how dark their coats are.
So wonderful that even tho they are so afraid and have been treated so badly, the boy didn't even nip and the girl only nipped you a couple of times. Wonderful that they were both ok with you holding and petting them.

I would suggest you call the vet tomorrow and schedule a neuter for as soon as possible.
I am assuming neither has any breathing problems.

Sounds like you already made a great start, petting them.
the boy started to boggle
Sounds like he is already starting to feel safe :thumbup:

You can weigh the girl daily, at the same time each day and chart her weight.
When she is a bit more comfortable with you, you can take some belly pics to post.

If they don't bite you can take them out one at a time to pet and cuddle.
Give them healthy treats so they associate you with good things.
Talk to them kindly, etc
In a few days they should be feeling a bit more settled and safe.

So very glad that you managed to get them!!!
Great job Mini! I'm glad you got them - they SO needed a second chance at a happy life and you are going to give it to them! I think the biggest thing is just to take your time and show them lots of love. Give them lots of treats and yummy things from your hands so that they associate your hands with positive things. Try not to get discouraged. Almost all rats will come around with enough time and care. You are going to do great! Just follow your instincts.
You rock! :thumbup:
Time heals all wounds. They look rough now but they will come around. They will sense they are in a better place and they will thank you for it with their lovins. I am hands on. I keep touching my scared ones I also talk to them over and over. They learn that you have food and that is really about all it takes. They will come running hoping you are gonna let them out or feed them.

I would treat them for mites just to be safe. They both look dirty and rough but that will ease with a healthy diet and happy life. I am sure she is pregnant I doubt they spay or neuter. I hope he gets neutered soon she needs her buddy
If you can I would get the female in ASAP for a the next few days would be the best.
Then she could go back in with her male friend right away until you can get him neutered.....and also there would be no chance of wee ones on the way.
There are so many needy rats looking for help in this area...there is just no way to save them all....
Dahlas said:
If you can I would get the female in ASAP for a the next few days would be the best.
Then she could go back in with her male friend right away until you can get him neutered.....and also there would be no chance of wee ones on the way.
There are so many needy rats looking for help in this area...there is just no way to save them all....

I totally agree with Dahlas on this one, get the female spayed ASAP your area is over run with rats and not enough homes for them all. Good luck
The boy looks much more confident and relaxed than the girl. Kimmy looks very fearful and she is definitely the one to be careful her body language all the time. It will take time because she's had a horrible experience with humans for probably all her life and she needs for you to be consistent and gentle with her. I cannot wait to see her eyes relax and soften...right now its all OMG What is Happening to me NOW??? :shock:

I also 3rd getting her spayed ASAP...prevent that possible litter being born and she can go right back with her lovely hubby ASAP.
I wasn't planning on getting her spayed when I went to pick them up, hubby doesn't even know that I am getting the boy neutered so I can keep him.....this is horrible but I am not sure I can afford to do both right now at this given time due to other personal things.......

What kind of treats do you recommend?
If you can get the girl an appointment on Monday and have her spayed I know many of us will chip in to help with the cost. If not I am sure she will have a litter and there are very few homes in this will go from having two more rats to possibly 11 + more rats.....
I spoke with the vet, she wants me to bring them in Monday morning between 8-9am (not a morning person, so I will have to set like every alarm in the house LOL!!) But she told me an increased risk if she is pregnant, etc, so that has me worried, 75 for her, 40 for him......and I weighed them: She is 291g and he is 502g! And here is a picture of her (possible pregnant) belly:

(sorry about the glare, she is in my weighing cage thing lol)

And a couple videos:

[BBvideo 450,375:298qwgd1][/BBvideo:298qwgd1]

[BBvideo 450,375:298qwgd1][/BBvideo:298qwgd1]
You are so lucky. I would kill for time like that for my surgery days. I get up at 430am to leave at 530 to drive 45minutes to get them there.
Oh wow poor girl is very very timid :( and the boy looks under stress cause he's very puffy, that or he's got dirty fur and needs a bath poor things :sad3: At least they are safe with you

Either the male or the girl needs to get fixed up either way, much as i hate the idea of seperating them, risk of a littler is immienent. I everyone else suggests the female be fixed because its an easier fix maybe?, Or you have all girls anyway, but if your other girls aren't fixed either then it would make sense to neuter the boy? But your vet has gotta make sure she's not already pregnant, make double sure she's not and get her checked out first would be a good idea. I think one way to check and see if she is if not wait for the vet is to throw some nesting or paper into her cage and see if she starts building a nest, but if she is preganant she may not be due for a bit.

As for socalization, well I'm no expert with females but she's been through a rough time, they both have, taking your time and giving them sweet treats and comforting words, while they get settled in their new home would be the best way to go. If the girl lunges and bites at you, I don't know if this idea would work since she's older, but I found that squeaking really loudly when my boys bit me, made them stop entierly, maybe acknowledging to her that 'ouch that hurts' will help her to realize that and she might tone it down, just an idea, dunno if it'll work. Like the others said, time heals all wounds, just take your time, you're doing an amazing job from the sounds of it already :)
Good luck! I picked up Oscar and Lily from a similar situation a year and a half ago (they weren't treated as poorly and were younger though) and she did great during her spay!
ok, vet appointment booked for Monday 8-8:30 am, pick up is after 2pm, spay and neuter, and lets hope no babies appear before then, but if they do, they will help me out in finding homes so yay, they are so helpful! Thank you Dahlas for all the help!! Fingers crossed lol! Stewie let me pick him up (I am not sure I like that name anymore, any suggestions?) but only for a few seconds when he realized what happened lol. I did the cup scooping thing, but he wanted down. He did not bite me, I did not really give him the chance though. He is very greasy :( As for Kimmy, I cannot get anywhere near her, she is too fast and scared
MiniFrog said:
But she told me an increased risk if she is pregnant, etc, so that has me worried,

Many people get pregnant rescues immediately spayed to kill the babies before they are born since rat litters can be large and it is hard to find good homes.
The belly picture you took makes it look like Kimmy may be in her last week of pregnancy. If she is, then like your vet said. she will be at an increased risk if spayed.
I hope both Kimmy and Stewie both do well.

As for treats ... a slice of ripe banana, a cheerio, a few pieces of organic wheat puffs, a piece of watermelon. Since rats can not vomit, they will only take a tiny amount of new foods and then wait to see if it makes them ill. The next time they will try more of that food.
Extra nutrition, such as pieces of boiled or scrambled egg, would be a good idea - especially for Kimmy.
..... Kimmy needs the extra nutrition - she has been having one litter right after another for awhile :(
Poor little girl, she has been through so much.
So glad they are with you!