kijiji-Hamilton-rat pups, 3 wks old... $1.00 NEW pics :)

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so sorry for not updating, its all Tilly's fault!

As soon as they pulled up here, Graham got a call back from the roommate...asking if they were supposed to pick up the rats. Well it seems the guy Chad was passed out drunk and has been partying all weekend like WAS 167 Locke St N.

Sooo Chelle and Graham are going to keep calling during the week to see if they can get a sober Chad...and do 50 minute round trip to pick up whomever they can this week.
sausage4ever said:
Don't you guys kinda feel bad now that the man was trying to truly dupe you he's just an alchy... :roll:

His behaviour made no sense at all, even now, can you imagine being coherent then an hour later being out cold ALL weekend long? He's supposed to be married with a kid and now he's got a female roomie? I think he's lying about something. :doh:
[justify:uxxupwr9]I think you can google the number to get an address? It's worth a try, at least.... Pardon, but what an a- hole! They could at least call back. It is clear this guy is just messing around or he wouldn't have given a false address. That's ridiculous. "Troll Game?" Do people do this a lot? I'm new to the rat community and this is the first time I've heard/seen the term... Anyway that is really annoying. I agree with the comment above. Get another person, maybe a girl, and say you have a few snakes that you need to feed and that you heard they had baby rats... I can only imagine that someone who bashes on rat lovers has to be a snake owner...[/justify:uxxupwr9]
We called again on the way home, thinking if someone was up we could get them tonight still, but no answer.

I don't understand how he can be married with a kid... but the girl who called my hubby referred to him as a "roommate".

What a mess. :gaah:
Chelle finally got the roommate and arranged to come by tonight (along with Smilez and Avatar).
Tonight I heard the guy was sooo stoned on the couch he couldn't speak and would only stare at the wall. The house reeked of pot and was filthy. :sick2:

There was supposed to be 10 babies and mom. Tonight there was only 8 babies and no mom only 2 days later. They kept all of them in a parrot cage and the babies would slip through the bars. The cats got one, one disappeared and mom after "she started to have litter after litter after litter and then suddenly died, but I don't know why". :shock: The little girl started whining she wanted to keep a baby, so chelle made sure that it was a baby boy to keep Dad company. Sadly the way this girl was throwing this baby around she is sure it will die soon. :sad3:

One of the baby girls is from the former litter and may be pregnant. :undecided:
The rest (seems to be 5 girls and 1 boy) are very young.
Description. Eyes open, but not wide and round yet, still a bit squinty. Small, can feel their ribs but they have little bellies.
Pics from chelle's phone


I told her to pick up baby soy formula, baby cereal and Ensure for tonight. Poor little bubbers. :/

There will be better pics later tonight once she gets home.

At least 7 lives are saved right? :cry3:
Shel, I gave them a once over and I estimated them to be anywhere between 3-5weeks old, they're quite malnourished so it's hard to tell. They look like moderately healthy three weekers or runty five weekers like Bon-Bon. Hopefully with some good food in their bellies they'll grow up strong, as for the older girl; I have no idea what age she is...I'm not so good with girls anymore (out of practice :blush:)
Spaz whats the chances this guy is just going to go out and purchase another female to breed. I say someone call the cops. With all the pot smoking something will go down for sure.

The beige hoodies have ruby eyes. They're adorable.

Not sure if I got pictures of all of them... we're going to have to work out a dot/stripe system on their tails, or something, because I can't tell the difference.









Oh gosh, you can pick them up by the feet and use them as little cotton balls their so fuzzy. Safe and sound but I feel bad for the ones left behind. Congrats xxchelle on a job well done. :thumbup:
I feel bad too, but I felt as though it was going to be either let them keep one and take the rest, or don't take any. So I did what I could :sad3:
They are the tiniest babies ever :( they need some good grub and some loving, and i know they will get it from all of you guys.

What a horrific situation. They guy is such a ..UGH!! :redhot: for letting it get to this and for all of the bull that he has fed you guys the past few days!
Such pretty little things... they don't look that bad and I'd say about 4 weeks. Adorable little things.

I agree, the cops should be called. They have a small child living in that environment. :redhot:

Good job to all involved!!! You guys ROCK!
Maple said:
Spaz whats the chances this guy is just going to go out and purchase another female to breed. I say someone call the cops. With all the pot smoking something will go down for sure.

The rats were bought for the child, they were going to give the mom rat to another child of 6 years (before I offered to take her) so that there wouldn't be any more litters. I think they are done with making rat babies. PLUS that guy would have to stop drinking and getting stoned to go to a petstore to buy another female. :laugh4: