Isa and Dusa - Surgery Today Update 5/16/13

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
for Dusa. I think when Jenny took her in she wasn't getting enough nutrition, and her body and face looked so thin. I have her now, and her body shape has improved dramatically....she's insanely sweet, a real old soul when you look in those eyes. Isa on the other hand is terrified...of everything...I will work gently with her, see if I can get her to understand yet another change of homes. Isa's tumour is not life threatening but Dusa's is...not in a month or a week, but now. She has one of those wretched scabs on her left inguinal tumour which usually means time's at an end for a girl.

Beautiful worried Isa



Adorable bright Dusa :sad3:




Video of her walk from behind :(

I have emailed Dr Munn to ask about surgery...if we lose her on the table, at least we tried :(
They are very involved tumours so its really up to Dr Munn...

I got a couple of pics of them in their new cage...they weren't as scared as I thought they might be :D

Chubby little Isa and her big worried eyes



Poor little Dusa


Such a tough decision. Dusa really needs surgery, but she would hate to leave her dear friend behind if she didnt make it.

One of our new members was wondering if spays were worthwhile, and seeing those huge tumours might help her feel better about spays.

Virtual kisses and scritches to your dear girls. :tumkiss:
Poor little Dusa. I hope you and your vet find some way of making her comfortable. Beautiful ladies wishing them all the best.
Honestly, I sure hope Dr. Munn will give it a shot. I am melting into a puddle of goo these girls are so darling and they sure are deserving. I'm in the same position with my Emily and have left it up to my vet. She said she is willing to operate to remove all 3 of my girlies tumors and I know if I had decided not to and had her pts, I would regret it everyday wondering if she would have made it. Her breathing really isn't the best, but again, it's a last ditch effort. Her inguinal tumor has become very large, but luckily no scabs yet. I wonder if Dr. Munn does operate, if someone can take photos of the operation?

Kisses for Isa and Dusa :heart:
I'm so happy I was able to get them to you... Isa has always been the more frightened one, but man she is sweet when she finally realizes that your not "that bad".
Dusa breaks my heart... I HOPE that Dr Munn will give it a try, its really her/our only hope at this time and she is SUCH a sweet girl.

LOL I already miss these 2 popping their heads out of the bottom of their cage to get their treat when I walk into the room.
Dusa (and Isa) are booked for dropoff on Friday morning. Dr. Munn will examine Dusa and determine if he wants to go ahead with the surgery. At least there's a chance!!! :joy:
What a love. She looks like another rat you had. ...I know that rats look similar but this one... it's the face. I wish I could remember who.
jorats said:
What a love. She looks like another rat you had. ...I know that rats look similar but this one... it's the face. I wish I could remember who.

does she remind you also of Apolla? The old lady I took in who had all those horrible tumours I was unable to contemplate getting removed?

I am hoping he will give the surgery a go, and that both lovely ladies will do well. It would be wonderful for her to be able to walk normally again. And I'm so glad her overall condition has improved too, so she might better survive. Hugs to the girls! Wishing them all the best. :heart: