How do you drain an absess? Success!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2007
My boy Lyric has a reacurring absess on the side of his neck. I was treating it with polysporin and hydroperoxide a few months ago, but I found out that both were not good to treat absesses with so I swiched to washing the absess in warm water and epsom salt. I never actually had to drain the absess because it was small.

Anyways, the absess went away and all that was left was a scab that I figured would eventally heal so I stopped cleaning it. This was about a month ago. Over that time the scab was still kinda there but i figured it was just taking a while to heal...he is an old boy. But now the abess has returned and is worse than ever. It got really big in a few days and I know that I will have to drain it in order to get all the puss and gross stuff out of there. How on earth do I do this? And how do I prevent it from coming back? Should I still be using warm water and salt?
I've only drained one and that was on a cat. It was so big though I just gently pressed down on it and it er, erupted on its own. After I got as much out as I could then I treated it with warm water and epsom salts, then putting this antibacterial goop on it I got from the clinic (can't recall the name but not Polysporin).

I'd be inclined to call your vet and ask. : /
Using warm water to compress the area helps bring it to a head. Adding a bit of table salt to the warm water once the abscess is opened helps to flush it out more and dry the stuff out. Its a good idea to start the rat on antibiotics as it will help to get rid of the abscess internally.
I'm looking at the absess now and I think it could be dangerous to try and drain it. I've never drained anything before and this isn't by any means a small absess. I think I might just take him into the vet this weekend and have them do it.
bruxxy said:
I'm looking at the absess now and I think it could be dangerous to try and drain it. I've never drained anything before and this isn't by any means a small absess. I think I might just take him into the vet this weekend and have them do it.

Can you take a pic? Abscesses on the cheek or under/near the ear might be something else. :(
I don't think its a tumor if thats what you might be thinking. It went away for a while and seems to change in tumors even do that?
There's all sorts of things it could be depending on location. Sometimes its an ear infection that is draining down into there, and creating an abscess, you treat the abscess but the original problem keeps going and makes more.
I thought it might be an inner ear infection because of where the absess was but his ear looks clear of discharge and there is no funky oders coming from it either. Could it possibly be that the infection is so far down that it wouldn't show in the surface of the ear?
bruxxy said:
I thought it might be an inner ear infection because of where the absess was but his ear looks clear of discharge and there is no funky oders coming from it either. Could it possibly be that the infection is so far down that it wouldn't show in the surface of the ear?

It is possible.
It does look very similar to that...Anyways I have an appointment with Dr.Munn tomorrow at 5:30 so hopefully everything will go smoothly...wish us luck :)
So my appointment today got mixed up because I mean to book it for 4:30 but for some reason it was booked for 5:30. So I missed my appointment. I do have another one booked for Saturday but I'm concerned about my boy and I was wondering if I should attemt to drain the absess myself. Could it cause him any harm if I tried? The last thing I want to do is hurt him but I feel if I could at least try and drain a bit he might feel alot better. Please help!
Personally I would continue on with compresses trying to get it to open up itself, and wait for your vet appointment on Saturday.
Whats the best way to drain it though? Do i squeeze? do I gently push? Should I apply pressure on the absess itself or around the absess? I'm so confused with this kind of stuff because this has never happend to any of my rats before :shock:
Ohhh. No, no, no. :)

To drain an abscess you have to lance it (cut it open) in the middle with a scalpel blade, or some people use a sterilized needle I guess.

That is why it is something that should be left to a veterinarian, unless you are 100% comfortable and know how to do it safely.
Keep warm compressing it, the warmth and heat of the compress will cause more circulation to go to that area and help the abscess to come to a head or closer to the outside of the body. Like a pimple does. I only flush them out if they open up from warm compressing. I leave the lancing to my vet.
The majority of abscesses I've encountered have popped on their own with just warm compresses. I, and most people I know, have not had to have an abscess lanced.

Just continue with the warm compresses until Saturday. Either it will have popped, or not, at which point you would want to go to the vet anyhow.