Hope's Rescued rats, adoptables and lifers- December Update

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We lost two more rats last night. Rex my blue rex boy and Josie a very chubby girl who was about as big a boy rat. She was 550grams. She had tumors pop up on her neck so we were planning on removing them but sadly she didnt survive this.




So far we have lost Daryl, Allanah, Josie, Liam, Irish, PJ, Rex, Hershel, and Claire. So 9 deaths since last tuesday. We have Rick who i dont think will make it, Jazzy who probably wont survive and I think that is about all of the near death. We had the new boy "dick" who i thought was going to leave us but he is improving greatly.

Tank and diesel are doing very well moving back to a real cage today.
Opie and Clay are doing well and moving back to a real cage.
Charlie and Iris are moving back to a real cage, charlie was very bad.
Remy is doing well, he is back to tormenting Rapunzel.
Morgana is still hit or miss, i am struggling with her :(
Gwenny is improving
the mismarked twins are both looking better.
Rj and dirk are still not doing as good as I would like.
Ginger is hanging in there. SHe is very perky but looking rough still.
Patches who was cold and lethargic is up being a jerk again :)
Colt is good but wheezy
Abraham is wheezy.

We have lost 9 but managed to pull the really bad ones through it so far. we are not close to being done but we are seeing improvements which is a good thing for us here. We have a few more losses to take on i am sure but we havent found any new very ill ones in a few days. We have spent just under 600.00 on this virus and it is still climbing. I had to do a food order and that was another 600.00 so the vet fund is pretty wiped out right now.

THe babies are ok still mom is sneezing but on meds. The babies will be at risk once they are weaned so about 2 more weeks and we start with the babies :(

Emotional i have lost it a few times. Just crying because it is a lot of work to keep them healthy right now. Some wont eat so we are feeding them extra mushy foods. Just a few more weeks and we can recover.


it should be about ready. They are hyper little babies :)
I love those little cutie pies!!! I just want to smooch all their little faces...I hope that you don't lose anymore ratties :( Still sending good,healing thoughts your way!
Oh Rex that big squishy boy! So sorry to hear of more losses. I can only imagine how draining dealing with this is, deaths, sickies, babies to care for. Of not for the losses even the care would have me in exhaustion tears

PS that wee rattie with the cheerio is precious. Keeps spinning "agh don't take my cherrio" "mine!" "No you cannot share it" haha trying to enjoy it yet scarf it as fast as possible. Furious knawing
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That's great your getting them through this. We lost 8 last year and that was hard. I cannot imagine 9 at once. We wish you the best and hope things keep improving. Looks like I have females now :holysheep: tinny tiny girls - they see the vet on the 28th......
Ug, hang in there! Just the sheer number of rats that have to be medicated probably takes a couple of hours each time. I'm glad most are recovering and hope you are on the upswing.
Timmy was being a love bug today. I needed that from him.



I am tired daily... Rick is losing weight but he hasnt lost much weight since this he was losing it before.

I cleaned the cages last night. Put some of the improving rats back up stairs.


The babies are 25 days old



Here is an updated list of sickly rats.

Wheezing is minimal right now with some of them.

minimal Side breathing
Mismarked twins

very ill
Rick ( weight wise) breathing is mostly ok

Still not close to being done but my very ill list is getting smaller at least.
Oh Peggy I don't even know what to say! You must be an absolute wreck, I'm so sorry! You WILL get through this. I know you are doing everything humanly possible to protect these animals and pull them through it. Your commitment to the meds and measures of prevention are outstanding. I know there is probably very little to say that will comfort you. You are in a very stressful situation. I would be inconsolable, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and totally rooting for you to get through this. Please hang in there girl. You are doing everything that you possibly can, what more can you do except function as best as you can for the others and grieve your losses. Keep us updated ok xx
the babies are 27 days old. 4 weeks tomorrow. I havent been able to enjoy them as much because we are going through so much but I play with them once a day so they seem to love hand wrestling.

We started them on Zithro tonight. I hear some sneezing and I am just giving them all the meds to try and get a jump a head of the sickness.







I got a wheel cleaned I will put it in tomorrow. It is a 3 step process. Clean it, leave it set for 24 hours, then wipe with an antibacterial wipe before putting it in.

I am exhausted. Mentally, emotionally and physically. We go through 60 ml of baytril a day to medicate them all. I am making meds daily pretty much.

Bumblebee was my fight lately. We have been doing brething treatments on some of them and he has been gasping daily. Today he sounds a lot clearer than he did previously. I am hoping we broke some of that loose.

We have a few that wont make it, Rick, bumblebee is iffy still, Rick, Katara, Jazzy. I think that is all of them but we didnt expect lily to die today either. I have been giving them the good round of meds but I knew the last two days she was looking bad. I gave her a breathing treatment this morning but we never seen sneezing or anything from her so I am not sure what took her, her lungs sounded horrible today but they haven't recently so i am just lost. I lost two of my handicap rats due to this and now I only have 2 left. I am just shattered by this and this is the worst thing I have ever faced. All i can say right now is I hope this ends fast because i am just at my wits end. I am trying to get the testing done so I am working on that to see for sure what we are dealing with. I need to know for sure not guess. Not after 11 of our rats have died from this. we lose a lot of rats but this has been shattering to me. I just hope it is almost over.
2 weeks into the virus, 11 deaths, medicating DOZENS of rats twice a day and we maybe be hittng the downward slope. 2 weeks ago today we had our first deaths, Hershel, Claire and daryl. Started the whole nightmare.

My gun boys which are 6 boys from goldie were mildly affected by it. They all had sneezes but none got very ill. Their sneezes are very far and few in between.

my group of 12 girls was 18. We pulled the 6 sickest out, my bareback twins, rj and dirk,Morgana and qwenny. Ironically they are in pairs of what they came here as. Morgana couldnt fight it :( but the other 5 are doing well. Mild wheezing no crackling sounds but a wheeze still. The group of 12 were mostly sneezers but not very sick they still sneeze a bit but not as bad.

We have max and shadow who were gettng congested but didnt go much furhter than that they sound very well now. No noise and I havent noticed any sneezes.

Charlie and Iris. Charlie was very bad, he is an old boy, thinning and hed setting in. He is now doing well. Still a slight breathing problem but nothing major. Iris had a sneeze then a slight wheeze but her wheeze is gone now and she is doing well.

Clay and Opie were on deaths door, both wouldnt move, were cold and breathing horrible. They have done well but I sitll see some slight breathing issues. With opie it was in question for a while before I started him on meds 2 weeks prior but I think some will be left over scarign and may last for life.

Tank and diesel both were horrible same as opie and clay. They are now back to tryng to eat my soul.Just love those boys.

Remy and Rapunzel. Rapunzel got a slight wheeze but nothing more. Remy was pretty bad off but is back to his normal self.

Colt was horrible and one of the first we found very sick after the deaths. he has a bit of a crackle now but it is improving daily.

The most recent 5 new boys are now in 3 single males, and a group of 2. patches in the two was horrible but is fine now, his cagemate a black burk was just sneezing. dick was horrible, is alone now he is very active and just sneezes a bit. The agouti now single male, and the black hooded now sngle male are just on meds for sneezing.

my older group of girls, Jade, Pretzel, Ginger, Sweetie, Turbo, Medusa, Cashew, Jazzy, Josie, and Elvis are one that seems to escape most. Most of htem sneezed but some of my oldest girls are still doing well. Cashew, medusa were sick but not deadly sick, Josie didnt make it, Jazzy who had noisey lungs since seh came here has pretty much survived. She was pretty sick seeming but has perk up. I know her days are limited but I think she survived this. Ginger was the worst one. She was labored but is improving now.

My oldies boys, Rex, Glenn, Rick, Juney, Willy, Trey and brain. were on all the meds because they are sick and old anyway. Rex passed, he had problems before and this was to much for his sweet little body to handle. Rick is doing poorly but he was before so it isnt much more worse now. Juney has labored breathing but we will be puttingher to sleep soon I am sure she has a tumor that is growing out of control but not one we can remove. GLenn was getting pretty sick but seem to be improving. the others were not affected much as all thankfully.

My handicap babies :( Liam, Roo, Lily and Willow was all we had left. Liam and lily left. Liam has been struggling to keep weight on so I knew it was coming but lily seemed ok. She was sick but then she got really sck even with the beds meds around. Roo and Wllow are doing ok, Roo is sneezign butwillow is the same brat she always is.

The 10 boys Martin, Jackson and Olivers, Grant, Sully, Daddy and the babies from astryd, are still sneezing more than I would like but no very sick boys. Sully and daddy seem off a bit but not in horrible

Bumblebee was open mouth gasping for 2 days. He is now clear. we did breathing treatments on him as well but it seemed to save his life. He sounds amazing for how bad and congested he sounded two days ago.
Timmy is fine just some sneezes.

Irish and katara, Irish couldnt make it, Katara is ok but we will be putting her to sleep soon due to tumors as well.
Abraham and Molly now, molly lost hershel and CLaire in less than 12 hours. she as alone. Abraham lost allanah so since Molly s spayed we got those two together. Abraham is havin some wheezing but hopefully it dont go any further than that.

Momma and babies are doing ok I hear sneezing but I started the babies on meds last night.Momma has been on it for 10 days now.

I think that is all of them. It has been overwhelming but another week or two and I can drop the meds down on the mild ones but my very sick ones will be on meds for a few weeks to come. I dont have anymore critical rats that are from this. My only bad looking rats Jazzy and Rick were like this previously. Keep your healing vibes coming we still need them :)

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