Hope's Rescued rats, adoptables and lifers- December Update

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Ths will probably be the only list. I am having a horrible week as you can imagine. I work at a gas station and it has been robbed 2 times in 5 days. I will be at work a bit more and I will be exhausted.

I am trying to keep a tally of the bad rats. Almost all are sneezing, wheezing or something. I am rating them on a scale of 1 to 10. We have some that wont make it through the night. We lost allanah today, I am holding Liam as he leaves me now, Irish s struggling next to me, Morgana needs to be watch, Clay and opie are out here so I can watch Clay he was struggling earlier but the dex has helped him.

Ginger 5 improving
Patches 8 cold and labored
CLay 9 borderline gasping-improved after dex
Opie 5 came down from 9
Bumbebee is on watch at 2 he was worse
Remy 1 down from 6
Dick 2 showing labored breathing
Diesel 3 down from 9 was cold to the touch and labored
Tank 3 wheezy down from a 9 same as diesel
Jazzy 9 border line gasping
Josie 9 was gasping yesterday
Liam is dying
Irish 9 open mouth breathing
Morgana 9 labored breathing
Rj 4 wheezng down from a 6
Dirk wheezing down from a 6
Abraham 2 Wheezing
Roo sneeziing
Stella Sneezing
Cashew 2 minor labored breathing
Rick 4
Gleen 4 was worse, wheezing now
Juney 7 Labored sides breathing
Rex- 7 labored side breathing (prior)

The rest are doing something sneezing. We have just a handful that are not showing symptoms they could show n a few days. THe sneezing one could get worse in a few days, we have already doubled the numbers since tuesday. Keep yoru fingers crossed for us. we need it.
If I could I'd be in my car driving to help you hold on to these sweet bubs as they need it.
I know the feeling of working at a gas station and having all hands on deck. We didn't have robberies but we had increases of drug drops and deals going on in October thru November. So we had two sets of eyes on during peak times which was oddly very early morning
Anyway my heart is with you and your babies
My heart is breaking for you right now :( Sending lots of love and healing thoughts from me and the rat pack.
My fingers are crossed. My heart is both hopeful and hurting for you guys. I'm sorry to hear you are having a rough time both at work and at home. That must make it harder. We are all here for you and wishing for the best. *hugs*
Were you able to figure out where it came from? I know you said we cannot come near your house, but if you need anything we're not that far away. We're praying for you and the ratties....
Oh my lord...this breaks my heart. I am so sorry for your bubs and all the hell you guys are going through right now. I have been awol for a bit since I lost our last ratty and I have not been on the Shack for awhile. Just saw your update. I am sending all the good healthy vibes I can to your sweet furries and I hope things go up from here. I am also so sorry for all the ones you have lost and Liam most recently, who you said was leaving you. :cry5:
We are hopefully stablizing soon. We did not find any more rats in poor health today just wheezers and sneezers but almost all of them are having symptoms at this point. There will be a few who will probably be syptom free but not many. I found 2 boys yesterday but nothiing today. We lost two rats today, IRish and Liam brothers but one had pt i have been fighting to save and the other was declining for weeks so I knew they were both coming. So we have lost, Daryl, Claire, Hershel, Pj, Irish, Liam, and Allanah in the last week. Tomorrow will be a week since we lost the first 3. We have them on abs. I will share later how much we have spent on meds but we have tons coming.

I had to move rats around. Colt who was doing poorly improved so I moved him upstairs. my big group of girls have been split up, 12 that are not so sick are upstairs and the 6 that are very sick are down in a smaller cage so we can watch them closer. I moved all my very ill rats to one corner and most of the rats downstairs are on all meds. I have the ones upstairs that I watch and check on do meds but are not life threatening at this point.

Momma may be pregnant so that could be a problem. She has 11 babies in my room which I never put rats in here. I have her a new cage set up and will move her in it tomorrow. We will have to watch for new babies in about a week but her babies are 3 weeks old tomorrow so at that point they will be safe to split up if needed. Momma had a few sneezes today, but I started her on zithro twice a day now to just give her an extra push. I have to protect her and her babies.

I am struggling with meds, it is hard to do I work horrible hours so it makes it harder to do them but we are doing them. We still have about 10 very ill rats right now and some oldies I know wont survive we are not done with the death. Thank you for your support in ths I am so upset over letting this happen but it is part of the game I guess. I will be closed for a long time to come. Babies make that happen longer. that will give em time to try to find fosters to make sure this does not happen again.
I can see the babies when I wake up since I am off. I wont be able to see them again today :( I am trying so hard to keep them safe and I will keep them up here till they are weaned and after. They are 3 weeks old today so they are getting a big cage now. I need to go do meds and health checks but I am not in the mood to see it today. So i am drinking my coffee with the babies for now.









I am just so scared of exposing them to anything else. Granted I know they are already exposed to the virus but I dont want to bring some other secondary up around them right now. I doubt that any of it is catchy but I just feel better having them in another room away from all my sick ones. They are a blast, so cute and fun to watch. I just love them. Just hoping momma dont have more babies :(
They are so cute!! Glad they can bring some sunshine before having to face a storm...Hope all your rats are feeling better today!
I think we have hit the time where we are not finding anymore that are deathly ill but we have maybe 15-20 that are wheezy or labored breathing, some are in very poor shape. We are doing what we can for them at this point but it is a waiting game to see who will survive. The rats upstairs are all pretty stable, just sneezing. One boy who looks pretty ill still he may be moved down here to the sick corner. Other than taht some of them who were pretty sick a few days ago are up being brats today. That is a good thing. Some has me scared.
Gotta love the brattiness! You know they are better when they are back to their mischevious ways!
Those babies are just precious...fingers crossed for no more babies! That poor lil lady, 11 already and to have your body not even recovered yet...just praying she's done!
Just a quick update.
My bareback twins are improving, they were horrible a few days ago,
Morgana looks a tad better not as puffy,
Tank and Diesel are active and looking better and they are also still breathing a bit hard but not as bad.
Opie and Clay, Clay had me very worried the last few days are active and looking better just like tank and diesel.
Rj and DIrk are the same, they were not horrible but showing labored breathing,
Qwenny was pretty bad but is active and approving.
Ginger is improving,
Jazzy is teh same, still horrible breathing,
Josie is pretty critical right now along with Rex and Rick..
..Bumblebee is the same not horrible but not well either ,
Dick is doing bad still, patches improved,
Charlie s a lot better
Juney is critical,
GLenn seems the same just wheezy.
Colt is still doing well, he was one of the first bad off ones we found. and only rappy was a new wheezy today.

I enjoyed the babies today when I got home from work.. I needed it today i am getting wore out. Momma has the sneezes every now and then i hear a baby sneeze but they seem fine.



Nothing like wrestling babies to make your day.

a game of bite the human.

seems to be a hit

the runt in front

I was playing with the sick boys well who am i kidding they are all sick right now LOL But this is amplified by a million with all the sneezing rats we have. WE are lucky with the small number of very ill rats. only 2 unexpected deaths the rest are older and compromised and cannot survive this.


Meet brain the boy with the black spot on his testicle that made us neuter him, he also had a tumor removed at teh same time. I found him today in the cage, with his leg stuck and him just hanging upside down. One would think a rat would scream and make noises not this man-rat, he went to sleep yes he went to sleep. I love this boy he is a nut job for real. HED and old age i am glad he has been spared not even a sneeze


We pull all the very ill rats, all from different groups out and put them on the chair and ottoman for the night. They get lab block mush, pasta, baby food anything we can put out for them. We let them all just hang out so they can be watched for any episodes.

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