Hi from Illinois!

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Aaaiiiieeee baby dumbos <3 Super excited for you, I hope you all work out well for each other! ;-)

Also - I use carefresh. It's a bit messy (somehow they manage to throw it across the room) and always sticks to my robe (I learned this weak not to clean the cage with my robe on or I'll turn into a human sized carefresh ball) but they love digging around in it and pushing the stuff around.

I would probably use Yesterdays News if it was at any of the stores I went to, but since it isn't I'm quite happy with Carefresh.

EDIT: haha yeah, it posted 4 times for you! But that just made it four times as exciting!
But really, no biggy. A mod can probably nuke the extras for you. :nod:
:) Thanks Roo! I can't wait!!! Yeah, Carefresh is what I bought.. I would try the fleece, but we have an apartment without a washer and dryer in it for now, and our laundry is expensive to use. We are possibly moving this summer to a place with them, and then maybe I will switch. I am soo excited to bring our new babies home :) I know I am such a dork :)
I will be posting later! I am having a hard time keeping my secret from my son! LOL... He is going to be over the moon.. I love being sneaky, but it's so hard!
I personally don't like carefresh, I find it very dusty and not as good at absorbing smell, but lots of people use it and are happy with it.

Congrats on the new babies! This is why people shouldn't buy from shops on a whim, because rats in need of adoption almost always pop up at just the right moment. I know I have no problem finding babies to adopt, even when I shouldn't be LOL
Hi Everyone!
Our boys are home! They are getting used to there cage, my son named them SumiGosh (Sumi for short) and the other is Tiaotosh (Tiao)
My son and hubby are Judo players, and these are there two favorite throws.
More pics to come!

Iused to use Carefresh.. but sometimes it didnt obsorb well and it was stinky( the natural smell of carefresh I didnt like) I switched to Boxo made from Cardboard, looks just like Carefresh but Boxo doesnt stink and actually obsorbs a lot better then the Carefresh! It is dusty but it doesnt really bother me and it doesnt seem to bother the rats nossies. Theres really no other choice for bedding in my area other then the Carefresh or wood shaving which I never used.
Thanks all! They seem to be very scared, and not interested in much, I am sure it will take them some time to adjust to everything... Right now, we have them set up in our living room, so they can be around us, and get used to our smell and noises, not sure if we will keep them in here or in our or the kids room. But for now, I thought it important for them to hear us, and smell us. Any other suggestions to help them feel more comfortable.. They seem to be around 5-6 months old.. The other ones we were going to get were 5 weeks, but I couldn't let these guys sit in the shelter..

Rattie Mommy of 2! :)
Hey everyone,
I am giving you guys a quick update. Sadly, Boys Sumi and Tiao turned out to be really sick guys, and we had to bring then back, where they passes an hour later :(.
On a brighter note, my son and i adopted 2 baby females, one is 6 weeks, and the other 10 weeks. We also named them Sumi and Tiao, I will post pics below, the white is Tiao and the grey and white is Sumi.
These 2 little girls have won our hearts completley already, they are so sweet, and loving even after 2 hours. My son was very sad, but feels a bit better since these 2 beauties actually let him pick them up with me right there, the boys didn't want to be touched, or eat, and just laid there :(
Hope everyone is having a great day! Thanks again for all the support!
These are our precious girls in there cage on the way home.. (Just there transport cage)

That is sad, I hope you scrubbed everything super well? it is possible to pass it to the new girls if it was something like Sendai or SDA...... Some of these are super contagious and can live a few hours outside of a host.... I found out the hard way :emb:

Not trying to scare you but baby rats don't normally just pass like, rats are amazing fighters when sick. but some viruses makes it impossible to fight. I mean some do, but if both did it, then I would be concerned why...

They are super cute girls....I love girls, they take a lot of energy sometimes lol Pews have the best head sways! i love it.
Hey there hopefloats!
I did scrub everything, 3 x actually, it was so insane! They said that they both had heart failure due to being sick for a long time, and not properly cared for before being brought to the shelter.
Well, I am hoping to have much better luck with these 2 girls! So far, just in the full day that we have had them, there pesonalities are so much different, and they are super super sweet, and curious!
The baby white one (Tiao) still seems very nervous, she was just weaned form momma, so I am sure it will take her some time, she will come and sniff at my hand if I put it in the cage, and she has let me hold her, but still seems leary (understandable). As for Sumi she seems much more adventrous, and loving!!! He has already mastered the art of jumping into my hand the minute it's in the cage, and then crawling up my arm and perching herself on my shoulders and squeaking at me :). She is also very patient with my son (6) she uses our hands as a bridge, going from mine to his, and back and forth while making little noises that sound to me like happy noises.
It's been a very positive outcome from a not so positive start. But so far Sumi and Tiao are doing awesome!
I am not liking this carefresh bedding thing at all, they are making a mess :) So, I want to litter train them so I can use the fleece, and then just the bedding in the litter box, anyone have any advice on the best way to achieve that.
Thanks all!

That is good. It just seemed odd for both to go like that outbreaks scare me so I had to ask lol...they were young looking. I use yesterdays news litter in mine. Find the spot the like to go in and put it there..they will usually take to it fast...if you see they miss just put it in there. I always stick a piece of poo in there so they get the idea..they sound lovely.. babies are fun but they grow fast.. the shy one will come around after a bit some are just silly like that...it is nice to watch the transformation. Some people put them under their ladders in the cage...that just seems like they walk in it more and I don't want that but most put the boxes in the corners