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It's a massive shock at first in terms of size but I'd say it's totally worth it. ;)

I wonder if Home Hardware would carry this stuff?
I took some pictures of my Ferret Nation last night once I was done cleaning it.

I ended up leaving it uncovered even though my girls can get out. I just hope I don't regret that someday.

Whole cage:

TOp half:

Bottom half:
The general consensus in this house (having asked all the men types) is that the powdercoated hardware cloth is not available in Canada. Dammit.
We have PVC coated green hardware cloth at our Home Depot in Winnipeg.... Its just sold in very small rolls though.
Went to Dollarama today and got some new fleece and material for hammocks. The girls now have a fall colour scheme :) The other hammock as you can see.. has suffered destruction this week lol.

A fall color scheme. :lol: Oh man, I am failing my kids badly :oops: Lol!
That's beautiful! what deservedly spoiled kids.
Never ever jinx yourself by saying you decided to leave the cage uncovered but all is well. AGH.

For unbeknownst reasons Cleo has decided to go wandering three nights in a row now, and came out three times last night in a 1/2 hour period while I was standing back watching. The first time I found her sitting in my rat treat bin eating all of the dog cookies.

I just woke up and see that she has been relegated to the guinea pig cage by my boyfriend. Which means she was once again wandering this morning when he woke up.

Guess we will have to figure out for sure what to do now.
Can you try to just block off the area she's getting out?
My sister had the same problem and all she did was put toys or boxes, rope, in the corners where it seems the bars a bit more wider.
That really sucks when they decide to go exploring. :(
I bought the Ferret Nation in April in order to be able to put all my rats in one cage. I thought that would mean less work for me and the rats would have a lot of space to play.

The only problem is the tray is so small that we can't put any bedding in it and the rats ended up peeing all over the place. The cage would stink and it took me 2 hours cleaning it.

So yesterday I had a rat ladies evening with friends and we built deep bottom for my cage. I put bedding in it and the rats seemed to be very happy to have bedding again. Unfortunately, the cage is now closed which means the rats will be separated now but Nath told me we could find a way to open it so all rats could have access to the whole cage. We might be doing this on our next get together but right now, I want to see how it goes the way it is.

Here are some pictures of my cage with the additions.

Barbossa says: what are you doing daddy?

Tiny little Lupin eating directly from the bowl.

Top half of the cage.

Bottom half of the cage.

Captain Jack Sparrow says: Hello daddy!!!

You're very hungry Lupin!

Lupin and Captain Jack Sparrow.

Big boss Silas in his house.

So clean now with the bedding.

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