Peanut's eye thread - Possibly NOT the end!

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^Never realized baby cereal has probiotics...? Sheesh. Good to know. Honestly never occurred to me it might.

Peanut has got to be feeling better now that he's back in with his pals (or minions?) both of my "exploding eye rats" stayed with cagemate up until surgery and were ok. It was only after they needed separated because the guys would yank stitches/drain tubes.

Tuesday can't come soon enough. Hang in there little man. Or big man.
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^Never realized baby cereal has probiotics...? Sheesh. Good to know. Honestly never occurred to me it might.

Peanut has got to be feeling better now that he's back in with his pals (or minions?) both of my "exploding eye rats" stayed with cagemate up until surgery and were ok. It was only after they needed separated because the guys would yank stitches/drain tubes.

Tuesday can't come soon enough. Hang in there little man. Or big man.

He separated him again have he put the ointment on, but we'll put him back. Sadly though, it seems Grumpy is leaving us - he's lethargic and not doing well.
I was told it reduces the effectiveness of the antibiotic if given within 2 hours of the meds.
It is the other way around. The antibiotics kill off the bacteria.
So you should wait a couple of hours after their antibiotics before giving yogurt or probiotics. They should have some though, because the antibiotics are stripping their gut of all its natural flora.
It is the other way around. The antibiotics kill off the bacteria.
So you should wait a couple of hours after their antibiotics before giving yogurt or probiotics. They should have some though, because the antibiotics are stripping their gut of all its natural flora.

That's what I said isn't it? or meant to say - cannot give 2 hours before or after antibiotics? I'm not risking anything with Peanut - my poor boy.

He also thought he had an ear polyp, but it turned out to be a ball of wax.. I knew the ear was bothering him that's why it was on my list of things to ask that I sent with the hubby....
I'm not even going to post an eye picture today, because I'm horrified! The vet is going to have to deal with me Tuesday and they aren't going to like what I have to say.
Is that bad? Poor boy...
Yes! at least I think it is and that side of his face is caked in blood/porphyfin. I have no idea how we're suppose to put drops into an eye that now looks like a giant black scab. I have no idea if that's the eye or the blood/porphyfin that has hardened... I was putting a warm wet rag on it, which he is so pleased with - NOT! and all I get is red, but it doesn't seem to do much for the scab thing... AGGHHH I could just scream... actually I am and using a lot of profanity... I just have a feeling they have never removed a rat's eye! Three days might as well be three years....that just seems too long to wait
You said you don't have someone else to go to yes? I mean heck at this point you might even want to take him to any vet that would be willing to take the eye out ASAP.
Yes! at least I think it is and that side of his face is caked in blood/porphyfin. I have no idea how we're suppose to put drops into an eye that now looks like a giant black scab. I have no idea if that's the eye or the blood/porphyfin that has hardened... I was putting a warm wet rag on it, which he is so pleased with - NOT! and all I get is red, but it doesn't seem to do much for the scab thing... AGGHHH I could just scream... actually I am and using a lot of profanity... I just have a feeling they have never removed a rat's eye! Three days might as well be three years....that just seems too long to wait

PM me a pic hun?

How bad is the smell? How much is it bulging out? Is he scratching at it, in a lot of discomfort or is he lethargic and unwell?
PM me a pic hun?

How bad is the smell? How much is it bulging out? Is he scratching at it, in a lot of discomfort or is he lethargic and unwell?

Doesn't really smell at all. He only seems to be scratching at it when we put the drops/ointment on it. He is not lethargic - he's acting like his normal lazy self just not eating like he should be, but we're giving him soft food. Buldging maybe about 3 mm, but it always buldges more after we've messed with it and then it goes down. He sure is pooping a lot when we are giving him is meds, etc. Sorry didn't see this until after I was at work so I don't have access to the pictures I took yesterday. I think he can wait till Tuesday I'm just all P&*#ed off that he has too since its not like I just brought him in and waited I emailed them daily pictures and called them to let them know it wasn't getting better!!!
I'm so sorry you and your baby are going through this. Perhaps they never have done an enucleation and are hoping things will resolve without one. It is so tough waiting when we all feel it needs to be done ASAP. Hang in there, we are all rooting for him.
And yelling and screaming is OK - it helps let some of the frustration out so the top of your head doesn't explode.
I've decided to post the pictures since I have done a pretty good job of taking daily ones to document my poor boy's journey.

This is the scab thing we found yesterday, its black, thick, and hard. Not sure what it was made of.

This is this evening you can see the scab thing is lifting and there was some pus or yellowish fluid leaking out the bottom. This is prior to flushing.

This is after flushing and it now appears to be bleeding and he is now pawing at it.

It was after this that he ripped it off and the bleeding started. Blood droplet bleeding - mom freaking out bleeding.. blood all over his face and paws bleeding I called the vet emergency number and for the first time they didn't answer. I left a not so nice message. I waited for a little while and called the other emergency number they have and was preparing to head to that vet even though all they were going to be able to do was stabilize him for blood loss and pain when our vet called back and wanted me to take him to the other exotic vet we have here that I cannot stand... So as I was about to head out for that place, closed our back door, and realized I had just locked myself out. Yep, I left the house without my keys... I did my best to try and break in my own house with no luck so the hubby had to grab his crew and ambulance and come home and let me in. In that time, I realized his eye wasn't looking so bad anymore.

While it doesn't look great, he can close it now and he only messes with it when we flush it etc. So, I'm not going to flush it anymore just put the drops in it and the ointment. I think unless anything else goes wrong he'll be alright till Tuesday. That other vet would just have charged about half my paycheck and I have no idea if they would of taken the eye out or not. It's not really bulging out this much - it just seems to when I take pictures. I'll be so glad when this is over.