Yet another lump ¬_¬ things are getting bad... ((RIP Axel))

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I'm glad to hear Joey doesn't seem to be depressed by the loss of his brother, it's odd that some take it so bad and others are ok.
I don't know if the spca does that either, but you can google to find small animal rescue groups where you are - if you were here I could give you a choice of kids needing fostering just from one rescue group.
If you're concerned about his teeth you can always get some wood things to put in his cage. Mine chew the blazes out of these clothespegs I get in the crafts section of my Buck Store (tho I'm not recommending them as ashamedly I don't know what kind of wood they are tho I've been buying them for the kids for years ).

Kisses to Joey, and hugs to you Argent.
awwh thanks >.<
tomorrow I'll talk to my mum about it, and give him plenty of things to chew in the meantime...
and the more time I've spent with him tonight the more I've actually noticed he doesn't seem too happy...he's just let me scritch him (in a box) for a good five minutes...and he probably would've let me do more-he went off into bliss! He must really miss all that grooming time...
I've tried at least three times now...and since last night she's just been switching off to anything I say...and I mean anything...doesn't even have to be rat-related... ¬_¬