Yellow Rash(?) on Female Rat

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Feb 20, 2020
United States
Hi everyone!

My little Mufin (female, a little over 2 yrs. old) has had these yellow, splotchy areas on the base of her tail for a few months. They come and go, but have always remained at the base of her tail. However, I noticed that they started to spread, and that they are not going away. They are growing in size AND location. They remain in small clusters, but sometimes appear in tiny dots. They’ve gathered along her back and left shoulder, but they primarily remain near the base of her tail and lower back.

I’m wondering if anyone knows what this could be? I couldn’t get great photos, so the ones included are only a few of the places she has the spots. In the past, she’s been treated for mites, but I haven’t noticed the Revolution affecting these yellow spots.

If someone has any information on this, it would be greatly appreciated!


If its just on her skin, its likely just sebum (oils) where she cannot reach them easily when she's grooming. She's older so maybe not as flexible as before. Does the skin look fine, no scabs etc? If so its just her aging most likely.
That’s what I thought! When I kept looking it up though, most people made it sound like that only happened to male rats!

Unfortunately, she has had other chronic skin issues, including scabbing. She’s been treated with revolution countless times for mites, and has also been treated for a bacterial skin infection (in the past). Nothing has really helped permanently, so she keeps getting scabs. So, to answer your question, she does have a few scabs currently :-(
Ok let's look at the scabs. Is she a Harley? Are the scabs located around her neck and shoulders or ? Are they small little scabs or bigger lesions? Do you use wood or paper based bedding? When you treated with the Revo did you treat all your rats at the same time?
she is not a harley! her scabs in the past have varied in size/location. she’s had some on her cheeks, behind her ears, her shoulders (mainly), and at the base of her tail. if i don’t notice them immediately and treat her they can grow quite large, as she scratches them obsessively. however, i’ve been avid about checking her daily now and treating the baby-sized scabs with vitamin e and chlorhexidine when i first see them. that tends to keep them at bay and heal them relatively quickly! at the moment, the scabs are small and there’s only a couple.

as for bedding, i use paper bedding in the bottom tray, and then fleece blankets that i change out daily! i also deep clean her cage weekly, and do spot cleanings for poopies!

when i did the revolution i did treat the other rat! she seemed to respond better to it, and never really got scabs. mufin, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be affected by the revolution and continues to get scabs monthly :-(

here are her current scabs (she kept moving, sorry about the quality!)
I don’t remember the dosage, but I took her to the vet for the applications! We set up three appointments, in intervals of three weeks. It didn’t seem to make a difference before/during/after the final application. I’ve done this (the three week interval applications) more than three times (spaced out over the past year or so) and it doesn’t appear to make her any less itchy :-(

Not sure anymore if it is mites or if they’re just extremely persistent!
Hmmm. You can order Revo online to use and keep.on hand. If you have 5 or less rats you can order puppy/kitten size and I can give you an appropriate dose. You might want to freeze your paper bedding as those can have mites in them and freezing it for 48 hrs before use can kill stowaways. If she's developed a bacterial infection from all the scratching she'll need baytril or clavamox for about 3 weeks to cure it.
The Revo you order without a prescription from Pets Megastore. It'll take a couple of weeks to arrive if you are in the US as it comes from Australia. Let me know if you want the link.