Worried Ratdad

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New Member
Jan 28, 2014
Hey, I'm FalsettoBear.

I am joining to learn more about my rat baby and talk to other rat parents.

I got my first rats, Storm and Rogue, roughly a month ago. They were rehomed from a loving and experienced home who could no longer care for them. They were a little over a year old.

My partner is a more experience rat owner, having owned four rats in the past, and I did a lot of preliminary reading before picking them up. So we thought we were well prepared.

Unfortunately this afternoon as I was letting them out for a run (we try to give them 1-3 hours a day quality time) I found Storm had died. We were very shocked, as aside from some sneezing initially (which we assumed to be bedding irritation, and getting acclimatised to our flat) everything had gone smoothly (they were both chasing our cat around just hours before! They go to nip his legs and he cries and runs away! Some predator he is!).

We've booked a vets appointment for the morning to get Rogue checked up, especially to check if it's something infectious.

We know we're going to have to get her company. She already seems somewhat lonely, being more subdued than usual, which we are also worried about incase it's a sign of sickness.

I wonder if any one has any advice on when and how to get her a companion/some companions?
I am sorry for your unexpected loss of Storm. It is a major shock to find an apparently-healthy rat dead in the cage.

You are right that Rogue will need a friend (or two ;) ), the sooner the better. Do you know of any local rat rescues or pet shelters? Are you in London, ON or London, England? Check the SPCA or RSPCA for rats needing a home. Also on line ads for pets are a certainty to find a rat. Just be sure that your new ratty really is a girl. That may sound like a silly piece of advice, but some pet store staff don't know how to tell. I once adopted a rat, supposedly a female, and when "she" climbed into the cage I couldn't help but notice two enormous goolies! Pet stores are a last resort: the rats are often unhealthy, unsocialized and/or pregnant.

Good luck finding Rogue a friend.
I'm so sorry for your baby. :(
I can't even imagine what happened.

It sounds like your girl is lonely and grieving now, a friend will help.
First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's never easy to lose one of our furry little friends. It's especially bad when you only have the one left, because the depression when they lose their cagemate is awful. My Gumdrop became so aggressive and sad after her cagemate's death. Your Rogue will need friends immediately, and a vet check, so you're already on the right track it sounds like. It's very possible that her behavior is not a sign of serious illness, so much as it is depression. Until you get her a friend, I would make sure to give her extra attention. She will need all of the love you can give her right now, and it might be easier for you to have her around for comfort.
Thank you for the condolences and the advice.

@Godmother, I'm in London England.

We have the vet at 4:20pm. She's mostly seemed okay, although a little glum while in her cage, and extra keen to sit in my partner's pocket when we've had her out. We've had her out all the time we've been awake since Storm passed. We've kept the cage door open so she can go in for a drink or to use the litter tray as she's well litter trained. She's also apparently had a stash of chicken nuggets she stole from us under the sofa because she brought out some comfort food and sat with us as we ate dinner (and then tried to steal our dinner).

We plan to get her two cagemates on Friday (or Thursday if my university is cancelled as it was yesterday, strikes) I did an online rat space calculator and it told me that my cage is large enough for four, but I don't really want to push it to capacity. However, I also want to lessen the risk of another rat being left lonely, so I think three is a good number.
Welcome to the Rat Shack, I wish it was on better circumstances. I'm so sorry for your unexpected losses. Those are sometimes harder to deal with.
Good for you for wanting to make Rogue happier by adding two more buddies. That's a smart move and the sooner the better for her. It usually makes intros easier and it will help take Rogue's mind off of her loss. Also, it will help you both heal as well.
Update. The vets appointment went fine. He said she's healthy, although understandably glum. Now it's just a matter of finding her some healthy friends.
Welcome to the forum. Sad to hear about your rat. It's good that the vet says the other seems healthy. I hope she stays that way and feels happier soon. :heart:

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Aww, so sorry to hear about your baby. I had a rat that died last year that died suddenly on Valentine's Day and her cage mate was extremely depressed for 2 weeks, she wouldn't hardly eat, just slept all of the time. It broke my heart. It was a horrible for both of us. I got her a buddy and and they're steadfast friends. Rats definitely have feelings, they mourn for their friends just like people do. I hope you get another friend for your little one.
:thumbup: Welcome, sorry about your loss. Hope the rattie search is going well and your baby will have a friend(s) soon.