whos staying in...

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MissGuardian, that is a most beautiful avatar!!

My family and I are celebrating at my place so my ratties will be here with us. Mamarat, morats, Nickelrat and her hubby will be joining my husband and I for New Year's... playing games and chit chatting... good times.
Not me! Amanda, Kels, Graham, and I (and some friends) are headed downtown Toronto for the festivities there.
Me. I cannot shake this nasty cold yet. Plus I have done the New Years thing to death. Bought the expensive tickets for something downtown, bought the expensive little black dress, purse, shoes, etc. Rented the hotel room, bought the alchohol, had a great time trying to be nice but avoid the creepy guy who won't let you out of his sight nearing midnight so he could kiss you, and went home painfully the next day with...a hangover to show for it all. I like staying home now. :cheeky:
Doing what we usually do since our kids have gotten bigger....staying home and having our kids and their friends in and playing games....keeps my kids safe and we have lots of fun.
Yup, staying in. Unless my parents wants to go somewhere to eat.

Cage cleaning falls on every Friday and it's so cold outside! =/
I usually don't like going out on those hot spot nights, like Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Canada Day, New Years... the ones where all the drunks are out. So, we stay in! I'll be bringing in the New Year with Joe (first time since we started dating) and Fatey in my lap. Both kids will be in bed, or they should be haha Ratties should be done with their outtime by then.

Nothing like bringing in the New Year with your family and critters. Best place to be!
Im spending lots of time with them now before I go out tonight. My family has an annual karaoke party every year. Wouldn't miss it for the world
eagle said:
Staying in, already have cleaned 4 cages and only a couple hundred to go. :giggle:

Oh fun! :lol:

Had to clean all the guinea pigs tonight and luckily just one rat cage. Over 15 rat cages to do tomorrow. :wallbang:

And yep staying it. Watching a film with my brother in a second. But most of the night was spent making sure that the rats were celebrating, popcorn and some other treats, and a tasty dinner. :cuddle:
Zooy and I are watching Netflix and drinking wine with lots of dogs at our feet. Mike is outside in the ice fishing hut