When Hadley Met Patty: intro with a challenge

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick (central)
I brought Hadley home from an SPCA yesterday, and I am adopting a ratty that SQ picked up from a snake owner. SQ has had little Patty for a week, and we figured that both lonely girls needed to start intros.

Joanne and SQ had both suggested that we intro the two new girls to each other before introducing them to my existing group.

It started so well in the bathtub, with curiosity and sniffing, but no puffiness. We were speculating about having them live together within a couple of days.

Then it suddenly went bad. SQ broke up the ratball and got bitten by a frightened Patty in the process.

Good thing SQ was here to walk me through this. The rest of the intro was mostly on one of our laps, with the rats much calmer being patted and in a smaller space. When they seemed calm, they got another go in the tub, when Hadley got too puffy, they went back to a lap.

So this is going to take a while. Patty is very curious but shows no aggression. Hadley is wary. We will keep working on it, but Patty is booked for a spay on Tuesday and will need a few days off. Hadley probably could use a spay ASAP but she is very thin and needs time to build up her health.

More to follow. I hate intros.

So glad they are chilling out. I know what you mean about hating intros though. I've only had my current experience and I don't care to repeat it. I think I won't get any new permanent residents until all of my current furballs and nakies are gone.
My mind read it as downhill too, by the way, ha ha!

I am sure the girls will be good friends in no time! You are doing a great job!
Wonderful pictures of your girls, Godmother

Patty is a very sweet curious active friendly young little girl who wants to snuggle with Hadley.
She is amazing for a little girl that was fed to a snake months ago and then stuck in alone a hamster cage and not handled.
She was very interested in my rats but Hadley is likely the first rat she has been with since she was taken from her mama and fed to a snake. (So much for being an 8 month old vicious male biter )

Hadley seems to be a very nice friendly little girl who seems to be afraid of Patty and is determined to be dominant.
They both love to be patted and stroked and Hadley boggles
