what gets you out of bed in the morning?

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I guess I should clear up a few things. I haven't had any recent blood work but I have been tested for thyroid issues and anemia several times. (My mother had thyroid disease)
I'm 56 & menopausal so I am not losing any blood....

I have been on anti depressant medication for decades. I am on the maximum dose of lexapro, 40 mgs (two tablets per day)
I don't think it's working any more.
I don't have a lot of options for medication because of my insurance. In fact I'm pretty sure I've used up all the options, except for Cymbalta and that is outrageously expensive and I'm pretty sure it would not be approved. But I might ask about it...

the going to bed at the same time each night is a great idea- but so far I've only done it once. I am disappointed in myself.
I am lonely, and I know this is part of the problem- I am online more than I should be, just looking for someone to chat with.
Maybe I should disconnect the computer for awhile and just force myself to do stuff.

thanks for all your helpful advice.
Maybe to help get up, go buy a bunch of yummy flavored coffees and/or hot chocolate and give yourself a reward for getting up. :) It's a start.

I just get up for work. Hell...on the weekends, I sleep in 2 extra hours, wake up...eat...and fall back asleep 3/4 hours later if I don't have to go food shopping.

I'm pretty lame.
I don´t really have any great ideas..
I´m bad at both going to bed and getting up.. No sleep hygiene thing works on he at all :wallbang:
But I too would see if there is something you like to do/eat/drink that can work as a reward to get up..
I´m a big fan of rewards(altho I´m awful at giving myself rewards :giggle: )..
I see the lonelyness issue tho.. I´m having issues with that too..
Petunia my dear, I am in a similar boat to you right now. I really do only get up to let the dogs out. Some times I don't even feed them breakfast right away and put myself back to bed first. Part of my situation is due to depression - I hate my job and am feeling let down by myself on a number of counts. But part of it is medical too, and many days no amount of sleep is enough, I am just exhausted all the time.

The warm weather is helping me. Getting up and letting the dogs out and stretching in the sun is helping. If I know it is going to be nice out, I like to get out early to put a load of laundry on the line. I wait to clean the kitchen until a time of day that there's a tv show I like on tv. Letting myself have small treats like that are helping me get my stuff done without wanting to gouge my eyes out.

Unfortunately there is no good time of day to vacuum.

I guess what I am trying to say is.... I don't have any real advice LOL. My sleep habits aren't great lately either. But I find letting myself do the things I enjoy in the morning instead of beating up on myself for getting at the chores. If I worry about the fact that I am not doing them in the morning, I get cranky and they don't get done anyway. Find whatever that one thing is that you can look forward to in the morning, and do it.