What do I ask for? Breathing problems *Update*

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
Cape Breton, NS
If there hasnt been enough going on lately thats stressfull, Stewart has some issues :(

This morning when I woke up, I heard someone in the big boy cage sooking, litterally sounded like little poutin'/cries. I go on my hunt to see which of the three is sick, and its Stewart :( Ive heard these sounds before. He is making grunting sounds when he breathes, sounds very conjested, and he's a little hyper active today. His eyes and nose are clear, no sneezing. When I first took him out, he was a 9/10 for noise, after a few bouts of hacking, he's only at a 4/10. He sounds like a coffee maker thats ready to kick the bucket.

Sadly, for this time of the year, we're going to have to make a vet run. Is this an upper res infection? Whats the best thing to treat it? Id like to be sure of what I want before I head to a vet that *might* not know everything about rats.

Im a nervous wreck, as bad as it sounds, Stews my fav :( Anything I could give him today for some relief??


Ive given him the benedryl, he's boucning off the walls as we speak. Ive never seen a rat act so hyper, like a 2 yr old kid into everything. Before I gave him the meds, he wasnt himself, laying in the open at the bottom of the cage insted of his hammock as usual. The raspy rock grinding is gone, but we're keeping an eye on him. Could this be an allergy insted of infection? Ive intro'd no yoke noodles to their treats, could this have been something to trigger this?
What you could try first off is benedryl. See if that helps at all, you should see improvement immediately, if not then you'll probably have to bring him in. How old is he? If he is under 12 months, I'd ask for zithromax if he's older, I'd ask for Baytril.
If the vet says the lungs sound really bad, I'd also ask for doxy to add to either zithro or Baytril.
Thanks Jo! He's about 6mth.

Is benedryl an OTC med? What would be an appropriate dose for that? I'd like to find something to give him now, as I am not sure how quickly we can get into the vet for a non em situation this time of year. I did give him a tiny peice of chocolate chip (about 1/4) to see if that would open him up, it did. I dont know if that was the right thing to do, but years ago thats what I was told to do when something like this comes up, and it worked before. Being 10am and no one is up to help me here, I kinda had to do something lol

DF is going to be in tears when he gets up, Stew is our poster rat. He is just amazing in everyway. Not that the others are any less to us, but he is the rat we HOPE the other boys turn out to be like! Days like today make me thankfull for 4 rats, not a dozen or more :(
Give him 0.5 to 1.0 mls twice a day. Start with the lower dose and lead up to the higher one if you don't find a change.
When you do get him to a vet, ask for Zithromax. :thumbup:
Nothing wrong with trying other methods of treatment before you head out to the vets. I believe thats called live and learn.
Sounds like he is doing better. :heart: