We need to have a Francophone index on the Rat Shack.

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Supporting Member
Apr 13, 2008
Montreal for now
We have a wonderful site here in Quebec where you can procure your rats from very special "ratteries" located all over!

http://laratteriedeema.aceboard.fr/inde ... gin=230499

I wonder if Genevieve Dalcourt, the young lady who lied in order to procure three rats from me in order to breed them, who subsequently broke the back of one of them, and who cost me $1000 in lawyer and incidental fees to get them back, is involved?
Quebec is one of the worst provinces for backyard breeders. Worst yet, they have a huge support system for their breeding games. It's sick.
I'm glad you posted this Jane, I was thinking this a while ago as well. My French is far from perfect, but I would be more than happy to to look through the active topics in both languages and help where I can. There are way to many douches around here that promote breeding as a great way to make easy money and not enough voices of reason.

I know it would be a huge task though Jo, so I totally understand if it's too much to take on.
I really do think it would be way too much work to translate everything on the shack. But I could do a French welcome post mentioning that some of us can help in French should there be a need.
What I mean is, just like under Heads up! Rattie 911, Ratties in Need, and other top-level indexes, we have one at the top (perhaps under Heads up!) for francophones where they can post whatever topic or question they need -- e.g. "Les Rattoux! Pour les Canadiens!" or a title with a bit of a sense of humour. Now that we have Google Translate to assist those of us who are not fluent but are interested (and not all of us need be, just a big enough pool to participate), it's not such a bad job. And also, people from France and Belgium - and there are a lot of them, Mooshika got a lot of traffic from there - may be able to participate.

J'ai réussit à un cours de français intermédiaire-avancé, et je SAIS que je suis bien capable de participer sur un forum francophone!
I can read French but cannot type it. It has to be the most confusing language I've ever seen! I would love to see a spot for our French speaking members, and would help out where I can, with the help of Google LOL
Yeah, I didn't suggest translating everything over - that would be INSANE. Maybe just having a French language shadow forum and if there was a way for members to opt in or out of receiving the French or English language in their Active Topics feeds to cut down on clutter. That on it's own would be a ton of work on it's own to set up and administer though.
What I could do is create one section for the French. Have one forum for all their questions without breaking it down into sub sections. I don't think it would be too difficult to maintain.
And would it help to translate the titles of the major English indexes, too? (e.g., Bienvenue, Urgences, Santé, ...) The French titles could be on the same line as the English, then someone francophone would know where to concentrate their efforts.
Well, we wouldn't want them to post and then not get an answer… if they post in the Franco forum, someone will for sure.

Who do we have here who can respond in french? Me, Jo, KS Canuck, and I know there are others, anyone?

Speaking of which, went to the library today and I nearly asked the librarian a question in Danish. It took me a moment to formulate it in French!
I think it would be best to have our francophones stick to just the french forum unless they understand some English.
We have a few French members here... Me Nic, mamarat, mo0nkist, Victoria, jack sparrow, kscanuck, unepuce too I believe.
As posted above, me as well. I am not from a French speaking family but my school from Grade primary to 12 was French. I would help where I could, or je pouvais donner mon expertise une petite peu?
Ok I totally messed that up.
I thought there was a good active French language rat forum in Quebec?
Did it close?
If some people want to take this on then I guess it is up to you ... but it seems like a lot.
If it becomes large I would think a seperate French language forum would be better.
Then if people asked questions, members would/could answer them.
Unepuce is francophone... I however am still learning. I can communicate a lot better in writing, as long as posters don't use too much slang. I will try my best to reply where I can, it will have the added benefit of allowing me to practice. I think Lindsayfawn, dubchick, and maybe some other Ottawa/Montreal members speak some French as well.
I took LFI from Grade 7 onwards but I would not claim to be a strong French-speaker. I started learning a couple other languages after high school, so I kind of lost some of my French that way. However, reading and writing were always my strongest areas in French and I am still confident in those skills (which I assume would be fine, since there aren't many instances where oral communication will come into play on a forum lol!)
PitLuvs said:
As posted above, me as well. I am not from a French speaking family but my school from Grade primary to 12 was French. I would help where I could, or je pouvais donner mon expertise une petite peu?
Ok I totally messed that up.

"je peux" parce que c'est le present, aucun passé dans le sujet dont tu parle (l'imparfait).

un petit peu - un peu is masculine

But good enough! Break out your old dictionary and verb conjugation book and put them right beside your computer - yes everyone, I've discovered it's necessary ;-) (There should be a little smiley wearing a mortarboard but :cop: will do too)

This used to intimidate me, I hated writing in french for so long, though of course it was necessary. All I needed was to take a course to give me some discipline and confidence…