Tumor or abscess

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Senior Member
Feb 22, 2011
Waterloo, Ontario
Last night we noticed a lump on Sativa. It does have a head. We took Sativa to the vet (Dr. Gerald Gyorffy) less than a week ago and he didn't see anything. Can a tumor grow that quickly? Here's some pictures. Not sure if they helps.

This shows the size of it.

This is kind of blurry but it does show that it has a head.
Yes, they can grow that fast and big. Abscesses, tumors, cyst all just seem to pop up. Try putting warm compresses on it since you say it has a head and hopefully you will be able to get it to open.
If you can get her to sit in a shallow bowl (about 1 to 2 inches deep) of warm water with a bit of dissolved sea salt in it to make a mild saline solution, see if she'll stay in this (perhaps with some petting and loving as distraction) for a minute or two, enough to disinfect and soften the area...then see if the spot on the lump oozes anything out. If it does, dry the area with a clean paper towel and put some antibiotic ointment on it. Yes, these kinds of lumps can come up quickly, especially abcesses and cysts. Keep it clean and keep an eye on it; if it doesn't start to resolve within a few days, have a vet take a peek at it and go from there. Hope your little one heals soon.