Tumor on 26 mo. old rat (Photo Update 04/12)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Guelph, ON
Hey guys, I posted part of this in Chatter Box but thought I should put it here. Brie has a large tumor underneath her armpit which has been growing steadily. Though my father is prepared to operate, he said to brace myself for the fact she may not survive the surgery given her age and well, it happens sometimes.

She seems extremely happy. She boggles a lot, and seems really interested in being with me when out of the cage. She has slowed down a little and doesn't explore very much, she tends to stay in her cage and hangs out in the hammock unless I put her on the bed with me. Her eating is just fine, she fights for food as she always has. The other two like to play fight so she's being left in peace but they often sleep in a rat pile so no relationship problems.

I don't know. What would you do?

Edit: Age is an estimate, I'm her third owner, and she's from Kristin's litter...I believe my two may be the only ones still living from that litter.
Has your dad done surgery on rats before? They are rather sensitive to anesthesia compared to other animals.

What do you feel is the right thing to do for her in the bottom of your heart?
Do you think she will live for many months more? If she's healthy then you could consider the surgery. If you think there's less time and she seems happy then maybe not.

We don't know your girlie like you do. ((hugs))
lilspaz68 said:
Has your dad done surgery on rats before? They are rather sensitive to anesthesia compared to other animals.

What do you feel is the right thing to do for her in the bottom of your heart?
Do you think she will live for many months more? If she's healthy then you could consider the surgery. If you think there's less time and she seems happy then maybe not.

We don't know your girlie like you do. ((hugs))

Better, he's removed tumors from my pet mice. :lol:

I wish I had a glimmer of an answer :/ I want her to be happy for as long as possible and right now it doesn't seem to be affecting her. I'm just not sure what I'd think of myself if I sent her in for surgery and she died during, or right after.

*hugs back*
lilspaz68 said:
Okay so good vet is a check :)

How big is the tumour and how fast is it growing? Is it impeding her life right now? Is she starting to lose weight?

:D Yeah, he makes little Elizabethan collars out of x-ray material, lol.

I first noticed the mass say 2nd week in December but my dad was out of the country and he didn't trust the other vet in the clinic to handle a rat surgery. Things like exams and my own hospital stays have gotten in the way which makes me feel horrible but that's what happened. About a month (ish) later it's approximately an inch in diameter though it's hard to tell under fold of skin.

It doesn't seem to be impeding - she can move around normally and has started boggling (this is huge for me, haha!) and generally seems very happy. She's slower, but not so slow that I'm deeply concerned. No weight loss that I can see!

The two people on Goosemoose seemed to hint towards surgery. *sigh* She does seem quite healthy otherwise...
That seems like a good comparison. :)

Whew, I thought that was big, lol. Oddly enough I've never seen a tumor on a rat before, though I know they're common.

Actually Cody had a number of tiny ones but they were cancerous. :( This is larger than hers but yes, I think a grape is good, lol.
I agree, it's better done when small. If your dad has done small animals before then I'd say go for it, especially since she's in good health.
jorats said:
I agree, it's better done when small. If your dad has done small animals before then I'd say go for it, especially since she's in good health.

Time to suck up to the boyfriend for yet another rat delivery to Toronto. :lol: He took Elphie when her jaw dislocated. He's a good boy. ;)
Hope your little rattie will be ok, I'll send some good vibes that way. Need some sent my way too :(
When I was reading your thread I might have got paranoid and felt my little ratties to see if they might have any bumps that shouldn't be there.
I noticed that Raina has this little lump type of a thing down by her right leg. I've never noticed this before until now:shock: It's Kind of in between the leg and her body. It's about a size of a grape. I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and get her checked out. She seems to be acting normal though and hasn't lost any weight at all.
I didn't find anything on the other girls which is good.
If it does turn out to be a tumor, how do they get them ? Is there anything we can do to prevent them from getting them? I knew that females are more prone to get them but I never had found any info on how or why.
my camera isn't the greatest but you can kinda see the lump here
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j4/bell_janeway/rainatumerjan192008.jpg [img]
Hopefully it won't be anything to serious.

try that again, sorry.
Yep looks like a mammary tumor. There is mammary tissue all over female rats and even some males will get them as well. Typical places for these to pop up are armpits, on the sides, by the hind legs (yours) and inguinal tumours (near the groin).

The hormones are what causes these things to grow, and that is why we recommend spaying if you are able. Its no guarantee but it can increase their chances against having them or if they do get one it can start much later in life (never truly affect their natural lifespac) and may grow slowly. Cancerous tumours are a different matter altogether though, but aren't as common.
Thanks for the info! I hope little Raina recovers as well, the tumor looks to be about the same size...Brie's might be a touch larger though not by much. When it started I thought it might be a swollen lymph node but...then it grew. :(
I'm sure your Brie will do just fine, she sounds like a healthy girl. I hope all goes well and she doesn't get any more. Check her over real good to be sure that's the only one.

Lyndsayfawn, it's an awful shock to find a lump, isn't it? I'm sorry. I hope your Raina has a long life yet whatever you decide to do.