Treating URI without batryil/doxy

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2011
Hi guys,

My PT rat Matilda is having clicky, congested, wheezy breathing again. We have already treated her for respiratory infections three times in her life, all three times with baytril and doxy. The first time, she wasn't on prednisolone yet, so it wasn't the immune system suppression that didn't make it work...

Her PT has gotten worse, so I would like to continue giving her an increased dosage of prednisolone. I know that that will harm her immune system, and I will need to put her on an antibiotic constantly to keep secondary infections at bay.

Should I attempt treating this with baytril/doxy AGAIN? What about other drugs? She is on bromo and pred currently.
Jorats the vet insisted that we try baytril and doxy again. :(
I've got that and little drops from the pharmacy for congestion. I'm going to give it a try and go back if it isn't improved.
I'm fine with giving it another go. I told her if there is no improvement, I would like something else or a drug to nebulize, and she said OK. It was a different vet than usual, my regular vet isn't in until thursday. :(