Toe/ Nail Injury Help Please

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2008
Woodstock, ON
Lilly hurt her toes late last night. I'm not sure how, but it looks like two of her nails are almost off. I cleaned her up last night, only to find more blood when I got home from work just now. I tried quik clot on them, but it seems like eveytime time those nails bump something (walking even) they start bleeding again. I'm concerned with her losing too much blood. Should I try cutting those nails a bit shorter until they either fall off or heal? Is there anything else I can do for her? She seems fine, but I'm worried.
Seamus has a habit of doing that, losing his claws - I was expecting blood everywhere but he seemed to have taken care of it and the nails have grown back like nothing happened. Hope the same goes for poor Lilly.
Jasper did that once, I used a bit of corn starch to clot it. He removed the nail himself and it healed perfect. Nail grew back exactly the same.
Foot and tail injuries tend to bleed A LOT!