The story of Jezebel (w/ cute baby pics!)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2007
Oakdale, MN
Jezebel is the sweetest, most outgoing and hilarious rat I've ever met so I thought I'd share her story. :)

My mom and I went to a little rat get together on April 1st, it was with lots of rat lovers from around here at a pet store. The pet store had let us play with their ratties while we all socialized.

After handling some or the rats, who were all understandably skiddish, I picked up one from the boys cage. Ths little one had a small eye and the cutest dumbo ears! He melted in our hands and sat with us for an hour sleeping, bruxxing and cleaning us. My mom melted and we decided to take him home.

While browsing the store I randomly looked at his belly and what did I notice? A vaginal opening (don't know the technical word for it). :shock: Oh dear. I asked a few of the others there and they agreed it was obviously a female. I couldn't just leave her there, we had already fell in love with her, so we still took her home.

Jezebel got a bit aggressive after getting home and her belly began to get huge. Ten days later she gave birth to eight little babies! All healthy! I was so excited!

After giving birth she began to become more loveable and was always begging to come out and play. Meanwhile, the babies got big very fast and before I knew it their eyes were open and they were exploring and trying hard foods:


My boy, Womble

He didn't want to let that noodle go!



Poor tired Jezebel... Is it wrong that I think this is the cutest thing ever???

Then they soon graduated to the big cage and I added Leela to the mix, who loved Jezebel and the crazy babies!

I ended up keeping four of the babies, two boys, Womble and Reggie, and two girls, Java and Ancy. I'm very happy that I went to that rat meeting and submitted to GGMR, otherwise, I would have never got to go through this amazing experience. :)
:D :D How much cuteness can one stand?? I am so glad to went to the pet store, the Mommy is just so pretty love the color perfect markings, & the babies Oh my I want, I love the group shots, such Dolls! Lucky you & lucky them!