The day has finally come!

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Ehhhh, Sam and Dean love it. They are acting as if this is the new dorm room and the party is just beginning. Loki and Ash are giddy school girls.
Londo, Lenir and G'Kar are wondering WTH I did with their cage :(

Uploading pics, will update. I hate how I have nothing that matches and not enough hammocks to fit. I'll have to go through the FN/CN pics and get some ideas.
Its nothing pretty, I blame it on the fact I hate my camera and it makes my place look messy :) Ignore the pile of clothes, I WAS doing laundry when the cage took over our afternoon/evening!


Kaleb is very proud, he helped build the cage :)


All done


Lenir/Londo/G'Kar/Loki and Ash - Need some ideas for this cage!


Everyone checking out the cage


Dean likes


Sammy likes too!


Sam and Deans, a little bare but they only use the house on the bottom level and the black hammock anyways lol


Annnnnd and extra of Ash... the babies are almost the size of the big boys already, barely 4 months old.
Bobby and Chuck got an upgrade too. We noticed today that Chuck's HED is getting pretty bad, so this is a major bonus for him as now he has more floor space since he can't handle the levels anymore. The boys used to share a Rat Resort. Water and food are on the bottom level now :heart:
