Sweet pdz for bedding

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Oct 9, 2019
Question. Is sweet PDZ a good idea for bedding for rats. It is specifically designed to get rid of ammonia and odors. Supposed to be non toxic and organic, and it's sounds amazing. People sing it's praises for preventing respiratory issues in rabbits and horses. It doesn't seem to be dusty. And it's odor free it is supposed to neutralize ammonia not cover it
What do you guys think?
I was wondering the same thing. I read about this about a month ago...
Hahaha, that's so funny.
Unfortunately the only sources online that reference this product with rats is the feeder community, and I don't trust them to care about long term health...
The company essentially says safe for anything, but again, they are in it for profit. Then, vets aren't the most versed on rats. And this is an unusual product...
I'm wondering if I should just try it, and keep a REALLY close eye on them???
But I don't like experimenting with that.
But I live in a trailer with 14 of them so getting rid of smell and ammonia is SO important.
Okay, so I bought a bag to use with my rabbits.
Immediately, I noticed dust on pouring it. Like cat litter dust.
That's a big bad for the rats I think.
Something weird is this product is made with zeolite, which in "fibrous state" causes cancer, but then there is a study of zeolite actually destroying cancer cells and detoxifying the body...
I would assume this product has been made on an inert non-dangerois form. And if it actually can remove cancer cells...!
That would be interesting to see if somehow I could remove the dust, and then use this product with my rats to avoid/treat cancer and help overall health.
Gosh I wish there was a clear cut answer!
I'm not sure about using it for rats but it's great for keeping the smell down in my chicken coop.! I've also noticed it's quite dusty and I'd be worried about the scent but I just go a bit extra with some things...
I'm not sure about using it for rats but it's great for keeping the smell down in my chicken coop.! I've also noticed it's quite dusty and I'd be worried about the scent but I just go a bit extra with some things...
So my vet called and said it's safe. But I agree with the dust.
Does the stuff you use have a scent,? Mine is scent free, but yes a little dusty...
I'm wondering if there is a way to cut back on dust.
I'm thinking of using it under other bedding to weigh it down.
Maybe I could make pockets in the fleece to stuff it in there to help with odor of fleece... Hmmm
Hmm not sure how to help. And yes mine has a scent but it IS for my chickens so it's kinda needed.!
Hmmmm with the dust, it's a hard no for me. I'd be interested in knowing if it is actually safe, and how well it works....
Hmmmm with the dust, it's a hard no for me. I'd be interested in knowing if it is actually safe, and how well it works....
I agree. I haven't put it in their cages yet. But I put it in the rabbit cage and there seems to be no dust now that it's settled it's holding down the smell well enough in there now though.
I've also wondered about activated charcoal...
Also I hear there is a fish product made of zeolite (main ingredient of sweet pdz) which is like a stone, which would be interesting if you could use it as a pee rock...