Sudden Behavior Change

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2012
So yesterday afternoon, my biggest boy, Gyro, was normal as usual. His daily routine was to be at the front of the cage door waiting to be left out eagerly, he'd run around my room with Gizmo and Nes, crawl up my legs, come to my desk and explore every morning, have a few sips of coffee lol. He'd do this in the evening too.

Well last night when I let him out, there was a change in his behavior, very drastic. He didn't come to the cage when I let everyone out. He was very skittish of me, and when I picked him up to make sure he wasn't having any breathing issues, he scratched me really really hard, dessperatly trying to get away. When I was on the floor playing with everyone, he would inch toward me, and when i moved to stroke him he'd run away immediatly, very unsual since he's gotten used to me for over 2 months now. I come near him during play time, he runs and hides, where as he used to come right up to me, never minding if i came to him and picked him up :( now its all suddenly changed. The only thing that didn't change is his love for his morning and evening treats.

I don't recall doing anything to scare him off, or say or do something he didn't like. It's just a sudden change in behavior I don't understand what to make of :( any ideas guys?
How old is your boy? Some rats get scared around 4 to 6 months and they become skittish. They eventually return to normal though. He'll need lots of patience. His hormones could also be kicking in. (not sure how old Gyro is).
Oh I'm sorry, he's 5months old, he'll be 6months on May 25th. I do know there's been one recent change around him lately, and that was intoducing my other boy Nes to the bigger part of the 'play area'. Nes is now 4months old, he'll be 5months in May 24th. Nes has grown quite alot to the point he's now slightly bigger then my Alpha Gizmo, and he's been pushing his ranking from omega to possibly beta?

Gyro is my beta boy, or second in command to Gizmo. But lately he and Nes have been having some boxing matches lately, nothing servere, a bit of squeaking, but no lunging or biting or blood. But as of last night and this morning Gyro has been skittish... :(
One of my rats did this, though not as drastically, around the same age and situation. He was about 5 months old and I had just introduced another rat into the group. He wasn't fighting with Fred, but Fred was clearly becoming more dominant than the rat in question (Albus). Albus had been really friendly with me and excited, but turned pretty skittish for a while, hiding during out time and avoiding my hands. Weird! I remember he took a while to get over it to, a couple of kind of hurt my feelings!

But it really wasn't as drastic as your he showing any signs of pain or lethargy?
None at all, that's the weird part, nor does he have an motional issues or trouble getting around. Though this morning he did climb up on me and drank from my cup a little like he used to, but as soon as i tried to pet him or handle him, he darted away and retreated down the floor and stayed on the far side of my room where i couldn't get him. The only time he approached me without fear, was when I shook their treat back.

Ok my treat bag is basically when I pull out the bag of treats, I shake it, and they all come running and climb up their cage and wait to be let in so they can have their treat. He did this like normal, very enthustiastic about it like he usually is, however when I helped him get in the cage he got really tensed up. I did inspect his body before hand, and I could find nothing wrong, no odd smells, teeth are fine, ears are clean, no heavy labored breathing, its all really odd. One moment a couple days ago he was fine with me handling him and petting him, climbing up on me all the time, the next he avoids my contact and doesn't climb around on me... I dont get it :(
He's right at the age to go through a fear phase. I'd continue to do as you do, keep a good routine and extra socializing will help as well.