Stuff on my rat *graphic*

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Loving rats since 2002.
Jul 20, 2007
Northeastern Ontario
Abscesses come in all shapes and sizes and contains all different kinds of pus. If anyone has any other pics of good stuff on your rat, please do share.
Lilspaz took these pictures of her lovely green pus stuff to share.


Oh my gosh. That looks like pistachio toothpaste or something! I bet the smell was dreadful!!
The vet said that this was a urinary tract infection, with burning/scalding to the vagina due to the infected urine.... I'm not sure if that's accurate, but the course of antibiotics and pain killers cleared up any issues that were going on, thankfully.

GrayLightNewDay said:
The vet said that this was a urinary tract infection, with burning/scalding to the vagina due to the infected urine.... I'm not sure if that's accurate, but the course of antibiotics and pain killers cleared up any issues that were going on, thankfully.

That looks like a prolapsed uterus to me! (But I'm not a vet...)
jorats said:
I agree with Joanne, looks more like a prolapsed uterus.
(I'm no vet too)

I know! You guys said that when it happened and I posted pictures, so I brought her to the vet ASAP and it had nothing to do with her vagina. It was just real sore around it and she kept leaking pee constantly.
GrayLightNewDay said:
jorats said:
I agree with Joanne, looks more like a prolapsed uterus.
(I'm no vet too)

I know! You guys said that when it happened and I posted pictures, so I brought her to the vet ASAP and it had nothing to do with her vagina. It was just real sore around it and she kept leaking pee constantly.

I remember that now!
GrayLightNewDay said:
jorats said:
I agree with Joanne, looks more like a prolapsed uterus.
(I'm no vet too)

I know! You guys said that when it happened and I posted pictures, so I brought her to the vet ASAP and it had nothing to do with her vagina. It was just real sore around it and she kept leaking pee constantly.

Oh, the poor thing! glad she got all better.

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patchesboo said:
GrayLightNewDay said:
jorats said:
I agree with Joanne, looks more like a prolapsed uterus.
(I'm no vet too)

I know! You guys said that when it happened and I posted pictures, so I brought her to the vet ASAP and it had nothing to do with her vagina. It was just real sore around it and she kept leaking pee constantly.

Oh, the poor thing! glad she got all better.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

I was pretty excited that it wasn't something more serious that needed surgery, and the meds really cleared it up after just a few days.

Lets keep this thread going, though! It's important for us to be aware of the different things that can happen to our rats and this thread is perfect for sharing the nasty bits.
Ok, so something cool - as you may know, I have six Nakies, who are notorious for having cysts. Dixie has had a lump on her right shoulder for a while now. I did partially squeeze it out a while ago - it was a sebaceous cyst as far as I could tell. Tonight I decided to pop it clean as it was looking a little worse. What came out was one solid mass of sebum/wax/whatever. Not stinky, not an infection.

Ok, so something cool - as you may know, I have six Nakies, who are notorious for having cysts. Dixie has had a lump on her right shoulder for a while now. I did partially squeeze it out a while ago - it was a sebaceous cyst as far as I could tell. Tonight I decided to pop it clean as it was looking a little worse. What came out was one solid mass of sebum/wax/whatever. Not stinky, not an infection.

Is that odd or normal? Does it usually come out as one solid ball? Bet she feels better. So far all my nakies have given me is a crooked head (unknown origin), hernia, URI, and now an eye injury (in 5 months)... I'd gladly take a weird ball of whatever!
I'm curious to know what a prolapsed uterus is...I'm wondering if that's partly what's going on with Butchie being a Tailess and meds haven't been working well at all to clear it up.
Possible cyst/abscess found on Bumbles

Stuff that came out after warm compress and gentle squeezing. Thick and cream colored

This is what it looked like afterwards.

No more problems or regrowth occurred.
Kona's unknown lump that continued to grow. He previously had one removed from this area during a surgery for another issue. This is the only lump he had that protruded like this. It grew large enough that the skin opened one day.

This is what came out. It could not be removed since it was attached to him and had to be surgically removed along with his other lumps. He still continues to have fatty tumor "lumps" grow.
OK I got one but it's doubtful I can get a photo by myself, Dre is far too squirmy
He's had a bump on his side for awhile now, then it seemed to grow a second,smaller bump that seems to be attached to it

I've tried warm compresses but nothing happened. The double lump feels quite solid.

well tonight was I was putting him back in the cage I noticed a dark spot and sure enough there was a kind of scab on the lump that was lifted off on one side.
I gently pulled that off (it came off pretty easily) but what is inside the lump is all sorts of odd things-
there's some chunky whitish stuff that crumbled and could be picked out wiht my fingernail, but there's also some stuff that looks like hair and some other stuff that looks like a wart
Frankly it's kinda gross BUT there is NO odor of infection whatsoever!

should I give him ABs just in case, since it is an open "wound"?
I tried flushing it with warm water but besides the white crumbly stuff, nothing else came out.
There's a tiny bit of blood but only a really small amount, much less than you'd expect from something as big as this thing seems to have gotten.
The cavity seems pretty deep but is still just under the skin, if you know what I mean? it def does not go into muscle.

It looks very much like the cavities that are left after an abscess has come to a head but there is, as I said, nothing that smells bad like an infection (once you've smelled that, you NEVER forget how bad it smells!)

what do you think I should do? is he going to need the vet to remove this thing?

I cant' tell if it hurts him at all because he is such a nervous boy he will jump for any reason and squeak if he's afraid.


I found a photo that looks very similar to what Dre has on his back:


It appears that what I thought was a scab was just some dirt?

I am guessing he's going to need this surgically removed?
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