Strange Behaivor from Mamma B after intro

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
Baltimore, MD, USA
I've had Mamma B and her baby, Nikki since September of '08. Proudly adopting them from Small Angels Rescue :) They've had a couple of cage mates in the past year that sadly have passed on, and now they are the only two girls in my Martin's 695. However, this past June, I adopted another rat, "Angel". She is the sweetest rattie ever and is a kisser! Never had one like her before..she's a lot of fun. I've been introducing her to Mamma B and Nikki since about August, but never felt quite comfortable about putting them all together with the previous cage mates because they had been ill and very easily stressed out. Now since they have passed on, I've been letting the 3 rats play in the large Martin's playpen with toys and treats to keep them occupied. Angel immediately puffs her little self up and charges after both Mamma B & Nikki. I knew there would be squabbles, and there were, so consider that, I do think they need more intros before I place Angel with the girls. So any suggestions on making this easier, are welcome. Now comes the real question...after the girls spent about 30 minutes in the playpen, I decided to put Mamma B & Nikki back into their cage. Mamma B was busy cleaning herself up and I was watching her and talking to her really close to the cage as I always do. All of a sudden, she just starred and was looking downward, to the ramp below and sniffing the air as if there was something strange in her cage. It really concerned me so I held her and she sat very still on my shoulder, but still face outwards and sniffing again. I thought it was some really weird behaivor. Anyone have any ideas what this could be? I've never experienced anything like it before.

OMG...I think I've got the answer and I am sending this post just the way it is...because it is truly gonna flip you out. ...Mamma B is leaning her head downward again and I followed her eyes to guess what? Angel on the floor in the playpen...she is poking her head through the farm house window and she's starring upwards to Mamma B!!!! :laugh4: It's like they are in a trance or something!!! How weird!


If the girls are getting their out time together for quite some time, then I'd say it's time to scrub down the cage and move them all in.
Angel will continue to puff up each time she "visits" them in the playpen because over and over she has to establish that there's no pushing her around in case they were thinking of doing so. But once they live together, she won't have to do that.

Rats definitely talk to each other and send signals, those two were definitely talking. Angel might have been saying, wait a minute, why am I still in here alone? :lol:
That makes a lot of sense about the girls talking to each other. I almost had that feeling when I looked down inside the play pen and saw Angel looking upwards out of that barn window making direct eye contact with Mamma B while she was inside her cage. They were about 3 feet from each other. Tonight I'm just gonna bite the bullet and do it. One thing though, Nikki is blind. Should I be concerned about moving their plastic tube that has been in the same place for months? I know it's recommended to move things around a bit so they think it's a different place, but I didn't want to do too much because of Nikki. I have purchased a new litter pan and some food bowls and bottles so they won't have anyone' particular scent on them. I will also have new hammies for them.

Yeah, after a while, the plastic litter pans get chewed on the edges and they are inexpensive anyway. I usually get the litter pans for the rabbits so it's nice and big. Well, the intro didn't happen tonight..had to work late so tomorrow we are giving it a try. I will post my results.

Julie :happydance:
Well...good news! All of the girls are doing pretty darn well after they were all dabbed with a little vanilla extract and had a chance to play in the pen again together...and then walla.....the all went home the big Martins cage...a few upsets here and there, mostly with Mamma B & Angel...but nothing drastic. I'll be a happy camper when I come into the rat room tomorrow and see them all snuggled together! Yippee...I'm so glad Angel doesn't have to be alone anymore. :)